#I forgot that the calendar didn’t come with base game
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mondscheinprinzessin · 2 months ago
ThankYouBlindChannel Advent Calender Day 18
Hello my friends, another december day, another contribution to @another-sun advent calendar. I have prepared a little something for you😊
It's based on this answer of an old ask game where Gemma and I played around with a possible future of Blind Channel's break-up and an inevitable encounter of them all (this was before they announced their break okay, I'm sorry, but I found it oddly fitting now😭). You can read the linked post first if you want, this fic might make more sense if you do, but you don't have to.
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Santeri’s End Of The Year party (he’s insistent it’s not a Christmas party) was perfectly nestled between the bleak winter days leading up to New Years Eve and the hectic Christmas holidays. It was a welcomed break after the chaotic family dinners and quarrels, and a foreshadowing of the coming alcohol-hazed parties accompanying people into the new year.
The event was a great mix between professional and casual since there were both friends and family, and managers of the Finnish music scene present. Nobody had to impress anybody, it wasn’t the place to make connections, rather to look back on what has been achieved that year, while your partners told embarrassing stories to your possible future boss.
Santeri had long been promoted from being a simple tour manager to a high-tier production manager, but the people in his social circles haven’t changed much. He might have grown a little bit more cynical and his hairs have gotten greyer but he still wasn’t one to cling to influential people just for a better job outcome, and so the same old friends have been invited, his long-time ones of Blind Channel being no exception.
They haven’t missed a single party ever since he had started this tradition several years ago. This year they just weren’t coming as one unit but rather as people on their own. Albeit Santeri didn’t know if all of them would even come. Not after what had happened.
Joel was late, he knew that, but he didn’t care. In his books, being fashionable late was a rockstar thing (that was his excuse anyways) and lately the only way he was coming even close to that status. His appearance taken out of the quotation, but his music life wasn’t exactly the glamorous one people had seen for him.
Well, he couldn’t please everybody, and he had always sucked helping himself, so why should he care about anything. He was just that random dude with big dreams that got crushed hard and was now forgetting about the sunglasses in his greasy hair that needed a new bleach, and was frantically going around his flat in search of his favourite pair of rings.
Instead he dug into a pile of necklaces and what his hand grabbed almost made him choke on his next breath.
An almost forgotten keepsake that everyone of them had gotten from Olli and one that Joel didn’t dare keep in the vicinity of where he could see it or else pain was coming back to him so overpowering that he rather shoved that present way back into a drawer. Where it was found months after that tragic life-turning day.
He was ready to bury it again for another year.
“But…”, his brain already started running around while his thumb was stroking the cold metallic material, “…this party was the only occasion where wearing this necklace would make sense, nobody should forget about them and what they’ve achieved.”
Exactly. He should wear it proudly with his head held high. Who else could say they’ve done what they’ve done. Before their crash, before they’ve burned themselves to the ground. But nonetheless. He didn’t want anyone’s pity, or fake sadness. They’ve been one of Finland’s biggest export bands, why should Joel try to push away the evidence of that.
Without questioning himself further he put the necklace around him carefully and forgot about the rings. He was late and his driver was already downstairs, probably on their fourth song drumming on the steering wheel. He was ready.
“Honey, I will not wait around in this beautiful dress. If you don’t hurry up I will leave your ass here and give Santeri his present on my own.”
Minna’s words were reaching his ears, but Niko was rooted in front of the mirror where he was deciding on a last-minute change of his shirt.
At least that has been his mission, but sliding out from his old one, black ink had captured his attention in the glass. A tattoo of roses and a specific shape enclosing them, like it was holding the represented people close to him. Like he had once held them in his arms. Like he had spent hours, days, weeks with them in close proximity, sharing everything and nothing.
Exactly like the tattoo he couldn’t have ever imagined getting rid of them. This was supposed to be permanent, a choice he has made a long while back intended to stick.
Spending hours on a chair in pain, like he had spent blood, sweat, and tears. So much in all of the band’s history. And in the end he could only wonder if it was all for nothing, if all that was left was a portray of another time that brought memories he only ever thought of fondly.
Well, the times have changed.
A pair of arms hugged him from behind and a warm body clung to his back. A kiss was pressed to his neck, and his head turned away from the mirror. A hand brushed over his side with the tattoo and no words were spoken while Minna slid a shirt from its hanger and handed it over to Niko.
He was aware that she could read him perfectly and knew what was going through his mind, not everything in his life had changed, and he was glad that he didn’t need to explain himself. The matter was too complex even for him to put into words. Not that he didn’t try, but the perfect expression hadn’t come yet. Maybe he will keep trying, a good challenge had always kept him going.
Careful hands had buttoned up his shirt, and with another kiss Niko felt ready.
Another hit, another bang, another loud sound reverberating through the studio.
His hair had gotten longer again, although he had kept it blonde, and it was swinging in front of his face, sticking to his forehead and nose, going into his eyes and up again. But Aleksi didn’t mind at all, concentrated on hitting the drums in the right rhythm which was the essence of this practice session.
He had already been ready to call it a go, but nervous energy had made him stop and go downstairs into his home studio. A little drum session was what he needed to calm down and which hadn’t let him down once. If there was nothing else, there was his drums, and guitars, and his music to calm down the world around him and the storm in his mind.
He knew why he was feeling so antsy, didn’t need to explain to any of his friends and Robin why he had been in his head the last couple days leading up to the party. The big reason why had been plastered over all news channels in Finland, no newspaper could go without the story. The story of his misery, but a story of money for them.
But if there was one person who he could trust with it the most it was Robin (who he had connected again not long after the break-up, ready to come out of his slump and do something productive, not ready to call it quits in the music industry completely).
He was the guy who cheered him on the most awfulness days. Who was even picking him up today to make sure “he wouldn’t hide in his studio with his adorable dog and use work as an excuse”.
Aleksi hated that it had definitely been on his mind, and he hated that Robin had looked through him, but he also hated that this has been his first go-to strategy instead of braving the possible encounter with his old bandmates.
Honestly, he would love to see each and every single one of them, but he was afraid of the wave of feelings that would come with it. While he definitely made break-throughs with his production company, the same couldn’t be said on his personal matters. He wasn’t prepared in the slightest to face them and the attached memories.
But, the year was almost over and it was time to face old demons, and Aleksi definitely didn’t want to celebrate the new year knowing he was a coward who couldn’t bear seeing friends. He had to be ready.
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plumsbob · 4 years ago
anyone watching the live right now?!? I’m overly excited
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sorryjustafangirl · 2 years ago
make it to christmas
a/n: in the absolute middle of exams, winter, homesickness, and holiday stress, i was well overdue for some (resolved) angst me thinks. this is also based off one of my fav christmas (sad but upbeat) songs of the same name by canadian icon alessia cara. i really hope you enjoy!
word count: 2.7k+
pairing: quinn hughes x gn!reader
warnings: swearing, kinda rude parents, mentions of Christmas, sad quinn a little, i can't think of anything else?
disclaimer: this is a piece of fiction so don't come for me about real life stuff. also i didn't make the gif, @gabelandeskog did (and it looks amazing!)
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Quinn gets distant with you when the team is on losing streaks. When the team was on losing streaks in the winter? It would get worse. 
After three years with him, you’d noticed that this time of year makes your boyfriend get in his head a little. His frowns were a little deeper, the light rarely reached his eyes even around you. He always said it was the lack of snow Vancouver got that messed with his winter routine. When he told you that, you made him promise that he’d tell you when he was feeling particularly sad. 
He was good at keeping that promise. During the winter months when the sun set too early and the sky was grey for days on end, he’d be quiet for a day or so before confiding in you under the comfort of the covers. If things got bad, the two of you would watch reruns of Friends until he fell asleep to your heartbeat and the claps of the theme song. You’d always savoured the winter because there were so many of those moments you’d get to spend together.
But this year, it felt different.
The whispers in the dark never came and he never gave the pleading eyes to watch a show. He’d open his phone again and again, the blue light reflecting onto his face but a smile never came. You’d try to pry a little — he never did respond well to it — but you knew this wasn’t your Quinn, winter or not. 
The breaking point came when he stopped saying ‘I love you’. He never failed to say it or even send a text with it before one of his games, and he especially never forgot on road trips. But now? You couldn’t remember the last time you were able to slip into bed beside him, and say a ‘love you’ without the ache in your chest of knowing you won’t get anything more than silence in response. 
“Do you still want to come home with me for Christmas Eve?” you asked one night, when you saw the date in your calendar. 
“If you want me to, yeah sure,” he mumbled, barely looking up from his phone. You couldn’t even fake a smile at his response, just settled into bed. He may have been beside you but he might as well be a thousand miles away. 
On Christmas Eve, the two of you had dressed silently. It wasn’t like a no words communication, it was no communication, a stark contrast to other occasions when music had been playing and Quinn had been asking your opinion on which tie matched your clothes the best. Now, you waited by the door, the car keys in your hand until he came out of your bedroom, took them, and silently moved out the door. You locked the door on your own, your boyfriend twenty steps ahead of you. You sighed. 
“Just make it to Christmas,” you whispered to yourself. 
The car ride was silent and you just couldn’t take it anymore. 
“I got Milo and Coolie some cute toys I thought they’d like. They’re wrapped under the tree for when you see Brock next,” you offered. He just grunted in response and you sighed a little. 
“Did Petey say what he was doing for the holiday break?” You asked, turning slightly to see his face better but the frown never left his face.
“Oh, Holly sent us their family Christmas card, they all look so nice. Did you see them?”
You took a pause. “Did you want to see?”
You pursed your lips, sighed a little, and sunk further into the seat, looking out the window so he didn’t see how his behaviour was affecting you. 
When he pulled into your parents driveway, you could see all the bright yellow lights and your family already sitting in the living room with smiles on their faces. Usually, a sight like this would make you excited to bolt out of the car and be in the warm familiar house. This time, it only filled you with dread, having to pretend your relationship was okay, and you sighed for the last time. 
“That’s the third time you’ve sighed like that,” He said, unbuckling his seatbelt. Oh so now he was attentive? Sure. “What’s up?”
“It’s nothing, let’s go.”
“It’s not nothing, what’s the matter?”
“Q, can we not do this right now? My family is waiting on us and I don’t want either of us to be grumpy. Let’s just try to make it to Christmas please,” you grumbled. He just grunted and got out of the car, his door slamming behind him. You took a deep breath before exiting the car yourself. At least he’d been bothered to wait for you before walking up to your parents’ house. 
But when your dad opened the door, it was like a switch was flipped. Your boyfriend smiled, shook your dad’s hand, and passed the gift (that you were a little confused on where it came from since you hadn’t bought it — and you did the holiday shopping for the both of you) to your mom. 
He sat on the couch with his arm draped around your shoulders. He brought you a drink in your favourite mug without asking. He held your hand and caressed the back of your hand when your dad brought up a work project that frustrated you. There would be times when you were talking to your sister and his arm would rest on your thigh and you’d forget about everything that happened before and just relish in his love. But as soon as it moved, the cold seeped in and you were reminded that this was not the regular anymore – this was a one-off and only a matter of time before it wasn’t there at all.  
“Y/n, honey, could you help me in the kitchen really quick?” You mum asked.
“Yeah, sure. Be right back, Q.” You started to get up from your place on the couch but Quinn leaned over, quickly giving you a peck on the cheek. 
“Hurry back babe.” He winked, throwing you a little off-guard. This was like the Quinn you knew, but where has he been the past four months? You walked into the kitchen, ready to help your mom but she was ready with questions.
“Is everything okay sweetheart?” Fuck fuck fuck. You tried to give her your best confused face instead of the panic in your mind that she saw right through your facade. 
“Yeah, why do you say that?” 
“You just look a little down,” she said, rubbing your arm lightly. “Even with that boy so nice to you, you just don’t look super happy. And it’s Christmas! Is everything going okay with him? He’s not too busy with work, is he?”
“No, Mom, he’s fine,” you lied. “We’re fine, thank you for checking.” 
“Well, if you say so sweetheart. There’s no shame in breaking it off with this hockey boy so you can have something where you’re happier.” 
You swallowed a lump in your throat. “I’m going to be right back.”
“Don’t go anywhere! I’m making hot chocolate with marshmallows before the board game,” she called after you, seemingly aware that she sent you into a tailspin. 
“I’ll just be a minute, you can get started without me.” You were already halfway down the hallway by the time you said it, your focus on nothing but getting out of the room. 
You walked out the back deck, taking in the night sky and silence. You took deep breaths. It just didn’t make sense. How could he just think that nothing is wrong in front of your family? Act so carefree so easily? You were struggling to even smile at his gestures, wondering what got into him to act like his old self and your mom noticed. She noticed and basically told you to break up with him, so nonchalantly, like she’d never taken your relationship seriously. 
“Hey. Here.” His voice interrupts your racing mind and you turn around to face him. In his hands is the hoodie he keeps in the car in case you get cold, outstretched to you. You suddenly are aware of the goosebumps all over your arms and how you could see your breath. You take it and pull it over your head as Quinn walks closer to be beside you. 
“What’s wrong?”
You scoff. “What's wrong?”
“Yeah, you never miss out on a hot chocolate, especially not with the marshmallows. What’s wrong?” He didn’t seem to have caught onto the slight edge in your voice, and you dropped the attitude. 
“If I’m honest, it’s us,” you huffed. 
“Us?” You could see the furrow in his eyebrows even if you weren’t looking at him. “We’re fine, aren’t we?”
“For the past two hours when we’ve been in front of my family, sure. But even my mom noticed I’m not really happy. In two hours, my mom saw what you couldn’t in months! Q, it’s been weeks since we’ve been really fine. Weeks. We are not fine! There’s all this distance between us, even when you’re sleeping right beside me! When was the last time we went out on a date? When’s the last time you even had time for a date? Time for me? We haven’t talked about anything other than hockey and my job for what feels like months!“
He goes to open his mouth but you cut him off. “And I know, I know, it’s winter, this is how you get. But it’s not. Quinn, I’ve been around enough to know what it’s like in the winter but this is something else. You give me one word answers, you’re shutting me out. I can’t even remember the last time you said you loved me. It’s fucking different and I’m so so close to saying fuck it and throwing the towel in!” 
“Then why didn't you? Why did you invite me here?”
“Because it’s Christmas! Because I’m an idiot! Because I’m not ready to give up on you! Because I keep thinking that this is just a bump in the road and one day, we’ll feel like us again, just like we did in there! Because if you didn’t come, my dad would give me such a look of pity at the empty chair beside me and my mom would tell my sister “I told you so” when she has evidence you’re too busy for me. And on Christmas? I…I didn’t think I’d be able to handle it. Break up with me on Boxing Day, but can we please just make it through Christmas?”
“Wait, break up? Who said anything about a break up?”
“Isn’t that what you’ve been wanting to do? Why else have you been so distant these past few months, so engrossed in your phone?” You said, crossing your arms across yourself and looking down at your feet. 
“I’ve been trying to propose.”
You stared at him blankly. “To me?”
“No, to Brock. Yes, of course to you.”
Your mouth hung open in shock. “You’re joking.”
“I wouldn’t joke about this.”
“I’m not following,” you said, genuinely confused. Where was this coming from?
“This isn’t how I wanted to tell you all this, but you remember that night out on the lake in July? When we went out and watched the sunset and you told me you could do this for the rest of your life?” You nodded.
“That’s when I knew I wanted to marry you. So I started looking at rings, asking some of the married guys for advice, that sort of stuff. But when I went to my mom to ask for her help picking out a ring, she…she just seemed surprised that I didn’t know what you wanted. I went through your jewelry box and everything but I still couldn’t figure it out. So I started to think that maybe I didn’t know you as well as I needed to before we got married.” He looked down at his feet as he started shuffling them side to side. 
“And then when I asked your parents about marriage, your dad didn’t look very impressed with me. Like they said fine, but they didn’t seem over the moon that I was going to be the one asking. That’s why I acted so different in there. I…I didn’t want your parents to think they made a mistake by telling me yes. I guess that all of that just made me feel really insecure about me and this lifestyle that threatens to move us across the country in one second! I was insecure in our relationship, convincing myself that you and your family wanted no part in being part of the league, part of the drama, the chaos. Believe me, you’re the last person I ever want to hurt and I was just too much in my own head to see how it was hurting you, and baby, please, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I-“ he cut himself off. “I can’t believe I let myself get so caught that you don’t remember I love you. Because I do. I love you a lot. A whole fucking lot, I can’t even explain it. I want to marry you, please, I don’t want to break up.” He made eye contact with you then, his brown orbs void of anything but sorrow. 
You felt your own eyes welling up but you had to get it all off your chest before consoling him. “Why didn’t you just talk to me about this?”
He shrugged. “I didn’t want you to tell me our parents were right. I thought if I kept it to myself, you wouldn’t notice how I might not be enough for you.” 
The tears that had welled in your own eyes started to fall and there were no words coming to mind that could do your feelings justice. Instead, you wrapped your arms around his neck fiercely. His arms wrapped around your waist with as much ferocity and one of your hands held the back of his head. 
“Not enough for me? You are everything,” you whispered into his ear. 
“Don’t quote The Office to me.” His voice was muffled by your shoulder but you could hear the slight smile in it. 
“Q, I don’t care what my parents said. I don’t care that you don’t know what ring I would want – I don’t even know what kind of ring I’d want! I don’t care about any of that; I care about you. I love you. And you are enough. You are all that matters to me.” 
He pulled away from you, slowly, to see your face but his body stayed as close to you as possible. 
“I don’t know what I did to deserve someone as good as you.” Your face softened. One of your hands moved to cup his cheek and he leaned into your touch. 
“It doesn’t matter. You have me. But the next time you feel like this you have to talk to me, okay? I was absolutely miserable when you wouldn’t communicate with me and I thought you didn’t…”
“Believe me, I’m never again going to let you believe, even for a second, that I don’t love you with every fiber in my body. I’ll talk with you next time,” he promised, pressing a long kiss to your temple and pulling him towards you again. “Now, you’re freezing and look desperately in need of a hot chocolate, so let’s get you inside.” 
As the two of you walked back towards your parents place, hand in hand, you turned to look at him. 
“Oh, and by the way, my answer is yes,” you said.
“Answer to what?”
“When you ask me to marry you. My answer is yes and it will always be yes.” His face softened and he slowly turned you to face him. His fingers, although cold, cupped your face and he brought you in for a slow kiss, dragging it out for as long as he could. 
“I love you,” He said breathlessly, a sliver of light reaching his eyes again. “I love you so much.” 
You gave him another quick peck, before leaning into his chest for a hug. 
“I love you too, Q.”
taglist (join here): @heatherawoowoo @4ambagelbites @typical-simplelove @2manytabsopen @stars-canucks @lorrmorr @fallinallincurls @plds2000 @barzysandhughesbaby @yummygoldenfood @drei-mrssvechii @bananarantanen @pulpfixion
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writingmochi · 3 years ago
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chapter i. ce fut un mauvais hiver
cast: grunge kid!yeonjun ✗ art student/painter!fem.reader
synopsis: you’re an out-of-place art student living in your childhood hometown, pursuing your dream of becoming a painter. one day, you were given a mysterious responsibility as you try to not get your childhood best friend killed
genre: coming of age, college/university au, childhood best friend au, supernatural au, angst, fluff, mature content (sensitive topics and eventual smut)
based on: video game life is strange (2013)
word count: 6134
taglist? closed
warning(s): bullying, minor mention of drugs, sharp object, attempted murder (if i forgot some, let me know)
message from the moon: this story is fiction and will feature a slew of different idols, some recognizable, some aren’t. if you’ve played the game before, you know what you’ll get ;) btw thank you so much for the enthusiasm! hope you all like it :D also, do be careful and read the warnings at the top as this chapter and series as a whole will contain serious and sensitive stuff
p.s. i don’t speak french so i’m sorry if the grammar for the chapter title is wrong *thumbs up* (update: the right spelling, ty!)
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the air around you is frigid when you open your eyes.
you gripped your blanket closer to your body, trying to fight the cold. but as you tried, you felt colder instead. the sound of the strong wind outside didn’t help either.
you sit up and grab your phone from your bedside table, trying, at least, to get some information from the weather app. you were met with your reflection instead of the usual lit-up screen. you proceed to charge it but when you turn your socket switch on, the light didn’t light up, electricity has stopped running. the wind then suddenly knocks on your window, making you jump from your bed, yet your curiosity continues.
you stood up, noticing your legs jittering as they came in contact with the floor. you walk to the window where light still comes into your room. but, everything is white outside.
it's not supposed to be this white at this time of the year, not the right time at all as you recollect what date and month was it that you last saw before now. you then look at your calendar to match it.
but why is the month on the calendar different from what you remembered?
why is it cold and snowy in a non-winter month?
someone has to know about what is happening.
you quickly put on a hoodie and jacket, hoping two layers including your t-shirt and undergarments are enough to combat the cold weather and open your door to the hallway of your residence hall building. the usually bright hallway is now much darker than your room as you see your fog of breath beneath your nose. you noticed as you walk in the cold hallway that every room has its door open, yet you don't see anybody here.
you arrived at the entrance of your building after looking around to then find nobody. the snow flies around the foggy air at the other side of the abandoned open doors. you search for anything that could help you when you found a working flashlight on the entrance table. you turn it on, brace yourself, and stride forward outside.
the wind becomes more intense as you walk along the sidewalks, shining your light on the surroundings. your body trembles and starts to heat up as you try to find a sign of life. walking above the almost unseeable path through the buildings, you notice that all of them are like your hall, its entrance abandoned open, the windows dark, and you saw no one.
your campus ground is near the ocean, so you decided to go to the beach. maybe not the best spot to gather, but you were desperate to find somebody, anybody to explain to you what’s happening. you heard the raging waves as you slowly dragged your body to the beach, stumbling against a few rocks, feeling your muscles becoming stiff. as you arrive at the beach, you look around, flashing the lights on and off as a signal to anyone that might see you.
"hello?" your felt soreness from your dry throat.
flashes of black appear in your vision as you looked to the horizon to then find a beam of light from a tall tower, from the lighthouse. you immediately walk towards it but the stiffness of your muscles failed you and drowsiness overcomes you as you fall to your knees, hearing the crunching beneath, abandoning your flashlight on the frozen sand. you hugged yourself as you close your eyes, focusing on the sound of the ocean to help you cope with the end of your time.
you lift your head and breath as you felt that you ran out of breath.
what happened?
feeling lightheaded, you look around the room. class is still going. you heard your lecturer speaking but it's incoherent in your ears. you tried focusing on something in front of you when you saw one of your sketches at the edge of the table. as you slowly regain your composure, you try to get a grip on the paper. instead, you nudge your leg to the side of the table.
you eyed the paper as it landed in front of your lecturer. he picks it up and examines it, “ms. (l/n).” you look forward, the lecturer walks to your table. “be careful...” the paper now in your hand.
“thank you, mr. park,” you said embarrassed as you neatly put it back on the table.
“transitioning to another art style inspired by a glimpse of ms. (l/n)’s sketch.” the lecturer said as he returns to lean against the table again.
“realism and naturalism. those two words might sound similar and can be easily interchangeable. but i do believe that there is a difference between those two styles.”
you look around at your small class of 12 people. both sense of interest in the ongoing lecture and sense of wanting the class to end mixing to create an unusual normalcy that you always encounter in this kind of environment.
“can anyone tell me what is the difference?”
“i do,” someone immediately remarked, hand raised enthusiastically.
yoo karin, one of the institute’s proclaimed queen bees. well, she and her friends are the representatives of them from the fine arts department. her right hand raised while the other rest directly underneath her chests. 100% on purpose to push them up so her cleavage is shown better through the already-opened buttons of her top. 
nobody knows how she got in here. either she is just a hidden genius under her queen bee persona or something much more complicated to think about. usually involving family, connections, and money. one thing that sticks out to you about her is how she always got her vibe to be interested in arts and time to dedicate to study it only in mr. park’s art history class, while in other ones she just being the stereotypical queen bee.
“yes, ms. yoo.”
"the main difference between naturalism and realism is how the artist will interpret the subject. it is realism if you just paint something real, like a tree for example. but it's naturalism if you paint a bird flying because it's the natural thing that they do." you see her smirked as her eyes landed on the girl across from her, the one beside you sitting alone. you notice park's gaze following her eye line.
"good job, ms. yoo."
"thank you, mr. park," she replied, gazing at him, giving a sly smirk.
as park continues his class, a paper ball flew in front of you and hit the poor girl as you heard snickers coming from karin and her friends. the crumpled ball abandoned by the poor girl as she continues to sketch in her book. you went back to your notebook to finish your notes. the one certain thing currently is as long as you stick to your thing, no trouble will come to you. yet, your concern has risen on why they always tease the poor girl almost every week by now. as what you have observed, she has been nothing but a girl who focuses on her art studies.
park dismiss the class after the digital clock on his table ring and everyone immediately cleans their supplies.
"don't forget to submit your entry for the art contest. the theme is 'beauty in captivity'. you won't miss out." park announced as he also cleans his stuff.
stood up from the seat, you walk to the crumpled ball, seeing a cutoff inappropriate word from the opening. the girl looks up from her book to find you beside her. "the class ended."
she looks around the room and acknowledged with a nod. you reach out your hand to hers but she flinched it away.
"herin. how are you?"
“i’m fine” she blurted out and nodded reassuringly after you spoke, seeing her giving a small smile to you. you look at the windowsill to find a dying flower alone in a big pot. hunched down, only a few of its petals remaining on the bud as the rest landed on the soil.
"okay. i'd be heading out first." you point to the door behind you as she nods her head again and returns her gaze to her book, leaving her alone.
you walk along the hallway walls, tracing your fingertips against the bumpy wall texture, and arrived at the entrance that is overviewing the ocean, seeing people hanging out on the open field at the center with their friends and a few couples doing pda after a few hours of separation.
you noticed from the digital clock and calendar on top of the entrance that it is exactly one month before the incident that you experienced back in class. shivers come to you as you remembered the dream? the vision? that you experience back in class. you sighed as you walk along the path to your hall since that was your last class for the day.
the town of haeyang is a lost love of yours. you stayed here from your birth until you're 10 years old when you and your family moved to the city. as you grew up in the city, you miss the quietness of haeyang and decided to go to university there, knowing it has an up and coming art institution on the rise. but, as you arrive here, everything feels different. maybe it is because you used to look at haeyang with a rose-colored lens of a child when you grew up here and this is the real haeyang that you stayed for a decade of your life. you don't even recognize anything here except for some of the buildings and the unique landscape. right now, it is you, and your violinist friend, minjeong, against the town.
you felt that your bag feels a bit slanted, so as you go through the alley between the fine arts and performing arts buildings, which is a part of your usual route to your hall, you step aside and leaned against the wall, trying to not wake up a sleeping stray dog beside the dumpster near you. you pull out a bunch of your sketches and books and put them on top of the brick path. as you tried rearranging them back to their place in the bag, you notice a single flower standing from a crack on one of the bricks, a flower that only has one petal left hanging on its bud. you pick your bag up and continue your walk to your hall when you hear footsteps coming from the end of the alley, the way you suppose to go out.
"leave me the fuck alone!"
you heard two people quarreling with each other, possibly about drugs? you lean against the wall and peek a little to see the people, the boys. one has light brown mullet hair while the other has black undercut hair with some faded red coloring visible as a result of sunlight shining on some of the strands.
"you almost got me in trouble back there."
"why are you blaming it on me? it is your fucking fault, minhyuk."
the voice of the second boy to speak has a familiar timbre to it as you listen closely to him debating back. you took a glimpse at them arguing again but your eyes landed on the black-haired boy. you notice something about him as you stare at his side profile, his facial features, his posture, his voice… it piques your interest.
it is so familiar. but from where?
"the fuck your saying, choi?"
a choi...
you knew someone who is a choi and has the same age as you from haeyang, having similar features as the black-haired boy. but it can't be him. you focused on him again as their argument starting to get tense.
the same nose, the same pouty lips.
it can't be.
it can't be choi yeonjun...
"you either help me out or i'm just gonna get rid of you in some way."
"yeah... what you have in mind?" one of them scoff. you then see a glint of light reflecting from underneath the brown-haired boy, minhyuk's palm.
"where did you get that?" you heard the black-haired boy’s, possibly yeonjun, voice tone change.
"you're scared, huh? i thought you don't have any fears."
you see minhyuk leaning forward to the other boy, the pointy edge of the pocket knife directly in front of his abdomen, ready to plunge it in any second. your breathing starts to get unstable, and your head starts to get warmer. you lean back against the wall, concealing you from seeing the rising tension, as you notice the flower you saw before all of this happened, now only a bud as the last petal has fallen to join the others on the brick.
"listen here, choi yeonjun. you can't control me."
"the only thing that you need to control is your fucking mind." you peek at them again.
"well, it can rest easy when one of the sources of the problems disappears, right?"
you saw minhyuk retract his hand, the knife follows, and you reach your hand out to them.
you lift your head and breath as you felt that you ran out of breath.
what happened?
feeling lightheaded, you look around the room. class is still going. you heard your lecturer speaking but it's incoherent in your ears. you tried focusing on something in front of you when you saw one of your sketches at the edge of the table.
this is weird.
the same clothes, the same table layout, the same people.
confusion overwhelms you as you cross your legs to fix your posture, but accidentally nudging your leg to the side of your table, making that same sketch that fell last time fall again.
you eyed the paper as it landed in front of your lecturer. he picks it up and examines it, “ms. (l/n).”
that was the exact thing that happened last time.
“be careful...” you snatched the paper away as soon as he faces it to you.
“thank you,” you replied as you open your bag. as you remember the mess that you have from last time, you pull out all of the things inside and start rearranging them, not noticing that park heard all of the rustles that came from your table.
“seems like ms. (l/n) is in a hurry." you looked up and halt your movement, seeing the class watching you, making you feel small. "well, she has to answer this question first.” the lecturer said as he leans against the table at the front again, you quietly put your tidied stuff back into your bag.
“realism and naturalism. those two words might sound similar and can be easily interchangeable. but i do believe that there is a difference between those two styles.”
that's the same question he asks before.
“ms. (l/n). please answer” park glance directly at you.
“uh...” your mind roams all over the place. what did karin say before?
you let your eyes wander the room again while trying to find the right words to tell, flicking your fingers to help you cope with the pressure that is placed upon you. karin inspecting you, the same pose as before, but the glint in her eyes is very prominent. a significant thing that you have seen before when she did it to others, but never to you, until now. you also see herin looking up at you, her shaky hand holding her pencil.
“ms. (l/n)?” your eyes returned to park, biting your lips ever so slightly as you think.
naturalism... something doing their natural thing... realism... something that's real...
"the, the main difference between naturalism and realism is how the artist interpreted the subject..." breathe in. "in realism, it focuses more towards what the subject is." breathe out. "while in naturalism, it focuses on how the subject is doing in their lives because it will be in their most natural state." you then swiftly look down at your fidgeting fingers.
"good job, ms. (l/n)." you heard park said. you nod as a reply and glance around the room.
karin scowls as she looks at you, an underlying fire forming behind her eyes. as park continues his class, a paper ball flew in front of you and hit the poor girl on your right, hearing snickers coming from none other than karin and her friends. exactly what happened last time. the crumpled ball abandoned by the poor girl as she continues to sketch in her book, her shoulder shook in a small manner.
you made a mark in your mind that the things that happened between now and before changed. even though not the exact same thing happened, its significant moments will still happen. the falling sketch, the question, and the paper ball.
park dismiss the class after the digital clock on his table ring and everyone immediately cleans their supplies.
"don't forget to submit your entry for the art contest. the theme is 'beauty in captivity'. you won't miss out." park announced as he also cleans his stuff.
you stood up and picked up the crumpled ball. open the paper to then tearing it into pieces. the girl looks up from her book after hearing the ripping noise.
she looks around the room and you see her eyes tremble. you squat beside her seated figure so your eye level is the same as hers. a gesture of yours that you usually do to your childhood friends here when they're sad, a habit that your parents did to you that brings more intimacy and giving out a message to the reciprocate that they can trust you. a habit that, sadly, you never use in the city, knowing how fast everyone's paces are, making people not having enough time to talk to each other and giving each other sympathy.
"herin..." you slowly put your hand on hers as she returns her gaze to you. but unlike last time, she didn't pull away. "i notice that you have been, you have been shaking once in a while and seeing those girls doing things to you." you slowly pat the top of her hand. "i, i just want to let you know that i'm here for you and you can talk to me about it if you're ready." you nodded reassuringly as she follows.
you look at the window to find the dying flower in the same state as you previously saw it, remembering the incident you have to prevent now that you were given a chance to. "i'm going to go out first. see you later." you gestured to the door as she nods her head again.
"thanks." herin answered, a small smile appearing on her face and she returned her gaze to her book.
you run in the hallway and arrived at the entrance of the building, panting. you noticed the same time from the digital clock as the last time you saw it.
what can distract that minhyuk boy from stabbing yeonjun?
a crumpled paper of one of your sketches?
no, it won't work. the noise it makes will be too small to get their attention.
the sleeping stray dog.
you rushed to the alley.
you walk into the small entrance as you felt your legs wobble, stumbled a few times on the way from the untreated cracked bricks on the path, to find the stray dog sleeping soundly like the last time your eye lands on it. you try to find something to distract it, but nothing's there except the dumpster.
you brace yourself and open the dumpster lid to try finding something that can help. the wafting smell of the garbage flowing out as you found a single can at the edge of the dumpster near you, pinching your nose so the smell doesn't suddenly sting your senses, you pinch the edge of the unrecognizable cylinder and immediately lift it. you have no time to think about anything else like the hygiene of the can and the dumpster’s lid. you have to save him. the only recognizable face that you have found here.
you notice the flower that you saw last time as you kneel near the dog. its single petal still hanging from the bud. you try to wake the dog up by tapping the can softly in front of its ear. the dog's head moves a little.
"leave me the fuck alone!" they're here.
you then pat its head but it only gave a few shrugs. you bit your lips, clenching and unclenching your free hand, wanting to just throw the can away at them, but you still have to remain silent. you have to do it at the right timing. the moment before he got stab.
"you almost got me in trouble back there."
"why are you blaming it on me? it is your fucking fault, minhyuk."
you lean against the wall at the end of the alley, peeking at their figures and hearing the conversation. the words that they'll say will mostly stay the same. when minhyuk pulls out his pocket knife, then you can throw the can. hopefully, the dog goes to catch it.
"the fuck your saying, choi?"
you return to the dog and pet it again. it lifts its head, still looking sleepy. you move around the can and tap it slightly, trying to get its attention.
"you either help me out or i'm just gonna get rid of you in some way."
"yeah... what you have in mind?"
the dog stood up and stretch its body, tail starting to move as it stares at the can that you're moving, it follows you as you move towards the end of the alley.
"where did you get that?" you heard yeonjun's tone changed.
"you're scared, huh? i thought you don't have any fears."
you move the can around more frantically, the dog's tail now up and waving fast, its ears up and straight, its head following the can with its mouth open and tongue wagging.
"listen here, choi yeonjun. you can't control me."
"the only thing that you need to control is your fucking mind."
"well, it can rest easy when one of the sources of the problems disappears, right?"
the dog chases the can as it scurried away under the bushes. you lean back against the wall of the alley, peeking a little to see the two boys looking around, alert. yeonjun's eyes staring at the rustling bushes behind minhyuk.
“someone is here, you're a lucky motherfucker.” you heard minhyuk say, a tinged of annoyance.
you listened to their footsteps going away from where you at. you slid down against the wall as the dog came back with the can, petting the dog's head with a small smile, and noticed that the flower still has its final petal hanging on instead of what happened last time. you let out the breath that you didn't know you were keeping.
you changed something. you saved someone's life.
seeing the dog settled down, playing with the can as it lays down beside the dumpster, you head back to the hall through the alley exit where you changed the course of someone’s life. that moment might be your last time encountering yeonjun, knowing from what you observed that he is way out of your league and not the same as the yeonjun you knew years ago.
you walk along the brick path and arrived at the entrance of your hall when you heard a voice calling your name.
you saw the figures of karin and her friends, elle and yizhuo. their heels clack as they walk forward, karin clapped her hands slowly. "so... (y/n)..." your eyes follow her movements, seeing them surrounding you.
"i know the act. cut it out." she leans in as you tilt your head, frowning your brows. seeing your expression, she scoffed. "don't be oblivious, you're trying to be edgy with being silent and wanting to leave his class early. you sure thing got his attention cause you've never done that before." you smell her strong fragrance as she's trying to see your face perfectly.
"how many times have you do him?" she rolled her eyes and smirked after seeing your widen eyes and confusion affecting your face. "being silent the entire time yet always have good grades from him. him looking at you all the time back in class. when you answered him, you were jittering." you remembered back what happened in the class, you were fidgeting a lot.
you were just trying to be at the alley to save yeonjun at the right time. where did this accusation come from? you don't even have enough confidence to talk to other people, let alone doing something with a lecturer for good grades.
'why would i pursue him anyway?'
that is what you wanted to say until that little cell in your brain reminds you to stay in your lane.
"cat got your tongue?" karin and her friends chuckled, looking at your passiveness, your eyes prickle a little as you clenched your fist. karin now folding her hands like the one she did in class. "he's fucking mine you-"
"sorry, girls. i'm taking her away."
you felt a hand wrapping your wrist and saw the violin case at the other hand as you move. your body being dragged away inside the residence hall. you sighed, noticing how fast your heart beats because of that encounter. "you're alright?" the hand now returns to the side of the owner.
you glance at her, "i'm just..." you stayed silent as she stops at a few steps of the stairs in front of you. "it has been an eventful day."
"yeah... mine too." she spoke as you both climb the steps. "just practicing for the concert and stuff. some usual shenanigans cause the you-know-who teacher gave me some ridiculous remarks about how i play." you stopped beside her after finishing the flight of stairs to the second floor.
"oh yeah... your concert. how's it going?" you wrapped your hand against the railing as you stare at her.
"well… the usual. currently perfecting the second movement." minjeong answered as you both climb the rest of the flight of stairs to your room's floor.
your relationship with minjeong is probably the only thing you can call a close friendship currently in your life, you two even consider yourselves as best friends even though you both just met at the start of uni. minjeong came from outside of haeyang so she doesn't know anyone or anything here. you two coincidentally have your rooms across from each other.
"you need help, there?" you heard a voice behind the tower of boxes in front of the door frame of your room. one of them moves to reveal a girl behind it, carrying it against her chest.
you nod your head as you both move the boxes inside your room. when all of your boxes are in, you realize the boxes across from your room. "let me help too." you said as you pick up her boxes too, making her smile warmly.
"i'm minjeong." she said as she put the box she holds down and gaze at you. you smile while carrying the box filled with books of music sheets.
"i'm, i'm y/n, nice to meet you."
you got to know her closer when both of you were hungry on the same night and went to the communal kitchen on your floor to get some snacks and the rest is pretty much history. talking with her, even though awkward at first, felt like a breeze. you're glad to have someone to talk to, joke around with, and encourage as you felt that you two have the spark that you don’t have with your city friends. you two shared your passions all the time. minjeong having a few of your art plastered on her wall, some are her requests, and you have her classical pieces recommendations in your playlist.
as you open your room, minjeong peek from your shoulders.
"another one you're going to post?"
you sense that she saw the canvas on the easel and answered. "yeah..."
"great! looking forward to it showing up in my timeline. i know i’m going to like it hundreds of times if i’m able to." minjeong smirked, wiggling her eyebrows with your chuckle following.
"and also, let your fingers relax. i heard what concerto that you'll be performing while i was painting and god, that sounds so complicated i have to sit down after every movement." minjeong giggled as you look at her concerned.
she sighed, "well..." and you both nod at each other, you both holding back your grins. you take a hold of her empty hand and soothe it, feeling the calluses formed on her fingertips, the result of practicing for years and years.
"good luck on the concert. i 100% believe, from the depths of my heart, that you're going to do amazing." minjeong nods as she grins. "so do i, to be honest. wait, you're going to watch it, right?"
hearing the question makes you remember the date of her concert. your heart sunk.
her concert is in a month. the date that you realize is the same as the one in your vision with the blizzard.
the surreal blizzard that defies what you know as reality because of how true it felt.
"of course, i'm going to watch it." you smiled at her warmly as you recollect your thoughts.
you bid your farewells and walk back into your room. you settle yourself, putting every belonging you brought and wore on the desk, to then sit back on your chair and lean back, clearing your mind from everything that just happened. the ray of sunlight enters the closed window with its blinds up, shining your entire room full of canvases laid on the floor and against your wall, a layer of paint-stain-covered cloth on the floor at your painting corner, and a collection of flowers that you found on the streets sticking on the wall with some of your favorite gouache and watercolor paintings on top of your bed. seeing your decorations help to calm you down.
you stood up and drink the water bottle from your mini-fridge. feeling the cool water eases your dry throat that you haven't realize after a whole day of classes and the whole incident that took place. you stood in front of your easel, took the canvas on it, and lay it down on top of the boarded wood floor, finding the right angle and lighting for the photos.
a painting of the sea waves with the sky as the sun sets down. the white cloudy paint at the front blending with the blue, resembling sea foams while the purple version of them are at the top of the orange sky.
you upload a few of the photos that you are satisfied with, leaving your phone behind to clean your supplies. then, vibrations suddenly rumbled from your desk as the notifications coming in.
the flower goddess of the sea.
another side of you.
it is a cliché that you are one of the people in the world who posts content behind a pseudonym. but, you didn't plan it that way back at the start. back then, you just wanted to make a personal gallery of all the paintings that you have done, besides taking care of the real thing. using the combination of 'marine' and 'antheia' to create your username as it is a synonym of two of the things that you love. flowers and the sea.
that is until your paintings got traction from the algorithm of the app, spreading it to people's recommendations. many of them appreciating your strokes of paint on the canvas. because of that, you sense an opportunity and decided to sell art prints of your paintings for extra pocket money for a limited quantity. a deed that you do as you don't want to burden your parents for paying you everything, especially daily living costs such as food and art supplies. yet, you don’t feel comfortable enough to let people know you’re the painter from the account.
right now, you're still uploading photos of your paintings but it is not because of people's demands. you did it because you enjoy it. you did it because it's your passion. and you’re happy that people can accept it even though the painter is faceless.
you look at the comment notifications coming from your phone's screen after you have finished tidying up the canvases behind your easel. catching a particular one, a familiar name, showing up at the top.
__karin_yoo__: your painting made my day!!
well... little did she know...
you picked up the canvas intended for the competition that park told the class about, absent of pencil lines because you still don't know what to make. you put it onto your easel, rubbing the edges of the old flower stickers, trying to stick it back onto the wood behind it. the easel that has been with you since the start of your painting journey decorated with flower stickers and washi tape of iconic paintings of van gogh and monet.
setting the canvas straight, your felt your body fidgets and your head felt heavy. you closed your eyes, hoping the pain will go away.
instead, when you open them, you see white behind your canvas, sensing the temperature drops and breath fogging up as you breathe out. the stormy snow hitting against your window along with the whistle of the wind.
your breathing turns heavy, chest heave up and down. you clenched your fist, closing your eyes as tight as you can.
you heard your stomach rumbling as you open your eyes to see that everything went back to normal. placing your hand on it, the vibration voices out, telling you to fill it up with food. you swiftly grab your necessary belongings and wear your cardigan to then walk out of your room, hoping that eating outside can help ease your mind away from the vision that came back.
wanting to knock on the door across from you, you halted as you heard the violin's muffled singing. you lowered your hand and smile to yourself, leaving the thought of asking minjeong for lunch another time as she continues her practice session.
you walk out of the hall hoping that on your way neither karin, elle, nor yizhuo will stop you and continue doing what they were doing before they got cut off. you wrap your cardigan closer to you as you walk along the path.
the grounds of the campus getting more crowded as you know a few more classes have ended by this time and the sun is on its way down from its highest point to the large body of water at the front. you feel a small breeze tickling your cheeks as you continue forward. you dig your hand into your cardigan pocket for your phone, leaning down to see the contents that you almost pulled out when you slam onto a surface.
stumbling back, your face contorts as you panic, quickly wanting to apologize when you look up, quietly gasping.
the black-haired boy.
his eyes focusing on your face and you heard him say...
he looks up and down your body as you stood still, admiring his physique too. the undercut hairstyle that he sported, the baggy graphic nirvana logo tee with some holes on it, a pair of jeans with chains, and the tattoos that litter his arms.
he looks to your face again. his eyes wrinkle into a straight line with the corner of his mouth following. he opens his arm and rushes to hug you. you stood there quiet, processing the situation with your hand still in your pocket.
you wrapped your arms around him and rest them on top of his back, he positioned himself so he can rest his head on your shoulder and helping you find a more comfortable angle, feeling him pulling you closer. feeling the warmth of his body and the smell of cigarette on his tee. a familiar feeling creeping in. the feeling of your last hug before you go into your dad's car and left him.
you unwrapped your hand and he follows suit, moving back to create distance. a distance perfect for you to look at him again. closer than the last time you saw him. the boy that you saved a few moments ago.
he beams so brightly and you follow. the biggest grin that formed on your face after a long time.
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ellitx · 4 years ago
From Me To You | Venti x Reader
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[Name]'s been spending more time with Aether writing letters. When will she go back to him to spend time together?
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word count: 9.7k
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           “Now, who would love to listen to a bard’s song? One can harmonize with me to sing along~”
           Sun-kissed white clouds blossom in the blue, free to fly with the wind. In the long horizon, they take on azure hues. It was a wonderful day to sing ballads to the people of Mondstadt. 
           Children and adults have crowded around Venti, the little ones' eyes sparkled in awe whilst the grownups are eager to listen to the stories he’ll share. A chuckle slipped from his lips and took out his trusty lyre, Der Frühling.
           The sweet refrain of the lyre spoke a musical language to their soul. The strumming sound had a hypnotic soothing quality that he craved. To lose himself to the melody of the stringed instrument was his idea of heavenly noon.
           The bard’s music fills the air without effort, like the waves filling holes in beach sand; the sound rushing in and around every person near the Cathedral. Some reacted to his poetic words, others continued in chatter, but it always speaks to them in some manner.
           A lively tempo can lift them, elevate the spirit, or admire his storytelling of the previous heroes. Before the notes filled the air, every person was an island. With it, they all feel the same tidal flows and the beginning of togetherness feels warm.
           His fingers ceased his strumming and gave a bow to his audience as they cheered and clapped from the wonderful performance and his melodious voice that favored their ears.
           “Thank you!” He chuckled and the lyre dissipated from his hands, hiding in the unknown as he tipped his beret towards them fill it up with moras. Needless to say, he will spend it on a tavern to buy Mondstadt’s beloved dandelion wine.
           Watching the townsfolk walk off and continue their business, he glanced behind him to look at the Cathedral. “I wonder when will [Name]’s guests leave?” He pouted and crossed his arms over his chest.
           “I wish they’d leave already.”
           Lost in his thoughts, a man then bumped into him making the bard stumble backward. He didn’t even apologize or spared a glance at him. “Hey!”
           The fellow simply ignored him and ran off with his friend.
           Venti whipped his head to see what the sudden commotion was all about. The citizens that were crowding in the town square caught his interest. He trotted his way near the semi-circular platform and observed.
           “What’s going on there?”
           Leaning forward on the bricked base to take a closer look, a familiar silhouette greeted his eyes. It was unexpected to see that the outlander has already come back. Aether waved to the people who welcomed him and smiled at them in thanks.
           The bard was confused as to why he was here. What was his reason for his sudden appearance without their knowledge?
           For some reason, it made his stomach churn.
           It felt like bad news.
            “[Name]! [Name]!” Venti called out her name as he ran inside the Basilica drawing Barbara’s attention. 
           “Ah, Venti! You mustn’t—“
            “I understand what you’re saying… but this is more important.” Sister Jilliana sighed and let her palm rest on her cheek in worry as she looked at [Name]. 
           “Yes, but…”
           The door then slammed open, surprising the two females inside and cast their gaze on the bard. “[Name]!” He uttered her name once more and took a deep breath to regain the oxygen back to his lungs.
           “Young man, how many times must I tell you to knock before entering this room?” Sister Jilliana scolded as a frown painted on her face. 
           A sheepish smile tugged his lips and closed his eyes to them apologetically. “Pardon me, Sister.” She breathed out wearily, already used to his abrupt barging, and motioned for him to come inside much to his pleasure.
           Venti hopped his way to [Name]’s bed and enveloped her frail form in a hug. “What is it?” She asked as she caressed his dark locks that made him relaxed and enjoyed the feeling of her fingers grazing his head.
           He nuzzled on her neck and gave light kisses on it making her cheeks flared up in embarrassment and pushed him gently before the nun could see his scandalous acts. A sullen look appeared on his appearance when she denied his love for her as he let his arms fall back to his side.
           He almost forgot what he was going to say since he was so excited to finally see [Name] considering that he wasn’t able to visit her because of curfews. She has been stuck in here for who knows how long now, and just misses being with her.
           He clenched his fist and placed it on his mouth as he coughed to get back to his composure. “It seems like he came back already.” She tilted her head in puzzlement at his words, unable to fathom what he meant.
           It was ambiguous and equivocal so to say. Maybe he just wanted to play some word games again? Before she could speak out, someone was knocking on the door and Barbara came to announce something.
           “The traveler is here.”
           The female’s [eye color] oculars lit up and smiled. “You mean him?” She asked more on the bard than the deaconess. The former furrowed his brows and intertwined their fingers together, nodding hesitantly.
           “I forgot it was supposed to be today.” [Name] muttered and glanced at the calendar hanging on the wall. “Please ask him if it’s alright with him to wait for me. I’ll be there in a minute.”
           “Of course.” Barbara smiled and closed the door quietly. Sister Jilliana cleared her throat and crossed her arms over her chest as she narrowed her eyes at her like a mother scolding a child. 
           “I’m sorry, Sister, but is it alright if we talk about this some other time?” She pleaded and clasped her hands together in an imploring way. 
           The nun shook her head and clicked her tongue disapprovingly. “Some other time? You know you need to stay in bed and rest!” [Name] lifted the blanket from her form and let her feet dangle on the edge of the bed ready to set off.
           Venti watched them quietly— with him following behind her— as she made her way to the exit of her room. “Young lady, your health will be at risk if you don’t stay here—“
           “Don’t worry! I’ll make sure to drink my medicines!” [Name] said hastily and grasped his hand with hers before leaving the woman alone in the room as the door shut closed.
           “Wow, it sure has been a long time since we’ve been here, huh.” Paimon said as she floated over the outlander’s head. He nodded in agreement and admired the marvelous garden from the window, absently nodding off to the wonderland.
           “Aether!” The male whipped his head to the source of the voice and beamed at [Name] with his floating companion waving her hands excitedly. “[Name]!” Paimon exclaimed as small particles of constellations trailed along with her when she greeted them.
           “Hello to you too, Paimon!” The female giggled as she danced around her. While the three of them were busy with their small reunion, Venti can’t help but glare at the blonde male. 
           Great, now he’s getting her attention I’ve always needed.
           He grumbled to himself and clutched tightly on her hand to remind her that he was still there. Why is it that if he needs her affection so badly, something will sabotage and interfere with them? 
           “Sorry to keep you waiting,” [Name] apologized to Aether to which he brushed it off saying it’s fine. “and thank you for coming all this way.” She bowed to them and showed them her smile.
           “You gotta loosen up, [Name]. You don’t have to be so formal around us.” The fairy started with a pout. She then looked at Venti who was clinging to her as a frown appeared.
           “And why’s the Tone-Deaf Bard here?”
           Venti huffed and scowled to the emergency ratio. “I’m the one who should be asking that, mind you. What are you two doing here?”
           “Paimon…” The traveler scolded and placed his hand on his forehead, shaking his head in aggravation if she ever caused a scene inside the church. Seconds later, he regained his composure and looked to the bard.
           “Sorry about Paimon. [Name] requested us to come here.” Was his answer to Venti’s question. The latter bit his lip and held the frail teen close to him protectively. 
           What for? He asked to himself, absentmindedly letting the winds get strong and sharp on their skin.
           [Name] laughed airily when he did that and gave a short peck to his cheek to calm him down. She noticed he’s been more watchful than ever and it’ll be bad news if he’ll go out of control.
           “Let’s take a seat. I’ll go and prepare tea for us.”        
           She tipped her head and beckoned them to follow her to the room. Aether looked around the area before taking a seat on the couch while Paimon awed at the sight of a plate of cookies resting peacefully on the table and grabbed a handful of it.
           “Shouldn’t you be resting?” Venti said as he wrapped his arms around the female’s waist from behind and buried his face on her neck. He fiddled with the ribbon that was tied to her dress while she started brewing tea for the guests.
           “I already have enough. Staying in bed for days is even more tiring.” The faint scent of the sugar reached their nose as she took several and kept it in the sugar pot to bring it later.
           He hummed as a response and watched her pour the freshly brewed tea on four teacups and placed it on a tray. His fingers wrapped on the handle and carried it before she could take it.
           He didn’t want her to move so much and decided he’ll take care of this one. [Name] escorted him back to the living room and took a seat as Venti served the drink to Aether. The traveler thanked him and blew gently to cool it before taking a sip.
           Sighing at the aromatic drink, Aether glanced at them. “Should we start?” He asked and settled the cup back on the table. “Of course, it’s better to begin right away. If I recall correctly, you were alright with helping me for one week, right?” [Name] pondered.
           He bobbed his head. Paimon gave a curious look as she munched on the cookies. “Oh right! Traveler and I are happy to help you anytime! Uh… what was it that she asked us again…?��
           Aether groaned at her lack of focus, too tired to even give her an answer. “I can discuss it with you if we take it to the sunroom if you don’t mind? It’s nice and bright out there.” 
           [Name] stood up from her chair and patted her outfit to tidy up the creases that formed. Venti’s brows arched in curiosity and inquired about them. “What are you doing?”
           “I’m having him help me write some letters.”
           He was beyond confused at such a simple request, yet why did she ask Aether to come all this way just for that if he can just do it for her? He furrowed his brows and looked down on the floor, feeling dejected that she’s not relying on him.
           “I could’ve done that for you…” He muttered bitterly and clenched his fists. She felt her heart sink at his morose state and apologized. “I’m sorry, Venti but this is something different.” She cupped his cheeks as her fingers touched them affectionately. Rather than having the warm and loving feeling, it just felt heavy like something was weighing on his shoulders.
             Breathing a sigh, he rested his palm over hers and leaned closer as their temples made contact. “Who are you writing to?” He whispered and admired the swirls of [eye color] in her eyes as they twinkled. 
           “Well…” She closed her eyes and smiled blithely. “Someone very far away.”
           That was not the answer he was expecting. He whined at her enigmatic comment and kissed her lips as a counter much to her surprise and bashfulness to his direct public display of affection. 
           [Name] could feel the heat growing in her cheeks. By now they must be beyond attractive rosiness. She felt as if all her insecurities were writ large across her face and there was nowhere to hide. 
           “Ahem!” Paimon cleared her throat to garner their attention. Venti’s eyes focused on hers and hummed innocently as if nothing happened. “Seriously? Right in front of us?” She remarked and folded her arms.
           “So? Any problems with it?” He asked in a snobbish tone and held [Name] close while she covered her whole face with her hands, too ashamed to face the guests and Venti himself. 
           “W-we should get going now, Aether. I don’t want to delay your travels any further.” She stuttered then looked at the bard. “Venti, can you stay here?” She pleaded and hoped her begging would work on him.
           “Eh, why?” 
           “This is something private. I’m really sorry if I’m being surreptitious today, I promise I’ll make it up to you.” [Name] brushed her lips on his cheek before setting off to the sunroom with Aether and Paimon following after her.
           The blonde looked behind his shoulder and stared at Venti’s small frame standing idly in the middle of the room. He felt bad for him that they’re keeping a secret from him. Aether has to fulfill the girl’s request. He hopes the Anemo archon won’t misunderstand everything.
           By the time they arrived there, his eyes caught on the typewriter sitting on the lone table with Barbara situated on a chair, humming a song. She lifted her head up when she saw three figures from the corner of her eyes and greeted them with a big smile. 
           “You guys are finally here.”
           Venti peeked from the window and watched as their lips moved to try to comprehend what they’re saying from the other side of the room. He tried his best to do lipreading but when [Name] turned her head, he immediately ducked and hid from her eyesight.
            He clicked his tongue in annoyance, not that because she almost caught him, but because of the outlander and his little companion. “I knew he was bad news.” 
           Hearing the loud screech of the chair, he jerked his head in the direction of the noise as his teal eyes widened and his mind went blank as did his heart at the sight of his dear toppling if it weren’t for Aether catching her in time.
           The female’s chest tightened and her breathing was ragged and short as she clutched tightly to whoever was holding her for support. Everything turned cloudy and fuzzy, she blinked several times to recover her focus but to no avail, the world then went dark as several voices called out for her.
           Venti panicked and soon dashed inside, ignoring the calls of the nuns that wanted him to stop.
            “Are you okay…?” Asked the bard as he connected their hands together and rubbed circles on the back. “I’m fine. Sorry if I gave you a shock.” 
           [Name] was currently laying on her bed, tucked inside the blanket. Here she was again, stuck in her room with the smell of medicines and flowers wafting around the room. 
           When will she ever have a day to finally get out of here and enjoy the outside world with her friends instead of being cooped up alone? Venti continued letting his finger graze on her hand to distract himself and believed she’ll get well soon.
           “I’ll be better right away.” She assured him with a smile. He stayed quiet and unheedingly interlocked their fingers to continue to play with it. [Name] didn’t mind at all. If that’s what makes him feel at ease then she’ll allow it without asking.
           “Hey, Venti,” She called out quietly. 
           “Can you sing for me?”
           The motion of his finger halted as a smile donned his face. “Of course. Anything for you.”
           He first started humming, improvising a ballad for her— to make a melodic and lilting harmony just for her. It soothed her ears listening to his soft voice as her eyes flitted, ready to set off to the wonderland of dreams.
           Humming should be a soothing sound, dulcet tones creating a wordless melody, something to help her drift away to a reassuring Neverland. Venti’s gentle humming fills her room, he knows she prefers it if it’s sedating.
           From now until then, [Name] will savor each note for they make her feel at home like nothing else can. 
           “Venti,” She uttered her beloved’s name one more time.
           Her fingers dug on her blanket before shaking her head and smiling. “It’s nothing.” There it is again. [Name] became reluctant about what she’ll say. His brows knitted together at her furtive behavior.
           Ever since Aether came, that’s how she’s been acting. Seven days of not being able to get close to her while they write, is it even possible for him to do that? The sisters watched him closely if ever he tried to sneak inside. 
           It really infuriated him that they’re separating him from her.
           What other ways could they possibly spend time together without any disturbance? He snapped out from his daydreaming when the squeaky voice of the fairy reached their ears. He didn’t bother to look at or even spare a greeting to them.
           So when the blonde stood near her bed and placed a pouch on her hand, it made him curious to know what was inside there. “[Name], we’ve brought the seeds as you asked!” Paimon exclaimed as she appeared over Aether’s shoulder.
           “Will these be enough?” The latter asked. The female sat up and carefully opened the bag to see the contents. She hummed in affirmation and smiled at him in thanks.
           “Thank you. W-was it a hassle to find these…?” She queried slowly. “It’s fine! We’ll do anything as you asked even if it’s killing abyss mages!” The traveler gawked at Paimon’s words before sighing and nodding.
           She giggled at their words, putting down the pouch on the lamp table. “I wouldn’t go that far to ask such things, but thank you.”
           “Excuse me,” A head poked out from the doorframe as Barbara revealed herself. “[Name] needs to rest now and it’s almost past the curfew hours. Sister Jilliana will be mad if she sees you’re all here still lingering.”
           Venti’s eyes cast to the clock as he watched the hands ticked. “Isn’t it a bit too early?”
           “What do you mean early? It’s getting dark already and we better go now! She really needs to sleep after what happened.” Paimon huffed whilst she crossed her short arms.
           The archon groaned when Aether grabbed his shoulders and dragged him away from [Name], unwilling to let go. Venti removed his hand before running back to her and giving a short yet sweet kiss on her head, cheeks, and lastly her lips.
           He slowly parted from her wanting to linger his lips on hers a bit more. The feeble girl looked up at him, his azure optics already glued to hers as a faint tint of red brushed on the apples of her cheeks. She closed her eyes when he pecked her head once more and whispered,
           “Sleep well, okay? I’ll come to visit you again.”
           [Name] nodded, finally laying down and tucking herself comfortably inside the blanket. Night rolls around and after a time the sandman came to heavy her lids. She felt the shuttering of her synapses, the quiet lure into sleepiness. As each limb becomes heavy and the heart slows to a more peaceful beat, the comfort of bed calls.
            “Paimon’s so exhausted. Where are we going to rest anyway?” The pixie yawned as she trailed behind Aether. “[Name] already saved a room for us in the Knights of Favonius headquarters, we can go there now.” 
           “Wow, she already planned ahead, huh.” 
           Nighttime stretched ahead as long as the road they had traveled in the daylight hours, now charcoal-hued and cold. The birds were silenced, no one walked the streets, the only serenade being the ever-present chirping from the crickets that hid from shadows or maybe even from the bushes near the statue.
           The Knights in front of the main door saluted to the Honorary Knight with him greeting them back. Opening the door, the familiar room people around him gave him a sense of nostalgia.
           “Welcome back, traveler.” Jean welcomed him with a warm smile. “It’s good to see you again. I presume there were a few monsters along your way here?”
           Paimon laughed and shook her head. “Nah, we wiped them out in one go. He’s really strong and no one is able to defeat him!” She exclaimed proudly while placing her hands on her hips as her chest was puffed out.
           “Oh? I didn’t expect to see you here.” The Cavalry Captain then appeared behind Jean as he smirked seeing the two companions. “I thought the news of you coming back were just mere rumors, it seems like I was wrong after all.” He sighed nonchalantly.
           “We can’t just ignore [Name]’s request so we immediately left Liyue.” The fairy replied. Kaeya hummed before bidding them a goodbye to go to archon knows where.
           “You should take a rest. Your travels have tired you off after all. Noelle already cleaned the room and if you need anything just ask us.” Aether took note of the Acting Grandmaster’s words and bobbed his head in acknowledgment.
           A yawn escaped his lips unintentionally as the corner of his eyes started to tear up from drowsiness. 
           “Yeah, we better need that. Paimon’s getting sleepy, I might pass out from here.”
           With Aether and the emergency food wishing Jean a good night, they marched off in their room and slumped on the bed once they saw it, drifting off to dreamland.
            After a sleepless night on the ward, [Name] sank into her bed. It was three in the morning and even the birds were quiet. There was no single sign of a human nor an animal walking outside.
           She drank in the silence through every pore, soothed by its meditative quality. Each time a worrying thought emerged, she mentally jotted it down on a notepad and closed her eyes to drift those thoughts off and replace them with something positive.
           When her uneasiness had finally leached into the void, she moved her weak limbs up the stairs to bed, then she lay there wrapped in her duvet— cocooned by the thick protective buffer of the absolute quiet.
           A thumping was then heard from the window as she whipped her head in alertness. A small silhouette can be seen outside but was hard to make through to see who this stranger was because of the dark.
           The window opened, making her panic until the kisses of the gentle breeze calmed her down and eased her beating heart back to its normal rate. The figure landed on the floor softly and approached her carefully.
           The familiar green outfit and the smile she loved oh so much made her chest flutter in excitement and glee. She threw the blanket to the side and stared at the young man, eyes tinged with confusion and wonder.
           “Venti? What are you doing here so late?” The said male giggled and flopped himself next to her and caressed her hair bringing it to his lips to kiss it. “Didn’t I tell you I’ll come to visit you?”
           [Name]’s brows dug and averted her gaze. “Well yes, but I wasn’t expecting this kind of time would be your visit.” 
           He intertwined their fingers together and pulled her form close to his as he gave light kisses on her neck. A breathy sigh was evoked from her lips and laid her head on his shoulder, reciprocating his hold she missed dearly.
           After giving her affections, Venti grabbed the shawl that was lying on the chair and draped it over her shoulder. “Come on, I want to show you something.” He gently pulled her up from her seat and took the pouch given by the traveler.
           “Won’t the guards see us and catch you once they know you’re intruding again?” She whispered and hesitantly allowed him to lead her. “No worries. It’ll be really quick.” He laughed mirthfully without care of the consequences.
           She heaved a sigh before asking, “Wait, why show it to me now? We can just do it when the morning dawn arrives.” He stopped his tracks in front of the window and faced her.
           “I wouldn’t be able to do that. The curfew, Sister, and then the traveler will steal you from me again…”
           She can feel her heart shatter at the sight of his downcast look but he quickly replaces it with a grin. “Now, don’t feel so blue. I can’t help but be saddened by it too. Let’s change it with a smile for something new?” He leaned close and brought his hand behind her as he rhymed, making her chuckle at his cute frolic.
           “See? It suits you more with a smile than a frown that has been compiled. Now let’s make haste before the moon will be replaced.”
           Venti pulled her as they exited from the opened window and knelt down on one knee with his back facing her. “I’ll carry you there,” [Name] looked around the area before obliging and wrapping her arms over his shoulder as he hoisted her up.
           From the distance, a certain traveler was aimlessly walking around for a midnight stroll. Aether was having trouble going back to sleep and left Paimon resting in the headquarters to relax his mind. The familiar face of Venti caught his eyes, bringing him wide awake and wondering what he was doing.
           It was even more surprising to see [Name] was with him. Wasn’t she supposed to rest to recover? What is she doing outside with him so late? He immediately hid behind the corner and watched them from afar in curiosity.
           Venti carefully had his hold underneath her knees and surreptitiously sauntered towards the Anemo God Statue Plaza. He easily summoned the wind to lift them up to the statue’s hands and landed gracefully. [Name] brought down her bare feet on the cold surface and admired the view from atop.
           “Careful.” He cautioned and held her arm. The female sat down and let her feet dangle at the edge. When Venti mimicked her actions, she laid her head on his shoulder surprising him but didn’t mind at all.
           He took out a pouch he had taken from her room and placed it in her hand. “You wanted to blow these dandelion seeds, right?” She glanced down at it and nodded. “Yeah, but how do you know they were dandelion seeds? I don’t recall telling you about it.”
           He cheekily smiled and laid his head on top of hers. “The scent of dandelion is easy for my nose to pick up. And knowing what you’ll do about it, I decided to help you.” 
           “Then can you cover your ears for a while?”
           Venti did as he was told though it’s not entirely covered per se. He left a bit of space to listen and know what she’ll whisper to the seeds but got caught red-handed. “No eavesdropping! You know this is something private.” She pouted.
           He lightly laughed and kissed her nose as an apology before covering them up again with his hands and turning his back.
           [Name] brought her hands close to her lips and whispered her wishes onto it. A handful of it should suffice, maybe in another day, she’ll do it again. She heard from Sister Grace that the dandelion seeds will carry their feelings in their hearts with the wind. 
           If it is true then she hopes the Anemo Archon, Barbatos, will listen to it and lead her message to a distant place.
           She gently blew them away and watched them scattered along with the air and drifted off as the glaze guided the particles to the unknown. 
            [Name] read the text on the paper written by Aether as she discussed some things about it. She closed her eyes and smiled at him gratefully as Paimon floated above her head to take a peek at what’s written on it.
           Venti rested his chin on his palm and watched them from the other side of the room that separated him from his beloved. 
           What could they be talking about?
           The sound of shoes’ heels tapping against the tile brought him back to the real world and saw the blonde deaconess holding a tray of pastries and cups of tea in it. He jumped to his feet and neared her.
           “I can take it to them.” He outstretched his arms expecting Barbara to simply give it to him as he smiled at her blithely.
           The girl moved the tray away from his grasp and shook her head. “No, you won’t. Though I appreciate your offer, I can do it myself.” She looked at him apologetically when he frowned. His eyes followed her figure entering the room and huffed.
           “Sheesh. Why must nothing in life ever go right?” He slumped on the couch before taking another glimpse at the sunroom. He saw the Honorary Knight handed her another piece of paper as [Name]’s eyes scanned over the text.
           A forlorn expression was then etched on her visage. Her eyes turned glossy while she read the letter and her shoulders shook tremendously, accidentally crumpling the paper from her hold and holding it close to her as if it was something precious.
           Tears dribbled from her eyes, letting it flow freely on her cheeks as small drops of water fell on the ground. It hurt Venti to see her like this. It hurt him to see her cry.
           His heart ached to see her in this vulnerable state that he could do nothing but watch from the other side, not even allowing him to approach her to give her the comfort she needed.
            Another night came by quickly. Aether was strolling at the town square to craft some materials and buy some food before heading back to the headquarters. When he felt a light tapping on his shoulder, he turned around and saw Venti standing there with a smile.
           “Oh, Venti. It’s good to see you again. Is something the matter?” He asked and faced him fully. “What are you doing?” The bard asked as he glanced at the bag he was holding.
           “Just shopping.”
           “Is it for [Name]?”
           The traveler paused, thinking of what he should say. There was nothing to hide from him so he presumed it was safe to tell him. 
           When he answered, Paimon appeared out of nowhere and crossed her arms. “Hey! Be careful what you say to the Tone-Deaf Bard!” Both of them ignored her as Venti continued to question him.
           “Are you going to write letters with her again?” The blonde nodded in response. 
           “How long?”
           Paimon grumbled but before she could lash out at him, Aether grabbed her legs and covered her mouth with his hand. “Six more days.”
           Venti narrowed his eyes to the emergency ratio before looking back at him. “Who are you writing to?” The traveler’s mouth opened slightly and gave a quick answer.
           “It’s something I can’t tell you.”
           The archon clicked his tongue and glared, “Why?” His voice sounded more demanding than a question. Aether was taken aback by his tone. He never heard him so aggressive before that it made him shudder in fear.
           “It’s something confidential.” It took him a lot of courage to reply to him, hoping the raven-haired male won’t outrage at his vague answer. This is the only question he won’t answer. No matter who asked, only he, Paimon, and Barbara know who this is written for.
           “It can’t be someone from her family…” As much as it hurt Venti, he knew the fact [Name] was all alone and the Church had to be the one to take her in. He was always there for her, but so, who is this person she’s writing for that requires him not to be included?
           “Hey, tell me. Who is it for?” He asked more softly. Aether stared at him for a second then sighed quietly.
           “Venti, didn’t you come here for a reason?”
           “A reason…?” He echoed. He hummed and placed his fingers on his chin, thinking. “[Name]’s asleep and the nuns won’t let me check up on her,” Venti remarked and folded his arms.
           “Shouldn’t you need to rest as well?” Aether’s words made him snort in laughter. “Bold of you to assume that I require sleep.”
           Paimon was finally released from her companion’s grasp and pointed accusingly to the bard. “Then shouldn’t you go to a tavern or something?! That’s what you always do when it’s nighttime!”
           Venti let out an annoyed sound and looked at the small accomplice. “Well, I don’t want to!” Her eyes widened in shock and looked at Aether. “D-did you hear what he said? The Tone-Deaf Bard doesn’t want to drink?!”
           The latter sighed and shrugged his shoulders unsurely.
           “I’m going back! I bid you all goodnight!” Venti stomped his way out as the outlander watched his small form disappear from the distance, wondering what was his sudden change in tone all about.
            Three days had already passed by and whenever Venti and Paimon saw each other, both of them had a glaring contest. It actually amused Aether to see this happened and when he told [Name] about this, it made her laugh.
           He was assured to know that Paimon was unintentionally occupying Venti’s time. He didn’t tell her about this though since he knew she would stay silent and back out. Aether and [Name] were glad to see Venti was returning back to normal with his usual rhymes appearing more often than ever.
           It did scare him whenever the bard gave him death glares when he’s not looking. He can feel those sharp glances ever since he came back to Mondstadt and he was sweating so furiously when he knew that.
           At least this time, it was getting less and less.
           Or so he thought.
           “Will this do?” Barbara handed her the paper and [Name]’s optics skimmed over the words, silently reading it. Her eyes caressed the strokes of the pen, seeing the personality behind the lines and punctuation marks. Finally reaching the last words of the letters she closed her eyes and smiled.
           “Yes, it’s perfect.”
           “I’ll write along these lines then,” Aether said and took another piece of paper and placed it in the platen as [Name] thanked him. The door slightly creaked open but went unnoticed by the three.
           Venti peeped at the small gap of the door and observed them. Instead of writing in the sunroom, they were currently inside her room to continue doing it. It was hard for him to find a location where he can keep watch of her, so taking a small peek won’t hurt right?
           The frail female’s breathing suddenly became shaky and the tightness on her chest arrived once more accompanying it with immense pressure. It alerted her when she saw the door was fully opened for her to see Venti standing there with a panicked look.
           He didn’t know Sister Jilliana was there, so when she turned around, he quickly made up an excuse and looked away from them. “I-I was just going to call for the traveler. Something urgent came up.” 
           “Is that so? Is it alright if we hold it for a while?” The nun asked him to which he avoided making eye contact with her. “Can I have a short break?” Aether jumped in and waited patiently for an answer.
           “H-huh? Why now?” Paimon asked. The blonde gestured her to play along and she quickly understood what he meant. Paimon flailed her arms in the air, an attempt to make it more convincing. “Oh! Um, yeah, we really need a break. I hope [Name] doesn’t mind it?” She meekly smiled at them.
           The sickly girl shook her head and told them it’s fine. The chair creaked when he stood up and approached Venti who had a distant look. He closed the door quietly and followed him until they stopped near the altar.
           “I suppose we both know that I just fabricated my words out there,” Venti mentioned that he didn’t bother to confront him. Aether nodded silently in agreement. 
           “I just wanted to check how she’s doing.” When he remained quiet, the archon called his name. “Hey, stop taking away the time she and I spend together.” He begged that his voice almost cracked.
           He was desperate to just be with her.
           “I’ll be gone in a few days.” The outlander stated and looked him directly in the eyes. 
           “Then at least please tell her I’ll be there while you’re writing the letters. I want to be by her side. I just wanna be there and hold her hand tight! Please!” Venti’s voice gets louder and louder, letting his words echo inside the church. He grabbed his shoulders and tightly dug his fingers onto them as he begged.
           Aether deterred his view from his and grabbed his hand, putting it back to his side. He feels guilty for doing this to him, but he has to keep his promises. No matter how much he pleaded, he had to deny all of his requests. 
           “I’m sorry, but I can’t accept that.” The bard gritted his teeth and pushed him. 
           He quickly regained his balance and looked away. “Excuse me, I have to go back.” The traveler left him alone in the nave as he strode back to [Name]’s room. Venti blankly stared at his back as his hands clenched into fists, making his knuckles turn white.
             “Do you think we can finish today?” [Name] asked and stared at the stacks of paper neatly arranged on the table. “If we maintain this pace, yes.” The Honorary Knight replied. Paimon gave her another paper and asked if she could review it.
           She suddenly took on a pale look, as if she’d been painted white-wash— even her lips were barely there. Beneath her feet, the wooden floor felt soft, not as much as even a firm carpet, but not right for oak plants. It was hard to make out the details of the room after the autumn fell outside; but after a while, she could make out the features of the room.
           Before she could grab onto the letter, her form abruptly collapsed as Aether quickly caught her to prevent her from injuring herself any further. “[Name]!” Barbara screamed in worry and approached her.
           “I’m… fine.” She assured them in between her breaths.
           “Please keep going.” She cut him off and looked at him pleadingly.
           The wind blew through the room with a powerful fury, scattering the stacked envelopes as if they were leaves of fall. The slam of the door was the tempest inside Venti made audible. 
           It was how he wrote the pain in the air, hoping that someone would understand how to stop [Name] from pushing herself— praying that there would be enough assurance in the world to calm the winds that tore at his insides.
           “That’s enough!” He shouted and ran to her, holding her weak form in his arms. “Just stop already!” Tears rolled down his cheek and cradled her close to him and cried on her shoulder, dampening the sleeves of her dress. When he felt someone touch his shoulder, he slapped it away. 
           No one should interfere with them. He had enough already. Can’t they see how critical he was to see her so weak as each day passed by?
           “Why… why must you write these letters…” His voice was hoarse from his shouting and buried his face on her hair to take in her scent. “Who are you writing them to?” He cried as if his brain was being shredded from the inside. Emotional pain flowed out of his every pore. 
           From his mouth came a cry so raw that even the eyes of the people around them were suddenly wet with tears. “They’re important letters.” She said and brushed his hair with her fingers to calm him.
           “They’re for someone I don’t know, right? Someone who doesn’t even visit when you’re sick!” [Name]’s eyes enlarged when his words entered her ears as she tightly clutched onto him. She can feel her own eyes swell up with emotions as she cries and let them escape freely without restraints. 
           “There’s nobody out there who’s truly worried about you!” 
           Everything was quiet except for their cries inside. When he pulled back, she wiped the salty fluid that stained his cheeks and leaned on his shoulder. “Are the letters more important than me?” He uttered, the tone in his voice was shaky and breathy.
           [Name] kissed his head and ran her fingers through his hair to soothe him. “Nothing’s more important to me than you, Venti.” He sniffed and rubbed his eyes with his hand to get a clear view of her appearance.
           “Why is everything full of lies...” Her brow arched in confusion as she felt his fingers tightly gripping her waist. 
           “You aren’t getting any better at all. They said you’d recover soon!” So many tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down on his face. His chin trembled and breathed heavier than he had before.
           “I know that you’re… I’m going to be all alone again when you’re gone!” His throat burned from screaming. Even gasping for air was simply not enough for him. [Name]’s [eye color] optics are slowly but surely becoming glassy. 
           Tears are now streaming down her cheeks from his words. She hugged him tighter and whispered sweet nothings to him, no matter how much she tried to assuage him, it only failed as he continued to sob hysterically and screamed on top of his lungs.
           “How much longer do I have with you?!”
           Barbara sniffled her cries by covering her mouth with her hand and turned away as it ached her heart to know [Name]’s undecided fate. 
           “If I’m going to be left alone all over soon,” Venti grazed his fingers on her face and connected their hands, afraid she’ll disappear if he let go of her.
           “Then forget about the letters and spend this time with me! Be with me! Please, [Name]!!” Aether slowly approached them and lifted the bard up by grabbing his shoulders. He knows he’ll try to escape from his hold and so he tightly grips his arm to stop him from getting close to [Name]. 
           When he turned to face the traveler, there was no sign of tears. Not in his eyes or in track marks on his reddening face. His eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, and hard. Once more, Aether was the enemy. Venti’s states had no greyscale, only the polar extremes existed.
           The blonde took in a deep breath, the burning hard stare would last only as long as it took him to think of the most brutally cutting things he could tear him down with. 
           “Let go of me, Aether!!” He ignored his request and did his best to hold him a bit longer until he calmed down. Venti gnashed his teeth and because of too much resentment he had for the traveler, he disappeared into the thin air with teal feathers fluttering along.
             Adrenaline coursed through his veins as he ran and ran outside of the city. His calves burned, his breathing forming clouds in the air becoming short gasps. He started cramping and his body shook uncontrollably, finally stopping in front of the giant tree in Windrise.
           He was on his knees on the ground, facing the tree, screaming and crying. His whole face is red and shouting at the very top of his lungs. His upper body and shoulders wrack with every sob that forces their way out, chest rising and falling unevenly as he gasps for breath, and he squeezes his eyes shut.
           He balled his hands into fists and gripped his hair to let out a blood-curdling scream. Unbeknownst to Venti, Aether chased after him after his disappearance and stopped in his tracks when he saw his curled up form. 
           The said male continued sobbing and disregarded his presence. “I’m taking the time you can spend with [Name] away for a good reason.” Aether justified.
           “Shut up…”
           “It’s only natural that this would be painful for you. You’re already carrying the burden of her illness on your body. So please stay strong for her.”
           “Shut up!”
           The archon lifted his unsteady body and faced him. Endless streams of cries continuously flowed on the sides of his face and choked out, “I made her cry…”
           “No, you were worried about her condition.”
           “You’re wrong.” Venti countered.
           “I’m not.”
           He dashed at him and punched his chest making him fall back on the ground. “You’re wrong! You’re wrong! She fell sick because of me!” He shouted and proceeded to throw punches at him repeatedly.
           “You had nothing to do it with.”
           “You’re wrong!!”
           Each punch slowed down and grew weaker, allowing Aether to ease his raged up condition while Venti mindlessly poured out all of his emotions onto him. 
           “There was nothing anybody could’ve done.” The former muttered under his breath. 
           “Shut up!”
           “Just like how the unknown god captured my sister from me. I couldn’t do anything to save her there… Nothing can be done about this.” The bard’s brows creased as he went quiet and stopped hitting him.
           He already lost count of how many times he had cried on this day. His gaze cast downwards as he fell on the ground, breaking down. 
           “[Name]… [Name]…” Aether knelt down before him and rubbed his back reassuringly. “Why do you write those letters?” He inquired whilst his shoulders trembled.
           “Because everyone has feelings they want to deliver to someone.”
           “Who cares about that? They don’t have to be!” It only brought him more pain and isolation, and so Aether can be quite sure that the cries are of the desperate pain that keeps on slicing deeper.
           The blonde’s golden optics were flicked with dolefulness, continuing to stroke his back. “No letter that could be sent deserves to go undelivered.” Out of complete silence, the cry arose. Out of complete reverence, the things of the world stilled to listen.
           Venti’s mind was clouded with pain and sorrow, his heart grew cold and numb with pent up emotion. Over lands and seas, through forests and valleys. Every ear in the universe stilled to listen, every heart broke, so heavy so miserable his song.
            It was the final day and they have eventually finished writing. It was time for Aether and Paimon to take their leave. Venti sighed in relief to receive the news that there were no more letters to write. No more Aether of taking [Name]’s time. And also no more signs to see the emergency food.
           They were currently outside the Cathedral as she wanted to bid them farewell and safe travels. His warm hand made contact with hers and secretly poked his tongue out at Paimon to annoy her.
            Her squeaky voice reached their ears and stomped her feet in the air as she faced her companion with an irked look. “Ugh, I can’t stand that Tone-Deaf Bard! Let’s just go already!”
           [Name] chuckled while Venti only brought her closer to his body and slithered his arms around her waist protectively. He puffed his cheeks out as they watched their figure disappear below. Unlike her, he didn’t wave them goodbye much to her confusion.
           She asked him about it in which she only received a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders and a short yet sweet kiss on the lips from her lover.
           Aether was no stranger. He wasn’t a piece of bad news either. Deep down he knows he’s a thoughtful and sympathetic person.
           I wish I could’ve read the letters they wrote.
           He stole glances at her before pushing her inside the Cathedral to go back to her room and cuddle with her.
           I wonder who they were for.
           “[Name],” He called out. She hummed to let him know her attention was on him. He rubbed circles on the back of her hand and kissed the nape of her neck as he whispered softly against it.
           “I love you.” 
           A small chuckle slipped from his lips when he saw how her cheeks flared up from his confession. She turned around and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, attacking him with shy kisses.
           “I love you too.”
            Seasons fade in and out like soft lullabies, their transitions slow but never faltering. Like mother earth herself they only turn in one direction, always onward and never back as the wax and wane of the pace of city life changes. 
           In summer, everyone is high in energy, all systems go. With the first wash of autumn air, moving over the high-rises and suburbia like a shallow wave, the people slow down to a quieter pace. 
           The winter is flatter still, but never falling into a negative spin, the folks of this city love the snow too much for that. 
           Then spring comes to wake the metropolis: people, trees, and blooms. Folks walk under newly unfurled leaves, smile at the fresh new flowers, and tilt their faces upward to the new warmth in the sun's rays. 
           Soon summer is back and the seasonal carousel is complete for another year.
           All those seasons he had spent with her, he cherished them the most in his heart and held it dearly like a gift given to him. He kept the memories and spent his life with her during those past months.
            Here come the drops, soft and steady, falling from a sky of white velvet. They come all together and yet as pioneers. And though he is soon quite wet, he stood idly in front, letting the drops blurred his vision.
           They stood at the front of the funeral. Everyone's heads were down. Maybe it was them showing respect or maybe they were too afraid to look at what was coming. The coffin was pulled from the hearse by six strong men, all wearing suits. The silence dwelled as they exited the church. It wobbled as they carried it to the front and gently placed it down.
           The coffin was dark stained cherry and it was perfectly polished. It had a cushioned and silky lining. Struggling to hold back the grief, tears flow steadily. Silently down the immobile face, a feeling of ache swarmed within him. The numbness and emptiness remained as they walked behind the mahogany coffin— the soul unwilling to acknowledge the finality of death, never to look upon her face again or feel her embrace.  To see the warmth in her eyes, or be surrounded by her love. 
           Words from the minister, speeches at the service bring a fresh onslaught of tears, well-spoken words, a tribute to her life and love, everyone in black, dusky pink roses on the casket; they all watched the casket lowered into the grave through tear-stained eyes. 
           One by one they all left, leaving him alone standing in her grave, as he cried his goodbye to his love.
            A dove was soaring in the sky, fluttering its wings in the air as Venti watched it fly over to him. In its feet was a paper rolled and clutched onto it. When it landed on his lap, he gently took the item from the bird and unfolded it.
           His emerald eyes scanned over the writing, taking in each word inside his head.
            Dear Venti,
           Happy birthday! I’m sure there are many things that make you sad. You may be crumbling under the weight of your responsibilities. But don’t give in.
           Even if you’re so lonely that it makes you cry, please don’t forget that I’ll always love you.
            A lone tear dropped on the paper as his cheeks were stained wet from reading the letter he had received. He brought it close to his chest as if it were her that he loved holding so dear.
            Four years passed by, and the fourth later had arrived.
            Dear Venti,
           Happy birthday! I love you with my aura, placing it about you like the deepest star-filled sky. Space and time have no meaning for my love, it has always been boundless and eternal. It is a love that self-sustains through even the meanest of winters, its own heat, and light is the warmth, the hope.
           Even if you were cold to the core, I would wake you like the spring wakes the flower and watch you grow, watch you bloom. Everything that I am is yours… All I ask is to take care of yourself in the same way you would care for a person you love completely, in the same way, I love you.
            The twelfth letter was delivered.
            Dear Venti, 
           Happiest birthday, love! I love you so very much sweetheart. I have a hard time explaining how I feel. I have never felt anything like this before. You are always there for me no matter what. 
           You are the most loving, caring, compassionate, and absolutely most incredible person that I have ever met. Thank you for always being there, for the flowers— they are beautiful, for your kind words, hugs, kisses, and unconditional love. I have never in my life been so very happy. I feel much loved, beautiful, and very happy.
           I'm so proud of you. You are a very strong person. It is really amazing that we are strong for each other in different ways. We truly understand each other and feel for each other. When you hurt, I hurt. When you are happy, I'm happy. I just love you so much and I never want to lose you. I give you my heart, my love, and my life for now and forever. 
           I love you.
           He always waits for each year for his birthday to come, for her letters to be delivered to him. The messages were getting longer and longer as every year passed and even the past memorandum he had received, he still kept it with him.
            Happy birthday, love! I hope you know that it’s okay to cry once in a while. Whenever you're anxious or afraid, always remember I’ll always be here. I love you more than life itself. There are no words I can say to truly tell you how much I really love you.            
           I want to thank you that you were the reason I stayed strong even if I was sick. I learn more and more from you every day. My heart is forever yours. I know saying, "I love you" is powerful, yet I feel it's not enough. 
           You give me the most amazing feelings inside. It feels great to actually love and be loved in return. I love you so much, I wish I could repeat it to you so many times.
           Please remember, I’ll always and forever be watching over you.
            Now here he was at the hands of the Statue, watching the skies move as the dove once again landed on his shoulder. His eyes caught on the sight of the dandelion seeds soaring past as a smile tugged his lips.
           He remembered [Name]’s wish for him when they were out here to blow the seeds away late at night. So every time he sees a dandelion up above in this statue, it reminds him of her and he’s here to fulfill it.
            “Welcome back.” Jean greeted from the office as Aether placed the stack of letters on the table. “That’s a lot of letters.” Kaeya whistled in amusement and ran his fingers on it to feel the scratchy and thick envelopes.
           “They’re letters set to be delivered to Venti over the next fifty years.” He announced and stretched his arms to relieve the cramps formed in his limbs. Lisa almost spitted on her tea and gawked at him in surprise.
           “F-fifty years? No wonder why you wrote so much.” She set down her cup and grabbed a napkin to wipe her lips.
           “Were you alright?” The Acting Grandmaster asked in worry. Aether and Paimon nodded as they smiled. “It was no biggie for us.”
           “I must say this is a wonderful idea,” Kaeya remarked and grabbed a stack of it to feel the weight on his hands. “I’m already excited to see them delivered every year.”
           “Me too, but…” Their chattering ceased as their focus went on his face which had his cheek dripped with liquid. It was surprising to see the traveler cry in front of them, though they didn't dare open their mouths to point it out.
           “By the time they are, [Name] will already be gone and she’s still so young— so quick to get lonely, will have been left by the one he loves so much.” Crying is natural and strong for it belongs to those with the courage to show their vulnerable self, and this was none other than Aether himself.
           He recalled the day he saw both of them snuck out from the Cathedral. He didn’t mean to watch them, but he knew how both of them cared for each other so much and their love for one another just by observing [Name]’s words written on the letters and Venti’s affectionate yet protective hold on her.
           He understood how Venti felt. He knows the feeling of losing someone you love so dearly. The bard already told him about his history with his friend from long ago and now that it was recurring again, it aches his heart to know he’ll lose someone again.
           It’s like history is repeating itself.
           “He’ll be all alone again. I…” He balled his fists and closed his eyes tightly. The tears trickled down his face as he sobbed quietly. The members of the Knights approached him and rubbed his back to comfort him.
           “I was fighting back tears the entire time I was there.”
           “Yes, but Aether,” Lisa lifted his face and looked at him with gentle eyes. “He will receive the letters you’ve assisted [Name] writing in.” He wiped his tears and eyed the envelopes with lustrous vision.
           “Besides, no matter how far apart they may be…
            loved ones will always watch over you.”
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heavily inspired by violet evergarden
1K notes · View notes
maxismatchccworld · 4 years ago
Patch Notes
Update 07/20/2021
PC: / Mac:
Console: Version 1.44
Hello Simmers!
Hope you are well wherever you are in the world and that you are all having a fantastic Summer of Sims! We are excited to share today’s update with you. There is a lot of info, so make sure you have your tea/coffee/beverage of choice ready to read on. You all know I have my coffee ready for this!
As we continue to get ready to explore the countryside charm of Henford-on-Bagley and cannot absolutely wait to play with the adorable animals in Cottage Living, we also have updates and fixes that should improve and complement your Sims’ everyday life. We have something for everyone and we hope that you all enjoy them. Thank you for all your feedback and support.
-SimGuruRusskii ft. SimGuruRomeo and SimGuruJoAnna
What’s New?
Let’s start with some items that we shared in our last Sims 411! For this update, we partnered with two talented artists from the LGBTQ+ community, Ashley Lukashepsky, and Mohammed Iman Fayaz, and they have brought their inspiring and beautiful artwork into the game. We have also included the modernized version of the large afro hairstyle that we showed you. But more than tell you about it in text, let me actually attach a screenshot of everything put together:
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I love everything about this scene, not only it shows you how the artwork looks in a real game setting, but the whole scene with the two Sims and their surroundings is quite magical. Also, look at that hair! The way the light highlights it, perfection! You may also notice the hair of the Sim on the right, which was also added with this update for everyone. I want to personally thank all Simmers for their feedback and recommendations, as we are continuously working on adding more diverse hairstyles and textures to not only packs, but also to our base game.
Now that we are talking about artwork, the last patch notes I forgot to add the artwork made by the wonderful Jupiter Stevens-Hill. I apologize for that, I totally blanked out. However, I’m happy to see that a lot of you are enjoying it and placing it in your Lots! That makes a very happy Russkii =)
To find Jupiter, Ashley, and Mohammed’s paintings in Build Mode, make sure you take a look at the Paintings and Posters sort and filter by Base Game items. These artists are amazing and we hope you enjoy their creations.
Now, without further ado, let’s get to some new features and improvements that are part of this update!
A little bit of Gallery
When you download a lot made with the bb.moveobjects cheat, the game now notifies you about this so you know to activate the cheat before placing the lot. Builders, this means you won't need to mention it in the lot’s description anymore!
A little for Sims
Trying to find the Sims in the current neighborhood? Select their portraits in the Relationship Panel.
"Focus the Camera" moves the camera to the Sim.
"Lock the Camera" moves the camera to the Sim and keeps following them.
Where did the Notebook go?
Found it! The Notebook has moved out of the Phone and into its own button for quicker access.
The "Center on Current Lot" button that used to be there has moved to the top right, adjacent to the Camera Controls.
Water Tool
You now can make natural, organic bodies of water! Just head into Build Mode, make a hole with the Terrain Manipulation tool, and fill it with water. It is that easy! The Terrain Manipulation and Paint Tools also have more brush sizes to enable finer detail.
In adding the Water Tool, we also took the chance to overhaul the related tools and object categories. Why not? Enjoy!
Pond Effects
All sorts of critters are available to complete the look of your pond ranging from ducks and swans to pesky mosquitoes. There is even an alligator!
New Pond Objects
Outdoor Water Décor now has an assortment of new Pond Objects to decorate the perfect pond. Some of these objects such as the Bog Log and Colorful Lily Pads have interactions on them in Live Mode to activate Turtle and Frog effects. The new Fishing Allowed Sign enables you to stock your pond with any fish your Sims have previously caught. Try it out!
New Water Styles
Go beyond the original crystal blue and dreamy magenta water. Additional options range from “Mossy Water” to “Pond Scum” to complete that au natural look.
The Shrubs category includes new plants to complement the water styles: "Green Fern", "Leaning Not-Grass Grass", "Not-Grass Grass Sans Inflorescence."
Gardening with Children
Children now can help out in the garden by planting, watering, and weeding. They build their Mental skill as they garden. The process of purchasing and planting seeds is streamlined as well to make gardening more enjoyable for everyone.
Group Cooking
Cooking no longer is a solo affair. Sims now can cook in groups of up to five Sims including children. Start cooking together by selecting a fridge, stove, or any empty countertop.
Zoomers Food Delivery Service
Are your Sims getting tired of the same old pizza delivery every night? Well, gone are the days of redundant pizza nights. Maybe you are in the mood for pasta primavera or even a fancy steak dinner. All this and more are available courtesy of Zoomer Food Delivery. Order delivery through the phone or the refrigerator and the food will arrive in a jif.
The calendar, previously available only with Seasons, now is available with Base Game to see upcoming events such as birthdays, school and work schedules, festivals, and fairs. You even can use it to book events, so it’s time to get to party planning!
Bug Fixes
In Snowy Escape, skiing, sledding, and snowboarding on Bunny Slopes now contribute to the Extreme Sports Enthusiast Aspiration.
Also in Snowy Escape, Sims with high enough Skiing and Snowboarding skills now can enjoy the more advanced slopes. Sims also use the Lift to go to the top of the slopes and not go “the hard way.”
Simmers can now rotate Sims downloaded from the Gallery in Create a Sim. Spin them ‘round, ‘round, Simmers ‘round, ‘round -  like a record ‘round, ‘round, ‘round, ‘round.
The Sims 4
We made some improvements that should help our Simulation lag, particularly on the usage of some computer interactions like playing BlicBlock, along with fishing interactions, which should make the game perform a bit better. Note that this doesn’t entirely fix simulation lag but it should help and it is a step in a good direction.
Fixed an issue in which placing Mirrors directly opposite Doors would create a visual glitch in which walls and borders would disappear around them and well it was quite spooky to be honest, glad we solved that one!
Ever wish your food didn’t expire? I know I do, especially when it comes to traveling and coming back to see a fridge in pristine condition, that is a dream… but alas, it is not meant to be in life or in Sims. Fixed an issue in which traveling didn’t let food expire.
Sims stuck sleeping and couldn’t cancel that interaction? Not a product of a sci-fi film as I thought, but I can say that we have fixed this issue, well I hope.
You want to know how to not make my day, have my coffee brew endlessly but without giving me the coffee! Luckily the issue in-game about the Brew Coffee interaction being stuck has been fixed. Wasn’t it odd? Wait… Sleep and Brew Coffee were stuck in a mysterious loop? SUS.
If your Child Sims suddenly interrupted their computer sessions to draw on the activity table when Inspired, worry not, this should not happen after this update.
Fixed an issue that caused the “Items Removed” pop-up to appear when no items were removed from the game.
Fixed an issue in which setting Lots on Slipshod Mesquite would sometimes generate a crash of the game for some Simmers. The Lot couldn’t handle that much flavor.
Some blush and lipstick opacity sliders are back as they were greyed out.
Step-Parent/Child relationships are no longer missing in the Genealogy Panel. Similarly, other cases of broken families in the Genealogy Panel have been fixed as well. It is all about reconnecting or connecting with what is important.
Platforms will no longer raise in height automatically when creating new walls to intersect part of them.
We also fixed an issue in which if you placed platforms in basement levels and a staircase from the floor to the platforms, it would create this gap or hole in front of the stairs and Sims were not able to route correctly. You know, I have played many platformers in my lifetime, but do you imagine Sims trying to jump those gaps? I mean, I am called JumpFail for a reason… glad we fixed this one!
World view Lots that had some off-centered border have been adjusted.
Toddlers will no longer gain negative Sentiments against their parents randomly, especially the Festering Grudge Sentiment. I should not be laughing at this issue as I type it, I should not…<giggles>
We got word that the camera was malfunctioning and bouncing uncontrollably in some Lots across multiple Worlds. We fixed an issue that caused this, but let us know if there are new instances.
Sometimes Ghosts can be part of our Households if we choose to, however, it is really hard to live with Ghosts that constantly break things, it makes it a bit… unlivable. So our expert team of Simghostologists has communicated with these Ghosts in the non-physical realm and they have agreed to not break everything all the time.
Fixed an issue related to flooring glitches while placing the dance floor or crystal clear flooring.
Went through all the trouble in hiring a Nanny only to have your Toddler get sent to Daycare? More than a schedule conflict I imagine having the Nanny show up and there is no Toddler so what does the Nanny do in this case? Do they leave? Do they stay and wait? I must know… However, This should no longer be an issue.
Fixed an issue where using ‘{}’ (curly brackets)  in renaming objects would make these invisible in lists or UI in general.
Fixed an issue in the Likes and Dislikes section in Create a Sim that had some categories displayed incorrectly (either cut off, or words broken apart in new lines incorrectly) for some languages.
There was a clipping issue with the eye preset ymAsian13_Eyes that occurred when Sims were in extreme emotion, like Angry, and blinked. We adjusted this preset so this should not occur.
Toddlers can be picky eaters, but Toddlers not eating any fish recipe? That is suspicious, so we had a chat with the little angels and we have found a way to help them enjoy the complex flavors of our fish recipes.
Our UI team has fixed an issue in which a scrollbar appeared in the Sentiment section in the Relationship Panel when there were no sentiments. The mysterious scrollbar was mysterious. Similarly, they have also fixed an issue in which if multiple Sims gained sentiments together their thought bubbles look quite not right with the incorrect colors, so now they should look proper.
The Likes and Dislikes icon in Create a Sim will no longer overlap its text. It looked weird, honestly.
Droids (if you own Journey to Batuu) and Drones (if you own Get Famous) clipping into all kinds of objects in Build Mode? We saw that too, so there should be a fix for that in this game update. I mean this went beyond just crashing into things…
The option “Join After School Activity” will no longer be available if Simmers don’t have Seasons or Get Famous packs installed.
Sims in deviant paths now can properly reach the Level 4 of the Criminal Career.
Now, this is one that made my day, Cowplants are now able to dance again when Sims play music in front of them. Dance Cowplant, Dance!
Fixed an issue in which relationship points gained by friendly introductions were more than usual if Simmers didn’t have Snowy Escape installed.
We adjusted the color swatches for the S. Cargeaux Counter Island so that when it gets dirty, the counter doesn’t completely change colors. Dirty Counter - who dis?
Fixed an issue where the Scared Emotion UI was displaying a broken pose for Toddlers. The pose was kinda more scary than what the Toddler had been scared of, so glad that is done.
Outfits worn while Purchased and Worn in Festivals/Kiosks/Stalls should no longer remove accessories that were in place for the Sim.
Error code 134:571e5862 that occurred to some Simmers should be fixed now.
We fixed a few hairstyles (yfHair_EP05WavyBob, yfHair_EP01PartedFlat, yfHair_EP05UnderCutDreads, yfHair_EP01ShortSwept, and yfHair_DreamyCrew) that when used with the recently added color options would create splotches in the eyes, change the color of teeth, and/or change the eyelashes color.
As always the Localization team and this author have fixed and improved text across all packs and updates.
Get to Work
Aliens can now enjoy their custom Blush options in Create a Sim. Lewks out of this world!
Retail employees will now appropriately change into their assigned outfits. Listen, I grew up wearing uniforms for school, I get it, sometimes they are not the prettiest… but you have to wear them if you have to go to that establishment. I know the pain too well… but my sense of style grew from that… I think.
We made a fix to some of the swatches from the Barely Better Digital Camera that were missing a description for the item, so now all the swatches will display the text in all its glory.
Get Together
Some of these Sims are not like the others, some of these Sims just don’t belong. Can you tell which are not like the others by the time I finish writing these notes?
Fixed an issue in which some of the rooftops in Winderburg were not displaying Snow (if you own Seasons) correctly.
Fixed an issue where Sims didn’t sometimes change into their Club outfits when a Club Gathering was being held.
City Living
The Scattered Panes window in Build Mode now displays appropriate shadows in all options.
Sims enrolled in the Social Media career will now gain influence at the end of their stream instead of every few Sim-minutes.
Two hairstyles (ymHair_EP03BunHighPins and ymHair_EP03BraidedFlateBun) have been updated to reflect the correct look when choosing the Neutral Black color option.
Your Sims want to shoot some Basketball Close Shots, but they are trying to eat first? Well, now your Sims can finish eating before trying those hoops. Nutrition is important!
Cats and Dogs
We fixed an issue in which whiskers were not being seen applied to Cats. A Cat without whiskers is like Peanut butter without Jelly… or something like that! Just wrong!
Robot Vacuums should all now return to their docks accordingly. I hope this issue was not a sign that they were becoming sentient.
Sims will no longer get a Moodlet referring to the death of their Pet when witnessing the death of another Sim. The loss of a Sim is heartbreaking, but also getting a Moodlet for the death of their Pet when the Pet has not died, that is cold Grimmy, very cold.
Speaking of Robot Vacuums becoming sentient a few lines above, we fixed an issue that made the game crash when Cats would sit on the Robot Vacuum. CatonRobot.exe is now working.
We fixed an issue in which some Simmers experienced a crash with their last played Household loading into Brindleton Bay.
Sims were changing into their cold-weather gear… while not in cold weather? We had some conversations with Sims and even though they love their winter outfits, dressing up in full winter gear in the summer was probably not the wisest choice. So the issue in which Sims randomly would change into their winter outfits while not in winter is solved.
Egg Hunts are adorable and fun! But not being able to have the furniture reset after looking for Eggs in them, can be quite the rain on Sims’ parade. But this should no longer occur.
Island Living
Mermaids will no longer keep the “Dried Scales” Moodlet when they are hydrated. Mermaids’ skincare regimen pays off! Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!
Fixed an issue in which Lots that are placed in the sand looked quite odd displaying all edges of the Lot when it rained.
Sims that have the Collector Aspiration Trait are now able to catch Frogs in Sulani as part of their adventures exploring the island waterfall. Good Luck!
We fixed an issue in which some Simmers experienced game crashes when loading into certain lots in Mua Pe’lam. Happy Exploring!
Discover University
Sims having a hard time in Uni? No matter what they do they keep failing classes? Worry not, Sims will no longer fail classes when meeting all the criteria for course completion. Work hard, pass your classes hard!
Having Roommates can be hard. Have your Sims had Roommates complain constantly and leave even when their needs are met? Yeah, we made it so that Roommates don’t do this any longer.
Fixed an issue in which beds were counted incorrectly when placing an ad for Roommates. I mean, as much as Pets and even Toddlers can live with Roommates, the ad should be truthful to how many beds there are actually in the Lot, not count Toddlers and Pets as needing adult-sized beds.
We fixed Servo animations so that they don’t look like they are walking on one leg when hovering to their destination. Now they will hover properly.
We fixed an issue in which in some instances Professors could not go to work when a Professor NPC is added into that same Household.
Fixed an issue in which removing and adding back Household members as Roommates would create some… inappropriate moments, ahem.
Eco Lifestyle
Evergreen Harbor’s peace has been restored: roads and parts of neighborhoods no longer disappear or turn blue when businesses open in Port Promise while the Modern Development N.A.P is active.
yfBody_EP09DressShirt no longer has a weird texture in some of the footwear from various packs, especially platform shoes and chunky sneakers.
Had you moved to Cypress Terrace in Willow Creek and found you couldn’t really do anything there? We fixed the routing failures and interaction failures on the Mitey-Mitey Home - Insect Farm.
Snowy Escape
Mountain Climbing can be challenging, even for those experienced. But having indecisive moments before a climbing route like getting off and on your bike constantly seems that a lot of doubt is passing your mind… However, we did speak to these Sims that were experiencing this behavior and calmed their fears and doubts, so this should no longer be an issue.
The hairstyle yfHair_EP10BobBluntOmbre now covers all of the Sim’s ears.
For Simmers who own Seasons together with Snowy Escape, rain options no longer affect snow.
Sims no longer have the option to give a respectful or military introduction during activities such as Dancing or Bike Riding. I mean, I’m not sure about you, but I can’t dance and respectfully introduce myself at the same time. So many falls… so many falls.
We made some corrections to the Slippers that came with this pack and they should no longer display a greenish texture on Sims’ toes when selected in Create a Sim. Yikes.
Fixed an issue in which for some Simmers playing with the Yoshida Hall Household would generate a game crash when loading into Mt. Komorebi.
We took a look at our Ramen menu and have updated our cooking menu to label Miso and Egg Ramen as Vegetarian safe options. Buen Provecho!
Want to run a Restaurant in Yukimatsu but also want to enjoy the slopes? Now your Sims can enjoy the slopes and dine in style. However, this action is only directed, and will not be autonomous. In the same vein, Restaurant employees will not be tempted to leave work to enjoy the slopes.
Journey to Batuu
Batuu is an awesome destination for those who want to enjoy something fun and different, but if you bought a Droid from the Droid Depot and never saw it in your inventory, I know how frustrating it can be. Never fear, the Droids you were looking for will appear now in Inventories when purchased.
In Journey to Batuu, the First Order ID no longer disappears from inventory so Sims now can Access First Order Plans for the Top Notch Trickery Mission.
Fixed an issue with the Leveling the Playing Field Mission in which the Scoundrel Informant would not appear on the scene after Sims stole the Prototype Blaster and went to Oga’s Cantina to wait for the informant.
Dine Out
Eggs and Toast sound super basic and easy right? They will continue to be that way for our unassuming Chefs on the Chef Station since we fixed an issue that made them… challenging. Sims can also use the second burner for other recipes without fail or routing out.
The Decorations and Kid's categories in Build Mode should no longer have a "New" highlight when there's nothing actually new.
Dream Home Decorator
Lighting can change the ambiance of a room, and your mood in a flash. Luckily we have fixed an issue that lighting was not even on sectional sofas to continue to set the right mood for our Sims.
Our stylists fixed the Sleep ‘N’ Study Styled Room to remove the P.R.I.M.A Computer from it as this is not an item that is accessible for everyone, pardon our dust.
Laundry Day
Fixed an issue where an animation clipped when Sims were loading their laundry machines. Because having your clothes go through you is awkward, are Sims made of fabric? I don’t think so.
Bust the Dust
Don’t need Simoleons, don’t need Fame. Don’t need dinner to have this date. It’s strong and it’s sudden and it’s cruel sometimes but it might just end your night… the power of Dust, that’s the power of Dust.
Our cleaning agents have determined that Sims won’t get romantic negative Moodlets related to filthy levels of dust in public places like parks.
179 notes · View notes
thesims4blogger · 4 years ago
The Sims 4: New Game Patch (July 20th, 2021)
There’s a new Sims 4 update available for PC/Mac and Consoles. If you have auto updates enabled in Origin’s “Application Settings”, the game will auto-update once you open Origin. If you have auto-updates disabled, you will need to manually update by clicking the game in your library.
Your game should now read: PC: / Mac: / Console: Version 1.44
Remove all MODS and Custom Content before updating your game
Hello Simmers!
Hope you are well wherever you are in the world and that you are all having a fantastic Summer of Sims! We are excited to share today’s update with you. There is a lot of info, so make sure you have your tea/coffee/beverage of choice ready to read on. You all know I have my coffee ready for this!
As we continue to get ready to explore the countryside charm of Henford-on-Bagley and cannot absolutely wait to play with the adorable animals in Cottage Living, we also have updates and fixes that should improve and complement your Sims’ everyday life. We have something for everyone and we hope that you all enjoy them. Thank you for all your feedback and support.
-SimGuruRusskii ft. SimGuruRomeo and SimGuruJoAnna
What’s New?
Let’s start with some items that we shared in our last Sims 411!
For this update, we partnered with two talented artists from the LGBTQ+ community, Ashley Lukashepsky, and Mohammed Iman Fayaz, and they have brought their inspiring and beautiful artwork into the game. We have also included the modernized version of the large afro hairstyle that we showed you. But more than tell you about it in text, let me actually attach a screenshot of everything put together:
I love everything about this scene, not only it shows you how the artwork looks in a real game setting, but the whole scene with the two Sims and their surroundings is quite magical. Also, look at that hair! The way the light highlights it, perfection! You may also notice the hair of the Sim on the right, which was also added with this update for everyone. I want to personally thank all Simmers for their feedback and recommendations, as we are continuously working on adding more diverse hairstyles and textures to not only packs, but also to our base game.
Now that we are talking about artwork, the last patch notes I forgot to add the artwork made by the wonderful Jupiter Stevens-Hill. I apologize for that, I totally blanked out. However, I’m happy to see that a lot of you are enjoying it and placing it in your Lots! That makes a very happy Russkii =)
To find Jupiter, Ashley, and Mohammed’s paintings in Build Mode, make sure you take a look at the Paintings and Posters sort and filter by Base Game items. These artists are amazing and we hope you enjoy their creations.
Now, without further ado, let’s get to some new features and improvements that are part of this update!
A little bit of Gallery
When you download a lot made with the bb.moveobjects cheat, the game now notifies you about this so you know to activate the cheat before placing the lot. Builders, this means you won’t need to mention it in the lot’s description anymore!
A little for Sims
Trying to find the Sims in the current neighborhood? Select their portraits in the Relationship Panel.
“Focus the Camera” moves the camera to the Sim.
“Lock the Camera” moves the camera to the Sim and keeps following them.
Where did the Notebook go?
Found it! The Notebook has moved out of the Phone and into its own button for quicker access.
The “Center on Current Lot” button that used to be there has moved to the top right, adjacent to the Camera Controls.
Water Tool
You now can make natural, organic bodies of water! Just head into Build Mode, make a hole with the Terrain Manipulation tool, and fill it with water. It is that easy! The Terrain Manipulation and Paint Tools also have more brush sizes to enable finer detail.
In adding the Water Tool, we also took the chance to overhaul the related tools and object categories. Why not? Enjoy!
Pond Effects
All sorts of critters are available to complete the look of your pond ranging from ducks and swans to pesky mosquitoes. There is even an alligator!
New Pond Objects
Outdoor Water Décor now has an assortment of new Pond Objects to decorate the perfect pond. Some of these objects such as the Bog Log and Colorful Lily Pads have interactions on them in Live Mode to activate Turtle and Frog effects. The new Fishing Allowed Sign enables you to stock your pond with any fish your Sims have previously caught. Try it out!
New Water Styles
Go beyond the original crystal blue and dreamy magenta water. Additional options range from “Mossy Water” to “Pond Scum” to complete that au natural look.
The Shrubs category includes new plants to complement the water styles: “Green Fern”, “Leaning Not-Grass Grass”, “Not-Grass Grass Sans Inflorescence.”
Gardening with Children
Children now can help out in the garden by planting, watering, and weeding. They build their Mental skill as they garden. The process of purchasing and planting seeds is streamlined as well to make gardening more enjoyable for everyone.
Group Cooking
Cooking no longer is a solo affair. Sims now can cook in groups of up to five Sims including children. Start cooking together by selecting a fridge, stove, or any empty countertop.
Zoomers Food Delivery Service
Are your Sims getting tired of the same old pizza delivery every night? Well, gone are the days of redundant pizza nights. Maybe you are in the mood for pasta primavera or even a fancy steak dinner. All this and more are available courtesy of Zoomer Food Delivery. Order delivery through the phone or the refrigerator and the food will arrive in a jif.
The calendar, previously available only with Seasons, now is available with Base Game to see upcoming events such as birthdays, school and work schedules, festivals, and fairs. You even can use it to book events, so it’s time to get to party planning!
Bug FixesConsoles
In Snowy Escape, skiing, sledding, and snowboarding on Bunny Slopes now contribute to the Extreme Sports Enthusiast Aspiration.
Also in Snowy Escape, Sims with high enough Skiing and Snowboarding skills now can enjoy the more advanced slopes. Sims also use the Lift to go to the top of the slopes and not go “the hard way.”
Simmers can now rotate Sims downloaded from the Gallery in Create a Sim. Spin them ‘round, ‘round, Simmers ‘round, ‘round –  like a record ‘round, ‘round, ‘round, ‘round.
The Sims 4
We made some improvements that should help our Simulation lag, particularly on the usage of some computer interactions like playing BlicBlock, along with fishing interactions, which should make the game perform a bit better. Note that this doesn’t entirely fix simulation lag but it should help and it is a step in a good direction.
Fixed an issue in which placing Mirrors directly opposite Doors would create a visual glitch in which walls and borders would disappear around them and well it was quite spooky to be honest, glad we solved that one!
Ever wish your food didn’t expire? I know I do, especially when it comes to traveling and coming back to see a fridge in pristine condition, that is a dream… but alas, it is not meant to be in life or in Sims. Fixed an issue in which traveling didn’t let food expire.
Sims stuck sleeping and couldn’t cancel that interaction? Not a product of a sci-fi film as I thought, but I can say that we have fixed this issue, well I hope.
You want to know how to not make my day, have my coffee brew endlessly but without giving me the coffee! Luckily the issue in-game about the Brew Coffee interaction being stuck has been fixed. Wasn’t it odd? Wait… Sleep and Brew Coffee were stuck in a mysterious loop? SUS.
If your Child Sims suddenly interrupted their computer sessions to draw on the activity table when Inspired, worry not, this should not happen after this update.
Fixed an issue that caused the “Items Removed” pop-up to appear when no items were removed from the game.
Fixed an issue in which setting Lots on Slipshod Mesquite would sometimes generate a crash of the game for some Simmers. The Lot couldn’t handle that much flavor.
Some blush and lipstick opacity sliders are back as they were greyed out.
Step-Parent/Child relationships are no longer missing in the Genealogy Panel. Similarly, other cases of broken families in the Genealogy Panel have been fixed as well. It is all about reconnecting or connecting with what is important.
Platforms will no longer raise in height automatically when creating new walls to intersect part of them.
We also fixed an issue in which if you placed platforms in basement levels and a staircase from the floor to the platforms, it would create this gap or hole in front of the stairs and Sims were not able to route correctly. You know, I have played many platformers in my lifetime, but do you imagine Sims trying to jump those gaps? I mean, I am called JumpFail for a reason… glad we fixed this one!
World view Lots that had some off-centered border have been adjusted.
Toddlers will no longer gain negative Sentiments against their parents randomly, especially the Festering Grudge Sentiment. I should not be laughing at this issue as I type it, I should not…<giggles>
We got word that the camera was malfunctioning and bouncing uncontrollably in some Lots across multiple Worlds. We fixed an issue that caused this, but let us know if there are new instances.
Sometimes Ghosts can be part of our Households if we choose to, however, it is really hard to live with Ghosts that constantly break things, it makes it a bit… unlivable. So our expert team of Simghostologists has communicated with these Ghosts in the non-physical realm and they have agreed to not break everything all the time.
Fixed an issue related to flooring glitches while placing the dance floor or crystal clear flooring.
Went through all the trouble in hiring a Nanny only to have your Toddler get sent to Daycare? More than a schedule conflict I imagine having the Nanny show up and there is no Toddler so what does the Nanny do in this case? Do they leave? Do they stay and wait? I must know… However, This should no longer be an issue.
Fixed an issue where using ‘{}’ (curly brackets)  in renaming objects would make these invisible in lists or UI in general.
Fixed an issue in the Likes and Dislikes section in Create a Sim that had some categories displayed incorrectly (either cut off, or words broken apart in new lines incorrectly) for some languages.
There was a clipping issue with the eye preset ymAsian13_Eyes that occurred when Sims were in extreme emotion, like Angry, and blinked. We adjusted this preset so this should not occur.
Toddlers can be picky eaters, but Toddlers not eating any fish recipe? That is suspicious, so we had a chat with the little angels and we have found a way to help them enjoy the complex flavors of our fish recipes.
Our UI team has fixed an issue in which a scrollbar appeared in the Sentiment section in the Relationship Panel when there were no sentiments. The mysterious scrollbar was mysterious. Similarly, they have also fixed an issue in which if multiple Sims gained sentiments together their thought bubbles look quite not right with the incorrect colors, so now they should look proper.
The Likes and Dislikes icon in Create a Sim will no longer overlap its text. It looked weird, honestly.
Droids (if you own Journey to Batuu) and Drones (if you own Get Famous) clipping into all kinds of objects in Build Mode? We saw that too, so there should be a fix for that in this game update. I mean this went beyond just crashing into things…
The option “Join After School Activity” will no longer be available if Simmers don’t have Seasons or Get Famous packs installed.
Sims in deviant paths now can properly reach the Level 4 of the Criminal Career.
Now, this is one that made my day, Cowplants are now able to dance again when Sims play music in front of them. Dance Cowplant, Dance!
Fixed an issue in which relationship points gained by friendly introductions were more than usual if Simmers didn’t have Snowy Escape installed.
We adjusted the color swatches for the S. Cargeaux Counter Island so that when it gets dirty, the counter doesn’t completely change colors. Dirty Counter – who dis?
Fixed an issue where the Scared Emotion UI was displaying a broken pose for Toddlers. The pose was kinda more scary than what the Toddler had been scared of, so glad that is done.
Outfits worn while Purchased and Worn in Festivals/Kiosks/Stalls should no longer remove accessories that were in place for the Sim.
Error code 134:571e5862 that occurred to some Simmers should be fixed now.
We fixed a few hairstyles (yfHair_EP05WavyBob, yfHair_EP01PartedFlat, yfHair_EP05UnderCutDreads, yfHair_EP01ShortSwept, and yfHair_DreamyCrew) that when used with the recently added color options would create splotches in the eyes, change the color of teeth, and/or change the eyelashes color.
As always the Localization team and this author have fixed and improved text across all packs and updates.
Get to Work
Aliens can now enjoy their custom Blush options in Create a Sim. Lewks out of this world!
Retail employees will now appropriately change into their assigned outfits. Listen, I grew up wearing uniforms for school, I get it, sometimes they are not the prettiest… but you have to wear them if you have to go to that establishment. I know the pain too well… but my sense of style grew from that… I think.
We made a fix to some of the swatches from the Barely Better Digital Camera that were missing a description for the item, so now all the swatches will display the text in all its glory.
Get Together
Some of these Sims are not like the others, some of these Sims just don’t belong. Can you tell which are not like the others by the time I finish writing these notes?
Fixed an issue in which some of the rooftops in Winderburg were not displaying Snow (if you own Seasons) correctly.
Fixed an issue where Sims didn’t sometimes change into their Club outfits when a Club Gathering was being held.
City Living
The Scattered Panes window in Build Mode now displays appropriate shadows in all options.
Sims enrolled in the Social Media career will now gain influence at the end of their stream instead of every few Sim-minutes.
Two hairstyles (ymHair_EP03BunHighPins and ymHair_EP03BraidedFlateBun) have been updated to reflect the correct look when choosing the Neutral Black color option.
Your Sims want to shoot some Basketball Close Shots, but they are trying to eat first? Well, now your Sims can finish eating before trying those hoops. Nutrition is important!
Cats and Dogs
We fixed an issue in which whiskers were not being seen applied to Cats. A Cat without whiskers is like Peanut butter without Jelly… or something like that! Just wrong!
Robot Vacuums should all now return to their docks accordingly. I hope this issue was not a sign that they were becoming sentient.
Sims will no longer get a Moodlet referring to the death of their Pet when witnessing the death of another Sim. The loss of a Sim is heartbreaking, but also getting a Moodlet for the death of their Pet when the Pet has not died, that is cold Grimmy, very cold.
Speaking of Robot Vacuums becoming sentient a few lines above, we fixed an issue that made the game crash when Cats would sit on the Robot Vacuum. CatonRobot.exe is now working.
We fixed an issue in which some Simmers experienced a crash with their last played Household loading into Brindleton Bay.
Sims were changing into their cold-weather gear… while not in cold weather? We had some conversations with Sims and even though they love their winter outfits, dressing up in full winter gear in the summer was probably not the wisest choice. So the issue in which Sims randomly would change into their winter outfits while not in winter is solved.
Egg Hunts are adorable and fun! But not being able to have the furniture reset after looking for Eggs in them, can be quite the rain on Sims’ parade. But this should no longer occur.
Island Living
Mermaids will no longer keep the “Dried Scales” Moodlet when they are hydrated. Mermaids’ skincare regimen pays off! Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!
Fixed an issue in which Lots that are placed in the sand looked quite odd displaying all edges of the Lot when it rained.
Sims that have the Collector Aspiration Trait are now able to catch Frogs in Sulani as part of their adventures exploring the island waterfall. Good Luck!
We fixed an issue in which some Simmers experienced game crashes when loading into certain lots in Mua Pe’lam. Happy Exploring!
Discover University
Sims having a hard time in Uni? No matter what they do they keep failing classes? Worry not, Sims will no longer fail classes when meeting all the criteria for course completion. Work hard, pass your classes hard!
Having Roommates can be hard. Have your Sims had Roommates complain constantly and leave even when their needs are met? Yeah, we made it so that Roommates don’t do this any longer.
Fixed an issue in which beds were counted incorrectly when placing an ad for Roommates. I mean, as much as Pets and even Toddlers can live with Roommates, the ad should be truthful to how many beds there are actually in the Lot, not count Toddlers and Pets as needing adult-sized beds.
We fixed Servo animations so that they don’t look like they are walking on one leg when hovering to their destination. Now they will hover properly.
We fixed an issue in which in some instances Professors could not go to work when a Professor NPC is added into that same Household.
Fixed an issue in which removing and adding back Household members as Roommates would create some… inappropriate moments, ahem.
Eco Lifestyle
Evergreen Harbor’s peace has been restored: roads and parts of neighborhoods no longer disappear or turn blue when businesses open in Port Promise while the Modern Development N.A.P is active.
yfBody_EP09DressShirt no longer has a weird texture in some of the footwear from various packs, especially platform shoes and chunky sneakers.
Had you moved to Cypress Terrace in Willow Creek and found you couldn’t really do anything there? We fixed the routing failures and interaction failures on the Mitey-Mitey Home – Insect Farm.
Snowy Escape
Mountain Climbing can be challenging, even for those experienced. But having indecisive moments before a climbing route like getting off and on your bike constantly seems that a lot of doubt is passing your mind… However, we did speak to these Sims that were experiencing this behavior and calmed their fears and doubts, so this should no longer be an issue.
The hairstyle yfHair_EP10BobBluntOmbre now covers all of the Sim’s ears.
For Simmers who own Seasons together with Snowy Escape, rain options no longer affect snow.
Sims no longer have the option to give a respectful or military introduction during activities such as Dancing or Bike Riding. I mean, I’m not sure about you, but I can’t dance and respectfully introduce myself at the same time. So many falls… so many falls.
We made some corrections to the Slippers that came with this pack and they should no longer display a greenish texture on Sims’ toes when selected in Create a Sim. Yikes.
Fixed an issue in which for some Simmers playing with the Yoshida Hall Household would generate a game crash when loading into Mt. Komorebi.
We took a look at our Ramen menu and have updated our cooking menu to label Miso and Egg Ramen as Vegetarian safe options. Buen Provecho!
Want to run a Restaurant in Yukimatsu but also want to enjoy the slopes? Now your Sims can enjoy the slopes and dine in style. However, this action is only directed, and will not be autonomous. In the same vein, Restaurant employees will not be tempted to leave work to enjoy the slopes.
Journey to Batuu
Batuu is an awesome destination for those who want to enjoy something fun and different, but if you bought a Droid from the Droid Depot and never saw it in your inventory, I know how frustrating it can be. Never fear, the Droids you were looking for will appear now in Inventories when purchased.
In Journey to Batuu, the First Order ID no longer disappears from inventory so Sims now can Access First Order Plans for the Top Notch Trickery Mission.
Fixed an issue with the Leveling the Playing Field Mission in which the Scoundrel Informant would not appear on the scene after Sims stole the Prototype Blaster and went to Oga’s Cantina to wait for the informant.
Dine Out
Eggs and Toast sound super basic and easy right? They will continue to be that way for our unassuming Chefs on the Chef Station since we fixed an issue that made them… challenging. Sims can also use the second burner for other recipes without fail or routing out.
The Decorations and Kid’s categories in Build Mode should no longer have a “New” highlight when there’s nothing actually new.
Dream Home Decorator
Lighting can change the ambiance of a room, and your mood in a flash. Luckily we have fixed an issue that lighting was not even on sectional sofas to continue to set the right mood for our Sims.
Our stylists fixed the Sleep ‘N’ Study Styled Room to remove the P.R.I.M.A Computer from it as this is not an item that is accessible for everyone, pardon our dust.
Laundry Day
Fixed an issue where an animation clipped when Sims were loading their laundry machines. Because having your clothes go through you is awkward, are Sims made of fabric? I don’t think so.
Bust the Dust
Don’t need Simoleons, don’t need Fame. Don’t need dinner to have this date. It’s strong and it’s sudden and it’s cruel sometimes but it might just end your night… the power of Dust, that’s the power of Dust.
Our cleaning agents have determined that Sims won’t get romantic negative Moodlets related to filthy levels of dust in public places like parks.
65 notes · View notes
thedimensionzone · 3 years ago
Candy Cane Conundrum
Hi there! I wrote a fic for the Dimension 20 Christmas Gift exchange! I agreed to write something and then completely forgot how to write and then got sick for a week. But I finished! Here’s a cute story loosely based off of the Candy Grams from Mean Girls and then a Pep Rally that actually happened at my Middle School.
Title: Candy Cane Conundrum
POV: Jawbone
TW: Pranks, mild distress
Rated: E for everyone
Cast: The Bad kids with some Seven Cameos.
@mayodad here is your gift! Sorry it’s like a month late and I hope you like it!
Jawbone sat heavily in his desk chair, feeling something in his lower back ache as he settled in. One too many one night stands on the ground of a truck stop bathroom and suddenly your back hurts way more than it should. He probably should have actually been at the school an hour ago but it was like pulling teeth to get all of the kids up and out of the house this morning. Fig had tried to say that she was an emancipated minor due to her fame. He just reminded her that she would have had to actually send in the papers for that to have any effect. 
Adaine stated that she had a bad feeling about school today and as the elven oracle she had decided to trust her gut. It had nothing to do with the fact that there was an End of the semester Pep Rally. Adaine was usually able to sneak out and head to the library, stating that the noise gave her a headache, but for this event the head librarian had a role in one of the teacher skits and locked up twenty minutes early. 
Fabian was one of the few Bad Kids that Jawbone wasn’t directly responsible for but that didn’t mean he loved the kid any less. But the Blood Rush team was giving a speech for the rally. According to the game calendar that Jawbone kept pinned by his desk there was a championship game coming up in a month. Jawbone didn’t actually think they had qualified for that but that didn’t mean Fabian was going to give up that time to address the school. Last year they had also not qualified but Fabian had regaled the entire student body about the injustice of a bad line call. He had seen Arthur wipe away a single tear. 
Kristen and Tracker had stated that they needed to get to school early for one of their projects. Kristen had been bent over a notebook all week so Jawbone imagined it was another one of her intricately detailed Pamphlets about the new goddess. She had started referring to herself in the third person as Saint Kristen for about a week before everyone in the house started ignoring her. Kristen agreed that maybe it should just be for her official Church documents, like the tie dyed posters she would hang from every flat surface at the front of the school. 
Jawbone checked his watch one more time. He liked to walk up and down the hallways giving out high fives before school started just to get people off on the right foot. Since it was the end of the week they also got to play the trivia game. First person to answer got a Basrar’s coupon printed just for him. Basrar appreciated all of the free advertising and Jawbone liked to give the kids a treat once in a while for working so hard. 
Jawbone slouched into the cardigan he only wore during school and adjusted his ID badge before grabbing his coffee and heading out the door. The kids had around ten minutes to get settled before classes started and the noise levels were starting to pick up. Jawbone paid special attention for any noises that sounded more upset than just the regular sounds of a highschool. 
Someone approached him right away and he looked down. It was one of the Dwarf underclassmen who were always on their Skateboards in the hall. “Oi Jawbone!” The extremely loud shout echoed down the hallway. “Special delivery. Someone thinks yer Fresh.” 
Immediately a candy cane with a cute tag was shoved at him before the girl skated off, a large satchel over her shoulder full of the candies. Their latest fundraiser for Prom was selling candy Canes to send holiday Messages to other students. Apparently staff was included in that as well. Jawbone sniffed it curiously but all he could identify was peppermint. It reminded him of a certain brand of schnapps that he had once chugged a whole bottle of. It would taste great in his coffee. The tag itself was red and white paper in the shape of a stocking cap that said “Sending you a sweet treat!” The sender had added a heart and then an elaborate signature he decided was Penny Luckstone. This made sense for her. 
Peeling off the plastic Jawbone used the candy cane to stir his coffee, telling a few kids to slow down before they caused a pile up. They slowed for just a moment before rushing off again. Apparently some of the teachers were having holiday parties instead of having class. One was even watching the puppet version of the Solstice Story. 
Jawbone was humming alone to an old heavy metal song as he stepped out the front doors of the Academy. It had snowed earlier in the week but all the ice had melted on the side walks by this point. There were a few of the wizard classes that liked to come out and melt the snow with fireball spells. They mostly did a good job although the music director’s car had exploded once. They promised it was an accident and honestly Jawbone believed them. They had no way of knowing that he had a full tank of gas and that the wind would gust at that exact moment. 
He felt a tug on his scarf and when he looked down someone had looped a candy cane around his staff ID badge. Jawbone hadn’t noticed anything but he could just barely smell that Riz had walked by recently. “Riz you rascal! You got me!” He called out, and the goblin boy popped out from behind him, grinning. 
“Fabian bet me a few gold pieces that I couldn’t sneak all these candy canes onto the recipients without them knowing. And even though I think he’s just trying to get out of delivering them himself I do want to test my theories on the best ways to sneak up on everyone in the school.” Riz had pulled out a pocket notebook and was scribbling a description of the event. “So would you say that you had no idea I had placed the candy cane upon you?” When Jawbone nodded, Riz kept going. “And at the end how did you know it was me? Oh I’m the only one who wears Old Herb body spray? Ok yes that makes sense.” Riz grabbed the small bag of candy canes that he still had to deliver and gave a small wave to Jawbone. ‘I’ll see you later tonight!” Before he quite literally disappeared. 
Jawbone never got tired of Riz disappearing from one moment to the next. Though then again a lot of the other Rogue students had been working on sneaking notes onto his bulletin board in his office all semester, so he had gotten really good at pretending he couldn’t smell them. 
Jawbone kept on his way, saluting several other students with his new candy cane. There was at least one Junior year student who already had eight candy canes, mostly likely sent by the eight people standing around them frowning at each other. After doling out several high fives and at least four ‘“It’s good to see you!”’s and an ice cream coupon, Jawbone started looking for any stragglers who hadn’t headed off to class. 
A loud sound made his ear twitch and he turned just in time to see the Hang Van enter into the parking lot a few miles below the speed limit. Jawbone loved how much Gorgug tried to follow traffic laws. When he was Gorgug’s age he had already had his license suspended twice. He should probably get that reinstated at some point. But it’s not like Sklonda was going to arrest him now that she had quit the force. 
Gorgug half fell out of the van before grabbing his bag and going to open up the backdoor. Out popped most of Zelda’s best friends. Jawbone thought it was just great that those girls had been able to support each other after that whole crystal ordeal. He had seen a few of them in his office and tried to make sure they knew they could talk to him anytime. Penny had a weekly standing appointment for a few months before he discussed her finding a licensed therapist who had more training than him. 
“Good morning everyone! Better hurry before you’re late for homeroom! Glad you made it!” Jawbone rumbled, feeling more like a sheep dog than a werewolf as he herded everyone inside the school. Most of the Seven had gone right back to their conversation that had started in the van after shouting out a chorus of ‘Good Morning!’s at him. Ostentatia was loudly declaring something was ridiculous and Jawbone already felt too tired to keep up. 
Jawbone’s scarf tugged again and he saw another candy cane had been looped onto it and a blur as one of the track kids sped off. They were wearing a Santa Hat and he could hear that they had bedecked themselves in some sort of jingle bell contraption. Jawbone carefully untangled it from his scarf and adjusted his readers so that he could see the tag. This one just had a moon drawn on it and Tracker’s signature. 
“Jawbone, how do you already have three candy canes? They barely started handing them out?” Sam’s voice stood out from the conversation the rest of her team was having but as she spoke they all turned to look at him. Gorgug was still somehow tangled in his messenger bag strap.
“OH! Well I guess a lot of students wanted to send me a shout out. I know Riz was running around making deliveries and several dwarves on skateboards. Don’t worry though Sam I imagine plenty of your admirers will have sent candy canes for you. I bet by the end of the homeroom you’ll have way more than me.” Jawbone gave her a wink and took a bite off of the end of one of the candy canes, sticking the rest of it into his coffee. 
The bell started to ring and the group of girls scattered, giving him a wave before they had to run off. Jawbone helped Gorgug untangle himself before walking him to the Barbarian homeroom to make sure that he didn’t get a tardy slip. “Gorgug here was helping me with a task and that’s why he’s a few minutes late. Have a great day everyone!”
Finally he was able to make his way back to his office only to discover at least three more candy canes had been slid under the door. Stepping over them Jawbone walked to his desk. He was going to do his best to get some of this outstanding paperwork done before the pep rally and a sudden influx of candy canes was not going to help with that. Jawbone liked to leave all his loose ends tied up before holiday breaks otherwise he would worry about things when he was supposed to be enjoying himself. 
After finishing two reports, sending at least five emails, and helping one student circumnavigate an anxiety attack about finals Jawbone was ready for the day to be over. Or at least ready for another cup of coffee. He knew that only one of those things was likely to happen and took a detour through the staff lounge before heading on his way to the auditorium. He could already hear the raised voices of some of his favorite students. 
“No! Listen carefully! The garland has to be hung just right or my speech later in front of the entire school will be ruined!” Fabian was trying to direct several bloodrush team members as they set up the stage area for the pep rally. Fabian himself was standing in the middle and doing lots of pointing while Ragh was up at the top of the ladder. 
“Dude, don't worry! Everything is going to look so sick for your speech! Plus I brought some of those red flowers to put on the ends to kick it up a notch. Your speech is going to kill!” Ragh gestured wildly as he talked, nearly falling off the ladder as it tipped back. “We’ll get all that energy from the pep rally and win the playoff game next year for sure.”
Fabien’s energy only seemed to rise when reminded of the fact that they had not reached the championship league for bloodrush. He knew that even if they weren’t able to win a trophy that playing together was one of the more important things. “Yes! Exactly! They’re gonna love it” Fabien’s grand gesture knocked into the ladder but he caught it just before Ragh fell off. “Come now Ragh. No injuries today! Not on Pep rally day!”
Jawbone chuckled to himself as he walked through the auditorium, inspecting their work. Fabien had spoken to the teachers about choreographing a dance to one of the holiday songs before bringing him out. Most of the teachers had agreed reluctantly. Mostly because the alternative was Arthur Aquefort trying to plan something. After the disastrous pyramid of staff members last year that ended in two broken arms they were all willing to try something different. 
Jawbone paused his inspection as he heard Fabien calling out for him. “Sorry, what was that? Got lost in my own head for a moment!” Fabien took his arm and pulled him closer to the door and away from all the other bloodrush players who were there volunteering. 
“Jawbone I have something extremely important to talk to you about.” Fabien was trying to whisper to him, turning away from everyone else.
Jawbone put a reassuring hand on Fabien’s shoulder, giving him a solid pat. “Fabien, I think your speech is going to go great. You have nothing to worry about.” 
Fabien looked confused for a moment before continuing, “Of course my speech is going to go great. No this is about the candy canes. Jawbone something is wrong I haven’t gotten a single candy cane yet today. I have been on campus for hours and nothing. Everyone else on the team even got one delivered in front of me. What is going on???” He practically shouted the last statement, his fist clenched in front of him. 
Jawbone gave another soothing pat, finally understanding the real problem. “Oh Fabien I’m sure there’s just been a simple mix up. You just have to be patient. We’re only two hours into the day.” 
Fabian just made a frustrated noise and turned back towards the rest of the team to continue directing the decorating. Jawbone could understand his frustration to a certain degree but also he didn’t think Fabian was necessarily as loved by the student body like he thought he was. Most of the school just knew the Bad Kids by reputation since they had been in prison for so long and then had been gone for their Spring Break trip. 
Jawbone took a sip of his coffee and started humming to himself as he walked back towards his office. He went the long way around to avoid walking past Arthur Aquefort’s office. Jawbone found that he really only had the energy to deal with Arthur after lunch, And Gilear would always try to chat but usually had to run off and deal with some student emergency. 
Jawbone settled back into his office and checked his schedule. He had some meetings with some seniors regarding their career goals and if they needed help. Most of the meetings were about five minutes long. Ostentatia Wallace had just said something about it being in her god’s hands, which Jawbone had decided not to ask too many questions about. He had a paws off policy when it comes to deities.
Jawbone’s favorite time of day was the hour before lunch where he led a meditation hour to help with school stress. Usually there were only about one or two students who showed up. Often he was the only one there. Only a select few knew that he really just napped the entire time. Something about the meditation music had him falling asleep immediately. A few of the druids would float through every other week or so and just thank him for having a place they could just come chill out.
Lunch was a bit more rambunctious than usual. Jawbone walked a loop through the room to check in with a few of his favorite students. Fabian had his head down on the lunch table surrounded by the rest of the team, staring off to the side. Adaine, Fig, and Kristin were all sitting at the other end of a long table with a small buffer zone between them and the team. Gorgug was there next to Fabian trying to eat a sandwich and comfort his friend at the same time. 
Leaning down, Jawbone whispered to the group of girls, “Hey what’s up with our Team Captain? He’s looking like he lost all his school spirit.” Jawbone glanced at the lunch Fabian had in front of him and took a small sniff trying to figure out if there was a specific reason he wasn’t eating any of it. “It looks like Cathilda even packed his favorite sandwich? Did something happen?”
Adaine glanced over to look at Fabian before giving the rest of the team a look. “I think it’s because no one has delivered any you-know-what's to him today.” She gestured to a small stack of candy canes that were hidden off to the side away from where Fabian might be able to see them. “He’s not taking it well.” She added, sending Boggy over to comfort her friend. Boggy was more than happy to assist in helping Fabian feel better. He did a small hop and landed on top of Fabian’s head before letting out a soothing croak. 
Riz would occasionally pop over to eat a few bites of his lunch before going to deliver more pieces of candy out of the messenger bag the committee had given him. At some point during lunch he handed almost everyone at their table several candy canes. Every so often Riz would glance over at Fabian and grin. Almost gleeful at how Fabian was handling this. 
Jawbone clapped a paw down on Riz’s shoulder, holding on a bit to make sure he wouldn’t dart away, though it’s not like he could really stop him. “Hey there Riz, I have a quick question for you about the pep rally.” Jawbone said, gently steering the goblin boy in the direction of his office. “Now. My understanding is that you and Fabian are best friends. Is that a correct statement at this moment?” Jawbone didn’t think anything had changed but sometimes the social hierarchies of teens changed by the second and there was almost no way of keeping up with it unless you were in the middle. 
Riz’s eyebrows shot up and his hands started fidgeting with a pen that he must have been carrying in his pocket. “Yes, I would say that Fabian is one of my best friends. Am I in trouble?” Riz’s eyes were darting around the room and Jawbone knew that he was categorizing every exit and possible item that would help him in a grand escape. With Riz it sometimes felt like he was three chess moves ahead at all times. 
Jawbone waved a paw through the air to push that suggestion aside. “No, of course you’re not in trouble. I’m just wondering why exactly you seemed so excited to see Fabian miserable at lunch. It’s not really that funny that no one sent him candy canes. He does seem to be genuinely suffering. I think it’s an artist thing I don’t know,” he said thoughtfully before turning his attention back to Riz.
 Jawbone wasn’t sure if it was an artist thing or if it was because of Fabian’s family but he did seem very concerned with being well liked and respected. It wasn’t enough that his friends told him that they respected him. Sometimes he needed the physical manifestations of that as well. Jawbone was fairly certain Fabian was going to grow out of this but it was going to take more than just spending two years in an adventuring group. Jawbone wasn’t super concerned but he did do his best to give Fabian as much healthy support as he could in both his role as school guidance counselor and friend’s weird step dad. 
Riz did start to look a bit sheepish, the green of his cheeks growing darker for a moment. “It’s not that I enjoy seeing Fabian in pain. But hypothetically if someone were well placed in the candy cane delivery organization that hypothetical someone could prevent all the candy canes meant for a certain individual from being delivered,” Riz said hesitantly, trying not to get himself in actual trouble for a prank. “Until the right time of course!” He added.
This of course made more sense. Jawbone would bet an entire ice cream sundae that Riz was not the only mastermind behind this plan but he also knew there was no way Riz would fold under questioning. “Ok so here’s what is going to happen.” Jawbone started to say, maintaining eye contact, “before the end of the day you are going to put Fabian out of his misery by getting him the candy canes. You’re also going to be the one in charge of making sure that Fabian is able to deliver his speech at the pep rally. I think it will cheer him up. Go see if the promise of a grand entrance will get him back on his feet.”
Riz nodded once before he darted off, dodging around a group of freshmen before heading back towards the cafeteria. Jawbone checked his watch before pulling out his crystal. He had called in a favor to make sure that this pep rally was one of the most exciting in recent memory. Or at least that’s how Arthur had referred to it during one of the planning sessions. 
Jawbone stood with some of the other faculty members off to the side of the gym/auditorium, the roar of all the students in the bleachers chattering amongst themselves as they waited for the pep rally to begin. Slowly the lights dimmed and the sound of the students changed. They grew quieter but the sense of confusion grew. As the student body slowly grew almost silent as the lights fully went out a dull roar could be heard from the parking lot. 
One of the double doors that lead to the outside of the building was thrown open and the light in the frame was so bright it was nearly impossible to actually see out. The roar grew louder just as a wild guitar riff burst out of the speakers. To many surprised cheers from the students, a group of motorcycles streamed into the gym driving around in circles as heavy rock music filled the space. 
The motorcycles circled the space for a few laps before they lined up, the passengers all slowly climbing off of the bikes. With Fig somewhere off to the side playing ‘Bad to the Bone’ the group of teachers marched into the beat, spreading out in lines. Jawbone loved any excuse to wear his leathers, though he was fairly certain no one in the school had actually seen him in any of his biker gear. Mostly because he technically wasn’t supposed to be driving a motorcycle with his lack of official drivers license. 
Gorgug started a heavy drum solo as the teachers began a very simple line dance that Jawbone would deny was based off of the macarena. Jawbone tried not to wince as he saw Sam and Ostentatia in the front row with their crystals out. From the way that they both were screaming Jawbone had a feeling they were being live streamed. 
Jawbone completed the final spin, the teachers more or less in sync as they struck a pose as the music faded. Another rumbling started in the parking lot, this time just from one bike though it managed to almost sound more sinister. Arthur Aquefort stepped to the front of the gym as the backdrop was pulled about by some of the theater bards. A small hint of magic appeared as his voice was magnified through the speakers, “And now we have our first speaker this evening! Here to regale us with his tales of courage, our very own captain of the Bloodrush team, Fabian Seacaster!”
As his name boomed through the speakers Fabian screeched into the gym on his own motorcycle, the glowing eyes of the skull on the front almost pulsed with the beat of the music. Driving around the gym as well, his fist raised to the sky, Fabian gave one of his bright smiles as the crowd cheered for his arrival. The bike passengers in the back who had continued to wear their helmets suddenly stepped forward, shedding their gear to reveal members of the bloodrush team in their jerseys. 
Fabian gave several highfives as he greeted the rest of his team before he walked up and stood at the podium they had constructed earlier. He waited for the cheers to die down, giving his trademark grin until finally it was quiet enough for him to speak. “Hello fellow students of Aquefort! Adventuring! Academy!” he shouted, pausing again for the students to cheer. 
Most of the students were still confused but excited enough to follow his lead and give a large round of cheering. “I appreciate each and every one of you for being here today to support the team. Now I know that we we’re not in the running for the championship trophy this year…but we have something even more important than a giant trophy. We! Have! That! Spark!” and here Fabian raised his hands in emphasis and cued some pyrotechnics. Jawbone thought it really emphasized his point though the sparks were slightly in danger of setting his platform on fire. 
The students settled down once more as they saw Fabian’s smile slowly disappear. “Now I do have one more thing I need to address. We didn’t have the opportunity to go to the championships because half of the starting line got sent on some quests at the worst possible time.’ Fabian shot a glare over at the principal, who as the only one able to send students on quests had known he was decimating the team with those assignments. 
“We have a great team. But I have noticed sometimes the student section of the stands feels a little bare. If you want your team to carry you to victory I’m gonna need more of you to show up to games. For instance everyone look at Ragh here!” The other boy looked a bit surprised to be called out in the middle of the speech. Jawbone had a feeling they had deviated fairly dramatically from the intended message. “Ragh carried this team and did the most rushing of the entire division.” Fabian started to point at a few of the players, calling out specific plays or stats that were exemplary this season. 
“That’s what we can do with the energy you’ve given us so far. But from what I’m feeling today I know that we can DOUBLE that for our first game!” Fabian had started shouting again, pacing a bit up and down the line. “And there’s one more thing I feel I need to address!” Fabian said somberly, his eyes moving across the room and making eye contact with random individuals. 
“I didn’t get ANY candy canes! What is wrong with this day when a humble blood rush team captain and best dancer on the field can’t even get a candy cane delivered to him on the last day before winter break! What is up with that?” He asked, his voice sounding incredulous as he seemingly confronted the entire school. 
Jawbone moves forward to take the mic and have Fabian walk it off when a cluster of some of the Bad Kids stepped out from where they were hiding. Fig and Gorgus were holding a cooler between them as Adaine, Kristin, and Riz followed up behind them. Gorgug looked extremely worried that he was going to drop the cooler even though it didn’t look like it was filled with a liquid. Jawbone narrowed his eyes to try to get a better look and he grinned when he realized what was happening. 
Fabian was cut off mid rant by a cascade of Candy Canes crashing down on his head as Gorgug tipped the cooler over him. Fabian managed to slip and fall as over a hundred of the pieces of candy fell on him, leaving him half buried. The crowd of students felt frozen as they watched Fabian process what was happening in real time. 
Just as Jawbone was starting to get worried again Fabian let out a “Ha HAH. Now this is what I am talking about! This is support!!” Fabian grabbed a handful of the candy canes and tossed them up in the air to fall back down on him. At one point Jawbone saw him start to do a Candy Angel. 
“Alright. I want to give a shout out to everyone who was there for us on DAY ONE!” Fabian started to say before being hauled off of the ground by his fellow Owlbears. “Day one of next season is two months from when we come back from Winter Break! Be there!” 
The students gave them a cheer one more time before the rest of the rally was taken up by faculty announcements and Arthur saying something about ‘being the best you can be in the TIME allotted to you. Unless of course you’re using Chronomancy!” 
Jawbone had been blocking out most of the staff meetings where Arthur tried to convince everyone that Chronomancy was the future of magic and ignoring his story was one of the quickest ways to get him to slow down when he was talking. Most of the students checked out as well since he refused to teach Chronomancy at a High School level and he was incredibly hard to find once someone met his strange qualifications. A few years ago someone tried to kidnap him and he just said they knew everything they needed to know.
The music started again as the teachers marched out of the gym and the bikers all started their engines again. After some excessive engine revving, especially from the Hangman, the group all did another lap of the gym before carefully leaving through the double doors. The student body were almost yelling to each other about what they had just witnessed, incredulous that they had seen motorcycles in the gym and teachers in all leather. 
Jawbone walked back out to make sure that everyone was getting down off the bleachers ok. There was still a pile of Fabian’s candy canes on the group although Kristin was standing there to make sure no one stole any on their way out. “Hey Kristin! Did Fabian ask you to watch his stash? I’m surprised he was able to let them out of his sight after missing them all day!” He gave a hoarse laugh. 
Kristin laughed with him and pointed at his jacket. “Yours has so many more patches than all the other teachers. I forget sometimes that we met you for the first time at a Biker bar where we had to like fight a bunch of people. It’s so weird that one day you can be having a cool conversation with some guy and then like a year later he’s your dad.” Kristin said this all with a grin, using her staff to push all the candy canes into a pile so she could scoop them all into a bag. 
Jawbone felt himself give a huge laugh, feeling that warm tingly feeling in his chest whenever one of the kids called him Dad or said they loved him. “Kiddo even though I almost died I definitely think that was one of the best days of my life. Thanks for being so cool about taking a chance on the unknown.” He said, gesturing a bit to her staff. 
He gave Kristen a quick hug because he couldn’t resist giving them some love when they said how cool he was. “Do you want me to grab these? I know your next class is starting soon.” He said, pulling up the sleeve on his leather jacket to check his wrist watch. “Last couple classes of the semester and then Winter Break can finally begin!”
Kristen hugged him back, laughing a bit as she said “Oh no we were thinking of skipping our afternoon classes and getting Basrar’s before heading home. I’m supposed to go meet everyone in the parking lot after this actually.” 
“Kristen. Kiddo. Next time you gotta actually have an alibi so I have plausible deniability. You can’t tell the guidance counselor that you’re skipping class even if he is your Dad and heard the entire plan on the car ride to school. Now I’ll grab these and you run off to class, right?” he said, winking at her. 
It’s not that Jawbone endorsed skipping classes and cutting school. It’s just that he knew the last few hours before break were probably going to be movies anyway. Plus Kristen and the rest of the kids needed to get better at actually breaking some of the rules without immediately admitting to what they had done. “I’ll see you at home after I’m done at work. If you still need a ride just shoot me a text and I can come pick everyone up!”
“Riiiight. I mean yeah I’ll definitely be going to class. Thanks for the Guidance Jawbone” She said, grinning at him as she walked backwards towards the door to the parking lot. 
Jawbone gave her a small wave and crouched down to put all the candy canes back into the cooler that had been abandoned nearby. Even though they were exhausting, Jawbone loved pep rally days the most.
8 notes · View notes
votederpycausemufins · 4 years ago
The next chapter is going to be the last chapter. It’ll mostly end on a happy note, though there will be something at the end :3
@petrichormeraki @helleborusangel
Grian was glad to finally finish sorting through all the paperwork, narrowly missing Lynn arriving with another Watcher to discuss his kids. He dragged Grifter along with him and made a portal back to his base, glad that it seemed everything would be calm for a while. Until Grifter screamed.
Grian was sure it was just going to be a chicken left over from Hermit Challenges since those always seemed to appear at the worst times. Maybe someone wearing a chicken head who happened to be around. But instead, there was actually someone standing there. Someone Grian ever so vaguely recognized.
“H-hi there person I haven’t seen before. I’m Grian and that’s Grian and we cloned oursel-” Grifter quickly tried to say, but then freaked out as a chicken appeared next to him.
“Don’t lie. I already know what’s going on. I don’t like it, but you’ll get out mostly scott free. This time.”
“Ha ha ha... “ Grifter weakly laughed, glancing at the chicken to his side. “Hey, so is Mini-”
“Go home before I change my mind Ze.”
“Um, I actually changed it to-” Grifter started to speak before the chicken next to him hissed, making him jump and then make a portal back to helscraft.
Grian looked away from where his copy stood to where Punch was floating. As a Watcher, Grian could feel the death magic radiating off of the man. The man signaled to the chicken which hopped over to him and fluttered its way up to his lap where he pet it like a villain would their cat. “So. Xel I presume?”
After seeing how Punch had responded to Grifter correcting him, Grian just nodded. “Yeah.”
For a moment, the man just stared at Grian before smiling. “Well I’m sure you’re much better than my nephew. It’s a shame that your guide ignored you all those years ago.”
Grian had no clue what was being talked about. “Guide? What guide?”
“Something that could be discussed another time. You have more things to worry about. I’m sure your mother won’t be happy about me sticking around here too long, so I’ll leave you with a gift.” The man looked down to his chicken. “Kokatori, why not stay with Xelqua for a bit?” The chicken clucked once before hopping back down to the ground and standing next to Grian. “If anyone asks, you got it from a guy named Pablo.”
Punch looked like he was about to leave, but then at the last moment to turn back. “Oh, and by the way, I’d check your calendar if I were you. It’s currently May.”
Grian was left puzzled for a few moments as Punch disappeared. May? What did it currently being May have to do with anything. The only thing going on was closer to the end and- Grian pulled his comm out and checked the date. They had been so focused on the mess of the past week that Grian barely registered the days were actually passing. “I NEED TO FIND MUMBO!”
Mumbo watched as Grian was using Watcher magic to multitask. He had explained everything that happened while Grian was gone to him, and the builder was glad to be filled in, but before Mumbo could ask much, Grian pulled out a calendar, his communicator, a book, and also a lead which he put his new chicken on. “Grian, are you doing okay?”
“NO!” Grian stressfully shouted at Mumbo, making him take a step back. Had something happened? Was someone hurt again? Was it the boys? “I DON’T EVEN KNOW IF GRUM CAN EAT CAKE!”
“I’m… sorry what are you talking about?” Mumbo asked, a bit calmer but much more confused.
Grian thrust the calendar into Mumbo’s face. “It’s currently May 21st! We have less than a week to get everything ready!”
“Ready for…?”
Mumbo’s eyes widened at Grian answer. “Oh my word! That really is just around the corner, isn’t it?”
“Yeah. I already had some plans in place of course but now it’s basically all out the window since there’s more family and friends involved to invite. Right now the only thing taken care of is presents!”
“Right, and did it get delivered?”
“Of course it did! I hid it in a por- I HID IT IN A PORTAL! THE BOYS COULD ACTUALLY GET THERE NOW!” Grian yelled, freaking out.
“Okay, calm down. It’s going to be fine. If we need to, we can hide it somewhere else. And I’m sure even if we don’t move it, it’s going to be perfectly fine. I doubt either of the boys will manage to get in there.” Mumbo did his best to calm Grian. “I know the boys wanted some people to visit today. Possibly you can get those people to come and we can find time to ask them more about who else the boys might have gotten close to and get a guest list that way.”
Grian was glad to finally finish sorting through all the paperwork, narrowly missing Lynn arriving with another Watcher to discuss his kids
Grian snapped his fingers at the idea before putting almost everything away. “That’s a great idea. Let me message Tommy on the change of plans. You said they wanted Fundy and Michael?”
“And Michael’s parent since he’s young. Parents? I’m not completely sure, I’m sure all those time problems didn’t help.”
“I’m sure they didn’t.” Grian remarked as he finished sending a message. “There. Now I guess we wait for Tommy to respond.” And he didn’t need to wait long as a message arrived. “Okay! He says I can pick them all up, though I might need to search a little for Fundy. But I’m sure he’ll want to visit Iskall at the very least.”
“Oh, that’s right! There’s one thing I forgot to mention.” Mumbo spoke up, making Grian’s head whip in his direction. “It’s maybe a little concerning, but I’m sure it will be fine. It… it just looks like Grum might be skittish around Iskall again. It makes sense after everything that happened of course, but better I remember to tell you now and not let you find out yourself.”
“I guess you’re right about it making sense. It sort of was like he got… void he got brainwashed again.”
“Hey, he managed to do well on his own. Might not be the best way to take after you, but it’s still good he took after your survival skills.”
“Oh ha ha. I don’t have survival skills.” Grian rolled his eyes. “The amount of times I’ve dive bombed or exploded myself. I mean, You know how many times I died testing my minigame mister ‘Watch This’.”
Mumbo chuckled for a moment. “Not one of my finer moments. But I meant about when you were growing up. I know it’s not your favorite time, but you made it through that part of your life. Grum was able to do the same.”
“I wish he didn’t have to. I wish neither of them got stuck there.”
“I’m sure no one did. But they did and got through it, and that’s what matters. So let’s just work on making sure they know everything’s fine now. Go pick up Tommy and the others.”
“Alright. And thanks for the talk Mumbo.”
Jrum was practically bouncing off the walls when he saw Michael. Grum was a bit more reserved, but was also pretty excited. It seemed Michael was a little nervous being in such a new place, but Jrum was quickly at the ziglin’s side to reassure him. To the side, Fundy was currently admiring the marvel that was the spawn area. Since Jrum had gone with their friend, Grum made his way to the hybrid. “Um, hi Fundy.”
“Wh- Oh hey Grum! How’re you doing?”
Grum rubbed his arm. “Better. Thank you for helping me out when everything was happening. You didn’t need to.”
“Of course I did. You’re a kid and what Dream was doing was seriously fucked up.” He got a look from Grum. “Well, okay. Maybe I wouldn’t have normally, but he kept getting me involved and Iskall knew you, so it was kind of different.”
“Well, thank you very much for that.” Grum said, hugging Fundy. “Well, I bet you want to see Iskall’s tree.”
“Oh hell yeah! Where’s the Omega Tree?”
Immediately Jrum was back next to them. “I can take him there! I’ll also see if Iskall is there or can get there soon! You can play with Michael while we’re gone!”
Grum nodded and looked to Michael. “Do you think that your parents will let you follow me through the nether to a place to play? I know a safe path and Dad assured me if something were to happen, you would absolutely safely respawn.”
Michael snorted before running over to Tubbo and Ranboo, interrupting their conversation with Tommy. Grum followed him over to elaborate on whatever he would say, or just translate in general. When they were told of the idea, Ranboo and Tubbo weren’t entirely sure about it, but Tommy put in a good word. “C’mon, Grian and Mumbo let the bots run around on their own all the time. This place is safe, so he’ll be fine.”
“I guess… but only if you two stick to the overworld. The nether might be faster, but it’s also dangerous.” Tubbo relented.
Grum thought it over. They would need to take a boat over to where they were going, and there would be a bit of a trek through the jungle, but there was a path they could take. “Of course! We will do what we can to stay as safe as possible. Now…” Grum pointed to the bubble elevator. “Up the tube!”
Michael followed behind Grum to get to the surface and the bot crafted up a boat for the two of them. As Grum rowed, Michael looked around at everything around them. Though there wasn’t too terribly much in the ocean in the direction they were headed, there were enough large builds that could still be seen to keep Michael in awe.
Eventually they landed and Grum led them through the jungle. “The best place to play is in Uncle Scar’s village. It's got plenty of buildings to work with and the style is perfect for games! And then nearbyish is Larry the snail and the magic arrow.”
Michael oinked a quick question and Grum elaborated as they walked. When they finally reached the village, Michael quickly ran into it and started exploring, Grum quickly following behind the ziglin. Though the buildings themselves were interesting, Michael decided the best thing were the small mushrooms that had built along the path.
“Yeah! My Daddy really likes those too. He also found a haunted bed when he owned the place for a bit. I wonder if it’s still haunted. Ooo!” Michael pretended to be scared before laughing, and then the two went off to play in the village together.
Back at spawn, Tommy was still chatting with Tubbo and Ranboo when Grian arrived. “Hey, have you guys seen my boys?”
“Yeah, Jrum took Fundy to Iskall’s and Grum went with Michael to play.” Tommy answered. “Why, is something wrong?”
“No, I was actually making sure they weren’t around.” Grian looked to Ranboo and Tubbo. “Are you two willing to come back with Michael in like five days? It’s going to be Grum’s birthday and maybe Michael can be one of the guests?”
“Oh hell yeah, you two need to come. It’ll be so pog!” Tommy said, hoping they would agree to visiting again.
“I guess we probably can, but it’ll also depend on how today goes.” Ranboo answered, Tubbo agreeing with him.
“Okay good.” Grian nodded, writing something down. He then looked over to Ranboo. “Do you have any idea some of the people the boys were close to when they were stuck over there?”
“Sometimes I barely remember my name.”
“Hmm, alright I guess I’ll have to ask Fundy.”
“Hey, I do know one thing.” Tommy piped up. “Or maybe two. Wil’s also a big music lover, so there might be something there. The other bit you probably aren’t going to like though.”
“I’m sure I’ll be fine. What is it?”
“Pretty sure Grum’s favorite uncle is Techno now.”
Grian was just silent as he contemplated the answer. Tommy nervously glanced at his friends before taking a slight step back, worried about how exactly Grian would react. When the avian’s wings started puffing up, Tommy was sure they would need to run, but instead Grian just took a deep breath. “Alright. Fine. I was already planning to invite him since he’s family and all. Yep. It’s fine. Totally fine.”
“It doesn’t sound fine.” Tubbo spoke up, and Grian quickly looked at them with a glare, though he was still smiling.
“Nope. It’s absolutely completely fine.��� Then Grian sighed. “Well, I guess I’m going to find Fundy and ask him some questions. If you think of anything else, just message me.”
Tommy agreed before the avian flew off and then looked to his friends. “Alright, so this is probably the best excuse to show you around the shopping district since I’m going to need to pick something up. And if you guys want to buy something, just say the word, I can spare some diamonds.”
“Are you sure? We could get our own-” Ranboo started to speak up, but got stopped by Tommy.
“Nah, don’t worry. I’ll probably earn back whatever I spend in like a week. Probably from one of the redstoners.” Then Tommy led them to the bubble column. “Now let’s go. Oh, and Ranboo, if you need some armor to help with the water, just grab one from one of the stands. That’s what they’re there for.”
“You mean… the full netherite armor?”
“Something tells me even I won’t have trouble forgetting all of this.”
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madamecricket · 3 years ago
Fourth (and Final) Impressions of Deltarune Chapter 2
Edit: forgot to put a readmore. Forgive me! Spoilers under the cut!
- So I wasn’t even in the palace very long before we got to a series of puzzles that Berdly couldn’t solve, much to his frustration. I figured Berdly was building up to something, either a boss fight or a growth moment, and it was the second one. Turns out when you thrive off of praise, you develop a bit of a dependency... good on him to be self-aware.
- In the flashback sequence with the spelling bee, I noticed the word Noelle got nervous and stuck on - “December”. See, I remember another sequence in the city where we had a character moment with Noelle while pressing a series of switches that spelled out “December.” Clearly the word is significant to her in some way, and probably a negative way considering how it made her freeze up. Either something big happened in December, or something big happened involving a person close to her named December, since I remember her mentioning a “Dess”. I’m looking forward to where this goes.
- The theme in the Queen’s palace slaps, just gotta say that before we go further.
- So backtracking a bit, Lancer has been stone-ified, and Ralsei knows exactly what’s up: the dark fountains create worlds, the dark fountains that was sustaining Lancer’s world is gone, and that’s why Lancer is stone now. He’ll be fine, though, if we can get him back to Ralsei’s castle town and the fountain there. Good of him to offer a solution, except...
- ... hold the fuck up, Ralsei. So you’re telling me that this happened to Lancer because of the loss of his dark fountain - which Ralsei encouraged us to go through - and because of that, the Dark World that Lancer comes from is no more? And what’s more, Lancer now depends on the Castle Town fountain - that is, Ralsei’s fountain - to live. He is now life-bound to your town, Ralsei. He literally cannot leave you and still live, and even if he could, the world he knew is gone. Oh, but it’s ok, because you conveniently have a place for him to live under your roof now. 
- And, hold on, who was it who told us we had to go through the Dark Fountain to get home?? I played through the first chapter just recently, that was you, Ralsei. I definitely remember Ralsei saying we had to do that, he gave us that quest in the first place, and I definitely do not remember him mentioning at any point that this would end with Lancer’s world being destroyed. This is absolutely not fine, Ralsei. Oh, and considering how conveniently us getting isekai’d in the library lines up with Ralsei suddenly insisting we had to go and do homework... Ralsei, are you the one isekai-ing us???
- *deep breath* Okay. I’m calling it now. There’s something Ralsei isn’t telling us. I joked earlier about how he wants to bake us into cakes and eat us, but to be clear, I think whatever’s going on here is more complicated than “Ralsei was the bad guy all along”. I get the feeling that Ralsei’s desire for friendship, especially towards Kris, is very genuine. It’s just... this whole situation is reminding me of Asriel’s deal in Undertale. Fitting considering the whole anagram situation... I wonder how Deltarune!Asriel is going to play into this.
- Okay, back to more current stuff in the game. I met up with Roulsx Kaard (idc how to spell it) again and he’s facing me in... the thrashing machine I made in the first chapter. I’m serious. Same color and everything, holy shit.
- behold the majesty
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- ...whut?
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- this is excellent. I’m going to die of excellent.
- ohh, now he’s gonna transform... aaaaand...
- oh. ... you know, I wondered when it was gonna catch up to him?
- ice cold, Ralsei. Ice cold.
- “Why don’t we close our eyes and imagine how she’s doing now” Just like last game... is Ralsei actually activating some kind of power when this happens?
- “I wish Dess could see this”? I knew it! I’m on to something!
- taking a moment to acknowledge the shipping energy in the air
- Noelle (paraphrased): “Where are we, anyway?” Me: say “Dark World” Susie: “You’re just having a dream” Again with Susie thwarting player intentions...
- .. a heart-covered Ferris Wheel. Okay, Toby Fox, we’re doing this now!
- Susie has a tail???
- And again, we return from a Susie Sequence to Ralsei apparently explaining something to Kris and finishing with a variation of “so that’s why-” before getting cut off by Susie. What are you explaining, Ralsei.
- Checked a calendar in Noelle’s palace room. “Every page is the last month, every day is the 25th”... what??
- another banger of a final battle!! let’s do this!!!
- See, I had a feeling that the Queen didn’t actually want to hurt anybody, but she has a... funny... idea of what constitutes helping. It clicks with her being basically a personified search engine - she literally wants nothing more than to give people what they want and make them happy, but she’s not always great at figuring that out based on what they search. She mentions Noelle’s “sad and lonely searches”... Noelle, honey, are you ok?
- Excuse me, Queen, this Dark World was created *today*? ... And it was created by the Knight... and I already suspect that Ralsei is “isekai-ing” us... Ralsei, are you the knight?
- New important info: “Lightners” are apparently necessary to create Dark Fountains due to their determination, and unlike Undertale, determination isn’t exclusive to humans
- ...
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... this game just became perfect
- Oh hey, White Diamond, what’s up?
- “Oh Damn I Did Not Know That” WELL NOW YOU TELL US, RALSEI!
- Susie doesn’t have a tail? Make up your mind, game!!!
- Phew. Okay. Okay. The actual game part is over. Time to process some thoughts...
- So we’ve seen two Dark Worlds so far, Lancer’s world based on games (cards, checkers, etc) and the Queen’s world based on computers and the internet. The running theme I notice so far is escapism. During her fight, the Queen monologued about a desire to fulfill the desires of people who turn to the internet to dull their pain or look for new distractions. And as for Lancer’s world... well, it’s implied to literally be made of abandoned toys. Both of them things people turn to when they need a little entertainment or escapism to avoid their real-life problems for a bit. And I think it’s been mentioned that Darkners are essentially made to serve Lightners; perhaps helping them cope with the difficulties of life? 
Even putting aside the symbolism here, Susie and Kris literally escaped to this world to blow off their classwork, and Susie in particular seems to think the Dark World is better than anything in the Light World. In the final battle, Susie, Noelle, AND Berdly were all just about to open up a Dark Fountain themselves and make themselves better lives in the Dark World and only stopped when Ralsei very firmly informed them about the Roaring. Is this going to come up again? Are these kids going to struggle with the temptation to abandon their real lives to go play eternally in the Dark World?
And isn’t that just a perfect microcosm of the relationship that people have with video games in general - including this one? The perfect opportunity to just forget about your own life for a bit and temporarily live in a different world altogether, one with battles and magic and adventure?
Just what the fuck is going on here, Ralsei? Was I too quick to accuse him of being a secret villain earlier? Is Ralsei just trying to get us to process our shit in the Dark World, and then destroy it so we move on to the Light World with renewed hope in life? .. or is he just trying to make himself the center of our fantasies?
- ...have the Queen and King met? I mean, it would make sense, but they haven’t been mentioned as having a relationship of any kind or even knowing each other. Is this another Toriel/Asgore kind of situation?
- So I’m just talking to NPCs around Castle Town, right, and I meet up with Seam again. He just told me to be careful not to stay in there too late and that I don’t want to get caught when the sun goes down... DAFUQ YOU MEAN, WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE SUN GOES DOWN???
- This is wonderful, I’m now witnessing Toriel and Sans having a joke-off in person.
- (Sees Kris going in to wash their hands) (Hears Toriel say “they do that sometimes”) ...so Kris has like... a condition? The heart-ripping thing has happened before?
- (Sees last thing before credits) ...okay then!!! I think that’s all the things I can get into one post, haha! Forgot to mention some things, but I can only type so much!!! Can’t wait to talk about this later, haha!!! (holy shit)
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rivalsforlife · 4 years ago
AA7 Speculation Post: 2021 Edition
So I did one of these back in August, claiming that it was likely we’d get an AA7 announcement sometime in September for the Tokyo Game Show. Obviously it was wrong. So I am doing ANOTHER ONE, because I apparently like publicly being proven wrong?
This will be shorter than the last one because I exhausted most of my material on the first one, and also there’s less material. There is, however, SOME new stuff we’ve learned since August. ... And I was going to make a post in November but completely forgot, so consider this a starting point for the year. I’ll be covering the leaks, in general terms, and theorizing when we will be getting announcements/releases.
The rest will be under the cut so as not to burden everyone with my ramblings.
The Capcom Leaks
First things first, a disclaimer: this information was leaked through a hack which was highly illegal and compromised the personal information of many former and current Capcom employees, and therefore, I do not condone the methods through which this information was obtained and will not provide any guidance as to how to obtain this information, nor have I sought it out myself. However, I will still talk about then in general terms, because the information is out there already, and the information I am discussing will not compromise any personal information.
In summary: early this November, the hacker group Ragnar Locker managed to hack into Capcom’s databases somehow and retrieved 1 TB of information from the company; this includes a bit of information on ace attorney, which was leaked in mid-November after the group demanded a ransom and, presumably, Capcom didn’t pay up.
The two major ace attorney reveals that came from this are as follows: the announcement of a DGS/DGS2 port for the nintendo switch, steam, and ps4 with an English translation, and a calendar for the development and release of this port along with... ace attorney 7.
It’s highly likely that this information was real, given the level detail and the fact that Capcom confirmed some of their information was leaked, essentially confirming that AA7 either is or once was in development -- more news about this than we’ve had in a long time! But what does it mean and when can we expect it? Let’s take a closer look at the calendar.
The Calendar
Unfortunately, this little thing happened in between the creation of this calendar and it being leaked, called “a global pandemic” or something like that, so this calendar is almost certainly behind.
But what did it say? I lost track of the original, but I did find a roughly translated version someone made (from this post which summarizes some of the stuff in the leaks):
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So... what does this mean? First, let’s remember two things: one, this calendar was made pre-COVID and things were definitely pushed back. And two, the Japanese fiscal year starts April 1st, meaning that FY2021 starts in April. This means that as of writing this, we are technically in FY2020 Q4 - where, if we were on track, would be nearing the end of DGS1&2 port production and midway through AA7′s production. (We are almost definitely not on track.)
The pandemic started hitting Japan around April 2020, I believe, so that would be in FY2020 Q1. The DGS ports seem fairly unaffected, considering it’s later in production, and also, the DGS games are already complete, so most of the work would be on translating and adapting the games for modern consoles, rather than starting completely at scratch like AA7. AA7 is a little trickier: it was still in the prototype/pre-production stage, most likely, when the pandemic hit. I’m not tooootally sure what that means because I’m not a game developer, but it’s quite possible that this meant it took a serious hit. Given that there didn’t seem to be a lot of other AA7 data leaked, including in a large schedule of releases for Capcom later, there is the possibility that AA7 ended up being scrapped owing to the pandemic or other extenuating circumstances... but I don’t believe that’s likely, with the 20th anniversary coming up. We’ll see.
Another thing of note is that the name “AA7″ is temporary. Here in the English-speaking world that isn’t a big deal because all the AA games have random titles (like “Justice for All” and “Trials and Tribulations”...) but in Japan, they’re referred to simply with their numbers (GS2, GS3, etc. standing for Gyakuten Saiban 2, Gyakuten Saiban 3). The fact that “Gyakuten Saiban 7″ is a temporary name could possibly mean that what we are getting is not another mainline game. 
However, again, there’s not really anything to support either of these things. I’m just bringing up random possibilities to cover my bases; but personally I think it’s likely that it is another mainline game, and that it is still in development. If we hear absolutely nothing about AA7 for all of 2021, though... then perhaps not.
Now... obviously, this calendar was pushed back. If we’re in 2020Q4 right now, then by the calendar DGS1&2 is hypothetically going to be released in about three-six months, and there has been absolutely no word on that so far. If this calendar were still being followed, we’d have AA7 on sale in Q3 of 2021 -- meaning October-December 2021, possibly in October for the 20th anniversary of the series, which would be super cool. ... but I doubt that will happen now.
So then, when are we getting the games?
I haven’t seen actual evidence of it, but rumour is that they’re pushing back DGS1&2 for a July release and an April announcement, giving three months between announcement - release. This is a shorter period than the most recent trilogy switch/ps4/pc/xbox release, which was announced in September 2018 and released February 2019 in Japan, a five month waiting period. 
When we English-speaking players will get the duology is unknown, too -- the trilogy rereleases took a month and a half before they were released in English, despite already having been translated and the original released in Japan coming with an English language option. (No idea what was up with that!) The duology released in Japan reportedly will have an English option from the outset, though the English released version will not have the Japanese option because of copyright issues surrounding Sherlock Holmes -- sorry, I mean, Herlock Sholmes. Still, we should expect a few months following the Japanese release before we are able to play it ourselves. Same goes with the hypothetical AA7, which seems to typically be around three months following the Japanese release for an English release.
As for when we can expect AA7′s announcement... to the extent of my knowledge, the shortest announcement-release period for a game was Spirit of Justice, announced in September 2015 and released in Japan in June 2016, a period of nine months. Usually it takes longer. Assuming that there’s still that six-month gap between the DGS duology release and the AA7 release, we could hypothetically have AA7 in early 2022, pushed back a quarter, and if the announcement comes nine months ahead... it lines up pretty nicely with an April announcement. If we’re having a DGS announcement in April as rumoured, it would make sense to tie in the AA7 announcement to that as well.
How will they be announced? ... I’m not sure. TGS back in September would have been the most opportune time for an announcement, but I have the feeling that owing to our good friend the pandemic, they didn’t have enough to show for either the ports or AA7 back then and so opted not to show anything. If these games are for the Switch, they could be announced in a Nintendo Direct. Or they could be announced in a Famitsu magazine with trailers released later outside of any other event. Honestly I don’t really know for this part.
Overall, though? This is the upcoming 20th anniversary of the series. I’d be surprised if we ended up not getting anything. Despite the pandemic likely pushing everything back, I think it’s highly likely we’ll get some big ace attorney news soon, even if it’s not quite in time for the anniversary -- of course, the safety and health of the employees comes first, so a bit of a delay will be just fine.
TL;DR: I’m theorizing we’ll have DGS port/ AA7 announcements around this April, with DGS being released around July and AA7 being released late 2021/early 2022, with a few months delay for the English versions.
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hitsuackerman · 5 years ago
Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) pt.18
a/n: all i can say is... BRING BACK CHRONOHAUL :) hope ya’ll like the chapter!
warnings: this cannot be read solo
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 19
Masterlist to my other fics: here :)
Overhaul’s waiting list: @jjk-biased @infinite-universe-love @dirtypride @blackymomo03 @azzie @purple-rabanito​ @meximorrita @awesomeee19​​ @celestial-kanzakii​ @laure-lo​ @team-wang-puppy​ @aydience-world​ @choros-main-hoe​ @but-kairis-not-that-smart  @colorseeingchick (i cant seem to tag again :( hope this lands in your timelines!)
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“Kurono.” Overhaul snapped. “We’re done for the day. Take Eri-chan to her room and give the new toy to keep her busy.”
Finishing the last part of the job, Kurono pinned Eri’s bandages and carried her. Watching as Overhaul left the room, he felt the little girl trembling in his hold. The past few days, his boss had been a little harsher on the girl and it showed when he opened her up without being warned. Patting her head, the flinch did not help in the tense aura surrounding the base.
Once he locked her doors, he walked down the dimly lit hall and passed by Overhaul’s office. The faint sound of him typing away in his laptop made him stop in his tracks. It was rare for him to even look at his laptop. Something must be bothering him more than ever, for sure.
Knocking on the door, he was told to come in and entered silently.
“You’re on the laptop.” He commented and lazily flopped on the sofa. Taking his mask off, he rubbed his face and leaned on the back rest.
“I can see that.” Overhaul’s eyes remained glued to the screen. “Is there something you need?”
“D’you talk to her yet?” He yawned and stretched his limbs. Legs ready to bounce should his boss show any sign of rage.
“That doesn’t concern you.”
“Just askin’.” He shrugged his shoulders and fiddled with his fingers. “Eri-chan’s in her room now and the toy still didn’t lighten her mood. Not that it ever works.”
He merely hummed and continued typing.
“Mind if I ask what exactly happened?” Kurono sat up with perfect posture. His legs angled to the door, ready to make a run for it. The tension was too much. Even for the precepts. He could care less about the budding lovelife his boss had but the limit was drawing near.  Hearing the laptop slam close, Kurono stood up and inched his way to the door.
“You have absolutely no business learning what happened behind those closed doors. But, if it pleases your curiosity, the woman mentioned her time with Ackerman.” Overhaul impatiently tapped his index finger on the desk. The other hand massaging his temple. “Satisfied?”
“What else did she say?”
“She said that her emotions aren’t there for the bastard and that she has her eyes set on someone else.”
For someone who played shogi skillfully, Kurono had to admit that his friend was as clueless as  the word could imply. Using all of his strength not to twitch his eye at the ignorance being displayed, he let out a sigh and went back to the sofa.
“So why be pissed about it? Clearly she’s interested in you.”
“I am not pissed. I am merely agitated at the turn of events.” He stopped tapping his finger and stood up. Exiting himself out, he decided a long bath might cool his head.
“You do realize she only did that to rile you up. You’re losing to her game, Kai. I bet a shit ton of cash that she wanted to see if a reaction would suffice and looking at you now, she got exactly what she wished.” Kurono talked the fastest he’s ever attempted in his life. “I’ll also bet my money that you ignoring her only adds to her growing problems.”
“And what makes you say that, Kurono?” He was now facing the arrow-haired man. Fists clenched tightly.
“One of the men saw her entering Nighteye’s agency.”
“THAT Nighteye?” He cocked a brow and took a step closer to the sofa.
“Yes. Her car remained parked for quite some time. By the time she left, I was told she was speeding towards the precinct.”
Gathering his thoughts, Chisaki found himself seated across Kurono. His bird mask resting on the table between them. The surgical mask now on full display showing the shadows his face offered. Without realizing it, his brows were furrowed and teeth gritting.
“If it’s bothering you, why not just call her or send a message.” Kurono shrugged.
“If she has been spotted entering the agency, chances are she’s been part of the heroes schemes all this time.” He was nodding to himself. “And she had the audacity to act like she was part of nothing. Smart move for her but not careful enough.”
Squinting at the train of thought he had just heard, Kurono rested his elbows on his thighs.
“So, you think she’s teaming up with the heroes?”
“She is.” He leaned on the back rest.
“She told you?”
“Not outright.”
“What gave her away then?”
“The night I left, she mentioned how the heroes don’t have a clear map of the base and only an outline. That was either a slip or intentional. From the turn of events, it may have been accidental.” The memory of that night, having his body so close to yours made him fiddle with the hem of his gloves. The scene of having your flushed face so near to his made him smirk under the black mask. Glancing at the calendar, though there was no need, it had been three days since the both of you contacted each other.
“Do you think we’ve been bugged?” Kurono asked. His eyes darting from one corner of the room to the other.
“No.” Crossing his arm against his chest, he let out a long sigh. “Not yet, at least. But knowing them, it’s bound to happen and they will use (y/n) for that.”
“What do you intend on doing?”
“Buy me a new sim tomorrow, Kurono. It’s best if communication is cut. The Quirk erasing bullets are nearing its completion. Any upcoming hindrances would disrupt the plan.” Taking his phone out, he checked for any messages. Seeing as there were none, he turned it off and threw the sim card across the table. The small plastic landing inches away from the edge.
“You’re not going to overhaul it?” This was something he was not expecting.
“No. Burn it.”
“You’re…” He took the sim into his hand. “You’re really serious about this.”
"Those rats are on the move. The chances of her bugging our base is high. Knowing she's not the type to refuse, it is best to cancel out any communication." Picking up his mask, he let out a silent sigh and wore the said item. "No need to fret, Kurono. I've already prepared the necessary actions."
"Knowing you, there's no need to fret." He too took his mask and wore it as well. Fixing his hood, he stared at his friend. "What about the Fukuo Kai case?"
"That is in two months. The hype would have died down." Standing up, he fixed his coat and motioned Kurono to follow him out. "Besides. If (y/n) really has an interest in me, she would know the perils of harboring emotions. Let's go. I'm famished."
"Pardon?" Kurono stopped walking and stared at the back of his boss.
"Even the strongest villains need nourishment."
"Oh, uh, sure." Not sure what to do next, he rubbed the hems of hood. "Shall I ready the car?"
Seeing the nod, he blinked himself back to reality and went separate ways. Walking towards the garage, the blue-haired man replayed the events. He wasn't too sure but he could feel how your mannerisms were slowly rubbing off of Kai. Not that he minded, it was just… weird.
Taking the sim from his pocket, Kurono weighed out the options of burning or keeping the small object. Kai or even Overhaul wasn't too fond of keeping mementos, but his sense of gratitude was always strong. His ways of repaying debts were always admirable, no matter how absurd his methods may be.
Once he was now seated in the car, he knew exactly what to do with it.
The following day, Tsukauchi took his seat beside you. A brown paper bag now resting on your desk. After the heart to heart talk inside your car, you are more than glad that nothing has changed. He still treated you as his partner, as well as his close friend.
"Here are some updates for the Fukuo Kai." Reaching out for a folder, Tsukauchi pulled it with his fingertips till he finally grasped it. "We have detected some movements in their western branch. Me and the 4th division will be checking them out 3 days from now. Care to join?"
Checking your schedule, it was vacant and you agreed.
"So what're your plans now?" He asks while grabbing a small chip from your meal. "Nighteye?"
"Yeah. They’ll be discussing who’s who within the eight precepts.” Despite trying your best, you couldn’t help the slight slumping of your shoulders. Slowly nodding at the words that left your mouth, you chuckled and shook your head.
“Are you debating whether or not to tell him you're a part of the scheme?”
“I can’t but I feel like he’s caught up. I tried to call him last night. Yes, I know it’s cheap of me. But, his number was unavailable so…”
“He probably was off doing villainous deeds.” Tsukauchi patted your head and dragged his seat back to his cubicle. “He’d be a real jerk if he won’t contact you within the next few days. Trust me. Not even bad guys can resist the temptation of women.”
“You’re making me sound like a prostitute, Nao~” You commented while checking your emails. For now, nothing caught your eye. The occasional spam emails were present and one from Hawks but you could save that for later. Any more birdmen was not in your priority.
A few minutes passed and you were now engrossed in typing reports. When the lights of your company telephone lit up, your eyes darted to Namase’s door. It had been a long time since the both of you conversed, or let alone saw each other. The fact that he was calling you only meant bad news. Recalling every case you left unsolved, you were quite confident that this was nothing worth worrying about.
Picking up the phone, you braced yourself.
“Bet you’re wondering why I called you, right?” Right. You forgot. This man held no filter whatsoever. “Well no need to worry. I just had to inform you that we received an anon caller. Do you wanna put him on the line?”
“An Anon caller? For what case?” You grabbed a pen and paper.
“For the Arson case.”
“Can you put him on the line?”
Namase put the Anon caller thru and you waited till you were sure he wasn’t eavesdropping.
“Hello?” Even if you weren’t sure whether or not you should receive this call.
“Is this (l/n)-san?” His voice was low but clear enough for you to hear. “I think I have some good information about the fires.”
“I’d love to hear it but I had to hand over the case to the HPSC not too long ago. I can give you their hotline number if you want.”
“They scare me. I would prefer it if it was you who passed the message to them. Are you free later at 4pm?”
“Let me just check my schedule.” You knew you were free but you felt the need to look up the person. “Can I have your name, if that’s alright?”
“Okay, Tetsu-san. Where do you want to meet up? Is a cafe alright? Or do you want a private room in the precinct?”
“A cafe please.”
“Alright, We can meet by the Nooks and Books. ’ll be the one wearing black. I’ll see you later.”
With no greetings, the line ended and you put the phone down. Gathering your stuff, you began to skim through each article you recently read about fires. Granted it had been a while since you last heard any news about fires, the tip was or could be useful. Of course having to talk to the HPSC was something you were not looking forward to.
“Nao, I’ll be taking my leave now. Anything you want me to bring when I come back?” You peaked into his rather messy cubicle. “Geez. Calm down with your cases, buddy.”
“This is only for the meantime.” He scratched his neck and stared at the scattered papers and folders. “I’d like a creampuff, though. A creampuff sounds nice in these trying times.”
“Aight. I’ll bring you a box later.” You said as you exited the floor.
It only took a few minutes but you were now seated in another desk. One where you wished you were not a part of. Greeting the heroes who had just entered the meeting room, you smiled at the sight of Deku and Mirio.
“(l/n)-san! Long time no see!” Deku greeted you and took the vacant seat beside you. “How’s work?”
“Work is work. How’s school? Are you holding up? Must be difficult to juggle this raid and academics.”
“It is but we have supplementary classes so I can manage.”
“Your classmates with Uraraka, Asui, and Kirishima, right?”
Exchanging a few more small talk with the heroes, you locked eyes with the hero sitting beside you. The scruffy hair, eyes that looked like they haven’t slept a single second, and the trademark scarf resting on his shoulders. Giving a shy smile, Aizawa merely responded with a lazy nod before Nighteye finally entered the room.
“As you all know, today’s agenda will be task distribution. Let’s get on with the details now, shall we?”
The tasks were distributed rather well. Fatgum Agency would be accompanying the front of the team. Right alongside Nighteye and Aizawa. The other heroes were tasked to stay outside and guard the entrance for any possible nuances that might occur. The police staff were divided into two groups. Being given ample time to assign which officers would be in the outer and inner group, you merely nodded and took the list of names.
‘Great. More work.’ Flipping the pages, most officers were people you had worked with before. At least things wouldn’t be so difficult.
“(l/n)-san?” Nighteye snapped your thoughts away. Adjusting his glasses, he rested his elbows on the desk and leaned in. “How’s the task of bugging Overhaul?”
“I haven’t been in touch with any of them for a few days now. I will be trying this week if the situation allows.”
“Alright. If that succeeds then things will go much smoother and will surely pick up speed. Best of luck. Any questions?”
“Are there any updates about the League of Villains being tied with them?” Deku asked.
“As of the moment, there’s no movement from them. So, it’s safe to assume that they only have minor participation in said event.” Nighteye replied without batting an eyelash. He really was confident in this raid.
Feeling guilt rushing through your veins, you shifted in your seat and silently exhaled. Once Nighteye gave the adjournment, you scurried out of the room and made your way to the cafe. It was a bit traffic but you would still be able to arrive on time. With the cafe being near the station, parking would be no trouble.
When things were now settled, you were now walking towards the cafe and found yourself now standing in front of the cashier and saying your order. Taking your number, you looked for a private booth and sat there. It rested in the corner so Tetsu wouldn’t be too uncomfy.
When the clock struck 4, you were now staring at the lobby waiting for that Tetsu to arrive.
Sure enough, a man with a hood entered the cafe and made eye contact with you. Seeing as he walked towards your booth, it was safe to assume that this was Tetsu.
“Are you Tetsu?” You asked the man wearing the hood. With the sunglasses and mask, you could only make out such little skin his face had.
“I cannot stay long. But I came to hand this over.” He slid a small brown envelope. His head hanging low making sure you wouldn’t catch a glimpse at his covered face. “I hope this can assist your case.”
“To be fair, please stay while I go through the contents of this envelope.” Taking the envelope, you slid the content out only to have a sim card laying flat on your palm. “What kind of information does this hold, Tetsu-san?”
“That information is sensitive so you can check its contents before handing it over.”
“But, I’m not part of the Arson case anymore. Would you still want me to hand this in or redact a few messages.”
Overhaul did not mention you were no longer part of the case. Cursing at how blank his mind was, Kurono glanced at the environment before he exhaled deeply.
“I will only say this once, so listen carefully.” He uttered.
“This isn’t about the Arson case now, is it?” Sliding the sim card back, you carefully placed it inside your bag and focused on Tetsu. The words that came out of his mouth made your heart beat faster. Clenching your fists, you braced for whatever he would say next.
“Kai has been on edge and it’s been such a pain in the ass. I don’t know what the hell made you decide to mention Ackerwacker but you got what you wished for.” Kurono’s voice was low. Barely audible due to the cafe’s music. “But, it would be a lie if I said he hasn’t been more human ever since he met you.”
“Can you take your mask and shades off?”
“You’ll probably just arrest me right here.” Kurono took his shades off revealing familiar gray eyes.
“You were that guy from the restaurant?” Your eyes widened at the realization that Overhaul had interfered that early on. “Not that I’m complaining or anything, but ya’ll did me a great favor.”
A slight smirk appeared on his lips as he took the mask off. It felt different having his face exposed after a long time.
“I can see why he took interest in you.”
“Why meet me, though? Wouldn’t this only risk in you being overhauled and shit?”
“I have my ways. Kai instructed me to get rid of his sim card but I don’t know. Perhaps you can make use of it in your private life.”
“Well, to be honest, the heroes don’t fully trust me.” You shrugged. That was nothing new. “It sucks having to juggle work and personal feelings in this particular case. Guess both of us are in a pinch.”
“Perks of being with Kai.”
“You should probably get going… Chronostasis, right?” Putting his disguise back on, a switch flipped in your mind. “Hey you mind if I get your number? If you have one, ofcourse.”
“I like to make my connections.” You winked. When he took out his phone, you in turn took something out of your pocket. Placing it on the table, you pushed the small box towards the villain. “I’ll text you the instructions later, aight?”
“What’s this?”
“You’ll know when you open it.”
With that, Kurono pocketed the small box and left the cafe. When he was out of sight, you rubbed your face and groaned.
“Damn it.”
- - - - -
a/n: hohoho Kurono now enters the picture! hope ya’ll enjoyed this chapter! :) Mimick is still writing down Overhaul’s waiting list! if you guys have any questions or just wanna be tagged :) feel free to spam me! take care!
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fluffle-moon · 4 years ago
Regrets of an SMP
Purpled never liked conflict, so he usually stayed neutral if he could.
But he still wanted to spend time with his friends.
But they always would exclude him....
It made him feel...
He sighed as he heard another TNT go off, probably making a lot of damage.
He looked outside and saw the Dream SMP fighting L'manburg, whats new?
He knew he wouldn't be getting a lot of sleep so he stayed up.
He decided to enchant his armor and weapons a bit more.
He woke up at his desk, and stretched.
"Guess I fell asleep..." Purpled thought to himself.
That was the first he's slept in a while, If does Sleep, he usually cries himself to sleep to be honest.
He looked at his calendar.
"January #(#)..." He thought, "Wait... JANUARY #(#)?!" He jumped up and cleaned his room up a bit. He forgot that Astelic, 80, and Sammy were visiting!
"Shit, Shit, shit." He muttered. He felt himself going into panic mode.
Tommys POV
Me and Tubbo were walking around, fixing stuff up. Considering we won the war because of a trade. Dream always tells us when someone new joins, so when three people we didn't know joined, we were very confused.
We went around asking if anybody knew who they were but, nobody did.
I honestly thought we had everyone until Tubbo remembered Purpled.
So that's how we're here.
We stood in front of his UFO.
Until Tubbo ran in.
I followed close behind.
Tubbo stopped and I collided with him.
"Tubbo what the fu-" I start before seeing what he was looking at.
Purpled was crying in the arms of a tall woman with brown hair.
A boy with sunglasses was beside her.
And someone with half-n-half hair.
"Who the fuck are you?" I say.
They just gave me a angry look.
"Hello! are you deaf?"
"Shut up." Half-N-Half boy said.
"You've ignored him so much! While you were off fighting a war he's been here full of anxiety!" He said.
My heart dropped.
We've been ignoring him...
"We're taking him back to GB80s Server, mainly cause of the fucking neglect you all are giving him." The Woman said.
"I..." Tubbo started
"Don't wanna hear it." She said.
As they walk out me and Tubbo glanced at one another, eyes full of guilt.
How would Ponk and Manifold take this?
Astelic POV
I can't believe it,
"Sammy take Purpled back to my base." 80 said.
"Which one?" Sammy said quiet, to not wake the sleeping boy.
"Any I don't care!" 80 said, clearly mad.
Sammy nodded and logged off.
SammyGreen has left the game
"What're we gonna do?" I asked 80.
"We're going to confront the owner of the server." He said.
I nodded.
Soon a Blonde boy with a smiley mask came into view.
"Hm?" I heard him say, he looked up and saw us.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"Friends of Purpled," 80 starts "Now Can I ask a question?"
"Of course!"
"Why the fuck. was Purpled having a panic attack and venting to us on how he's being ignored." 80 demanded.
"W-What?" Dream said confused.
"You heard us." I said.
"I-I don't know..." Dream said.
"That's because you never bothered to visit." 80 said.
"We'll be leaving now, Purpled is coming with us." I say.
Astelic has left the Game
Gamerboy80 has left the game
Purpled woke up and rubbed his head, it took the boy a second to realize he wasn't in his home.
Fuck Fuck Fuck.
Why does he panic so much?!
He hears a voice say "Its fine, Your okay..."
"W-What?" Purpled Muttered.
"You're not gonna be neglected anymore." She said.
He felt himself being hugged.
"Astelic?" Purpled asked.
"Yup." She said.
Purpled Hugged back.
He heard a door open and a voice ask: "Whats going on?!" "Don't worry Sammy, he was just worried on where he was." Astelic said.
So Sammy is here to....
"That's good, anyways up for some Mario Kart?" 80...
Purpled nodded.
He finally felt wanted, This was the place he was meant to be....
This, This was home....
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azvolrien · 4 years ago
Gryphon Beach Party
I’m not even going to pretend that this has much of a plot; it’s more of a slice-of-life thing, winding up characters and letting them bounce off each other, with a fair helping of worldbuilding. It also ended up quite a bit longer than I’d intended when I started, but I was having fun.
In the spring of Asta’s second year living in Stormhaven, she decides to attend an important cultural festival and makes a new friend into the bargain. What Happens Next Will Shock You! (no it won’t)
           There had only been one to start with, but as the afternoon went on more and more had joined the parade until a whole flock of young gryphons hurtled around the College, all screaming something over and over at the top of their collective voice.
           Asta attempted to tune it out. “So, remind me how many of the day students have decided to start boarding?”
           Matron Inkfoot sat up on her haunches and double-checked her clipboard. “Seven first-year apprentices, four second-years, and one third-year.”
           “A third-year? It doesn’t usually take them that long to decide.”
           “It is out of the ordinary,” said Inkfoot, nodding, “but Ffion Howell’s family are moving out of the city in a month, so she’ll have to start boarding on a full-term basis. The others will be week boarders.”
           “Right.” Asta scribbled the details in her notebook. “Will the dormitories require any reshuffling to make room for them?”
           “No, there are enough free beds,” said Inkfoot. “The actual floor space is running somewhat low, but the new dorm annexe should be ready by the end of the summer before the next batch of first-years arrive.” She hung her clipboard from one of her harness straps and dropped back to all fours.
           “Good, that ought to simplify things,” said Asta just as the bell rang to signal the end of the day’s last lessons. “I’ll amend the apprentice records in the admin office and see to it that the kitchen staff know how many breakfasts and dinners they’ll need to account for. And then…” The chorus of gryphons outside had fallen silent at the bell, but as soon as its echoes faded they took up their cry even louder than before. “…And then I give up. What are they chanting out there?”
           Matron Inkfoot cocked her head, angling her ears to listen properly. The tip of her tail flicked to and fro in amusement. “Arakhasthan,” she said, making the kh and the sth into a resonant click in her throat and a sort of roughened hiss from the sides of her beak.
           Asta rolled the word over in her mind a few times. “I don’t think I have any hope of pronouncing that properly,” she admitted. “What does it mean? I assume it’s Gryphic, but…”
           “No, humans always have trouble with Gryphic,” said Inkfoot. “You just don’t have the right vocal structures. It’s why our names are usually in Imperial. Arakhasthan means something like ‘time of new feathers’.”
           “Oh, the New Feather Festival?” said Asta. “Tigerhide mentioned something about it earlier but I didn’t know what she meant.”
           Inkfoot nodded and half-spread her wings to display her glossy new flight feathers, each one a deep gold-brown tipped with black and almost five feet long. “It’s when we celebrate the end of the spring moult, when everyone loses their winter plumage and gets their summer coat instead.”
           “I did notice the gryphons were all looking a bit, um…”
           “Scruffy?” suggested Inkfoot, her tail-tuft twitching again.
           “I was going to say ‘unkempt’,” said Asta, “but it didn’t seem polite to comment.”
           Inkfoot made a soft clicking sound in her throat – the gryphon equivalent of a light chuckle – before she cocked her head in the other direction and her crest-feathers raised slightly in a curious ‘frown’. “Were you not here for last year’s festival? I know you came to Stormhaven that Hawk Moon. Sirakithi, in the Kiraani calendar.”
           Asta stared into space for a few seconds, counting the months backwards on the joints of her fingers. “I was living in Stormhaven by then, yes, but I was on a trip up to Northold around this time of year.”  
           “That explains it, then. There aren’t as many gryphons up north – they don’t make such a big fuss about Feather Fest. Do you think you’ll come this year?”
           Asta blinked and drew herself up a little. “I – well. Is it allowed? I’m not exactly…”
           “A gryphon?” said Inkfoot with another flick of her tail-tuft. “Or from Stormhaven?”
           “Well, both, I suppose, but I meant being human.”
           “No, no, plenty of humans come to the festival,” Inkfoot assured her. “There are some parties in the city – you might’ve spotted bundles of shed feathers hanging from lampposts and so on – but the big get-together will be on Aberystrad Beach tomorrow. Quite a lot of the wizards like to attend; I’ll be shepherding a few apprentices myself.”
           Asta gave it a few seconds’ thought. “I… need to get this up to the admin office,” she said, holding up her notebook. “But after that… I suppose it might be nice to get out of the city for a few hours.”
           She was far from the only person to have made that decision. The next day was perfect weather for a festival – clear skies and a light breeze off the sea, with the warmth of late spring before the oppressive heat of high summer properly rolled in from the south – and there were so many people trying to leave Stormhaven that there was a queue for the north road. Asta drummed her fingers on Pardus’s saddle-pommel as she waited her turn to pass through the Soldier Gate. Stormhaven’s city walls were not as substantial as Kiraan’s old fortifications, now long overtaken by urban sprawl and only encircling a small area around the Emperor’s palace, but they were still more than twenty feet tall, five feet thick at the base, and a more than adequate barrier to everyday passage; while there were smaller gates for pedestrians around the walls, each of the main ones was only wide enough for two lanes of traffic. There were no checks, however, and the guards waved Asta through without delay. Outside the wall, she tapped Pardus in the ribs with her heels and spurred the construct into a brisk trot. Even past the gates, the road was busy with a steady stream of carts, carriages, pedestrians and beasts of burden both natural and constructed, but the pace soon picked up and as the city fell behind, the road widened until Pardus could overtake the slower traffic and accelerate to a flat-out gallop.
           Aberystrad Beach was a few miles north of the city, but Pardus at full tilt ate up the distance in less than a quarter of an hour, easily keeping pace with the cloud of gryphons soaring above and outstripping many of them. The well-signposted turnoff soon came into sight up ahead, and Asta tugged on the reins to steer Pardus down the narrower, more winding side-road to the beach. Rolling dunes covered with wiry marram grass rose up to either side until the paving was completely engulfed; only the trail of footprints and wheel-marks through the soft, dry sand gave any sign it should be there. The sand slid under Pardus’s paws as the construct slowed to a walk and crested the last dune before the beach.
           After five years in the Sea Lochs and more than one in Stormhaven, Asta sometimes felt she was used to the sight of the Western Ocean, but she seldom had a view with no buildings or hills in the way. Out here, beyond the city walls and on top of the dunes above the beach, there was nothing to obstruct the view, and for a long while she forgot to do anything but stare. There was a chain of islands out there somewhere, she knew, but they were far enough from the coast that even on such a clear day there was no sign of them. A single ship – three masts, so not Captain Steel’s Curlew – was under full sail a couple of miles offshore, bound for the north, but otherwise only a few white dots of seabirds and the shadow of the odd small cloud broke up that vast expanse of blue-grey-green stretching to three horizons.
           Below the mottled green-yellow of the dunes and with the tide well out, the beach was a long, broad sweep of white sand split in two by the River Ystrad, its broad, looping channel shallow enough to easily wade through. Above the river, a natural outcrop of some rock hard enough to withstand the sea had been carved into a huge statue of a gryphon – more than twice the height of the city walls – sitting up and gazing out to the west. Years of wind and waves had worn its front claws smooth, leaving only vague shapes to show the sculptor’s intent, but its head with its alert stare, fierce hooked beak and pointed ears could have been carved yesterday and the detailing of the feathers on its half-folded wings was still clear even from a casual glance. A few of its flesh-and-blood cousins perched atop its head and on ledges at its shoulders and haunches, but far more had staked out little campsites along the sand below.
           There was no shortage of humans as Inkfoot had said, but if the gryphons did not truly outnumber them, the numbers were as close to equal as Asta had ever seen; hundreds of gryphons had set up colourful blankets and sunshades all along the beach, lounging on the warm sand, while others queued at food stalls just below the dunes where scents of cooking meat billowed up from fire pits dug into the sand. Still more gryphons circled above, soaring effortlessly as they caught rising thermals beneath their wings. A small group was hard at work down the beach attempting to erect two thin poles almost as tall as the huge sculpture, perhaps markers for a game of some sort. Snatches of music and voices raised in song – enthusiastic if not always tuneful – drifted on the air. And yet, for all the bustle of the festival, the beach was big enough that it did not feel crowded, and when Asta rode down from the dune she easily found a free space for herself and Pardus beside one of the statue’s hind feet. She climbed down from the saddle, laid her travel rug out on the sand, and had Pardus lie down for a backrest before she unpacked her picnic from the saddlebags. There was no one she recognised in sight – or at least, no one she dared to approach unasked – so instead she sat back against Pardus’s flank to drink her tea and watch the goings-on.
           A few of the airborne gryphons had stopped their lazy circling and, while the others drew back to fly in a vast ring around them, launched into some kind of aerial performance, twisting into loops and rolls and locking talons to fling one another across the sky. Some had clipped brightly-patterned streamers to their feathers while others trailed strings of polished metal discs from their legs and their tails, turning the whole display into a riot of colour and light to shrieks of approval from the audience. A band struck up on a stage below – two gryphons with a harp and a set of drums, and three humans with flute, guitar and fiddle – but it wasn’t clear if they were setting a beat for the flyers above or just playing along with them. A crowd quickly gathered around the stage to dance along.
           Between the cheering, the music and the thunder of wings it was absolutely deafening, and the Asta of two years ago would have been terrified – not just of the general uproar but of the gryphons themselves, of their talons like grappling hooks and their beaks that could shear through bone – but now, after the journey south with Steel, Pirate and their crew and then months of living in Stormhaven and working with Inkfoot and the College messengers, it was no more threatening than any other festival. The gryphons may have been huge carnivores who showed more expression in their feathers than their faces, but they were people as much as any human or elf.
           Asta had just finished her first cup of tea when one young man peeled off from the crowd around the stage and trotted over to her, almost tripping over a trio of small, fluffy gryphon chicks who were making a determined effort to bury an older male up to his neck in sand.  
           “Want to dance?” he asked, holding out one hand with a cheerful grin. Asta glanced up from her mug, and something in her throat and her stomach came to a juddering halt. Fair skin, dark hair, incredibly blue eyes – not Daro, of course not him, that wasn’t fair on this innocent stranger, but-
           “That’s very kind of you,” Asta stammered once her voice would obey her. “But I- I think I’m fine where I am for now.”
           “Are you sure? You could-”
           A shadow fell over both of them. “The lady gave you her answer,” said a new voice, this one a deep, gravelly rasp. The young man swallowed, nodded, and retreated back to his friends on the makeshift dancefloor.
           Asta shaded her eyes and squinted up at the gryphon who had just landed on the statue’s foot. “He meant no harm,” he said. “He’s a good lad; son of an old friend from the army. But I like to see a ‘no’ is respected. Mind if I sit?” Asta shook her head and he hopped down onto the sand at Pardus’s tail, clutching a leg of meat in his claws. His feathers were an unassuming dark tawny colour with off-white barring on his wings, and like many gryphons he wore a harness around his chest. However, where most of the harnesses Asta had seen were made of leather and often decorated with carvings and medallions, this one was sternly utilitarian – all tough, heavy canvas dyed a dull grey-green – and its only decoration was an old rank insignia pinned to one shoulder-strap. Even without it and his comment about the army she would have thought him an ex-military sort: he had clearly and literally been in the wars, for half of his tail, one ear and a toe on his left foreclaw were all missing, and various odd ridges and discoloured patches in his feathers suggested more scarring beneath them.            
           As she watched – surreptitiously, from the corner of her eye – he took a waxed cloth from one of the satchels on his harness, spread it on the sand, and carefully laid the haunch on top before he pinned it in place with his talons and began to tear away strips of meat with the tip of his beak. The outside had been seared brown over one of the fire pits, but the inside was so rare it was almost still bleeding.
           “What is that?” asked Asta. “Beef?”
           “Horse,” he said with his mouth full, and flicked his head back to tip the flesh down his throat. “Want some?”
           “I… Wh… No, I brought my own food. But thank you for offering.”
           He gave a little shrug with his wings as if to say your loss and returned his attention to his meal. “Kiraani, are you?” he asked once he had stripped it to the bone. Asta nodded, and he lowered his head to the sand to scrub away the juices crusting on his beak. “Thought so. Last time I was in arm’s reach of one of your lot was during the war.”
           He clattered a laugh in the back of his throat. “I won’t hold it against you. Bravest soldier I ever met was an Imperial scout I ran into in the Darkwald. Fought like a tiger, he did – not many humans’ll square up to a full-grown gryphon with just a knife to hand, but he left quite the mark. Would’ve liked to know him better, if we’d met under different circumstances.”
           “Is that what happened to, um…” Asta nodded towards his missing toe.
           “Ayah. What happened to this, too.” He turned to look at her squarely, and she narrowly stifled her horrified recoil down to a twitch. The same wound that had taken his ear had carved a huge gnarled scar down that side of his face, leaving a deep notch in the bony ridge above the empty eye socket and twisting the corner of his beak into a permanent grimace. He laughed again, waving what remained of his tail from side to side, and lifted a talon to his intact brow ridge in an informal salute. “Flight Captain Redbolt, lately of the Second Assault Wing.”
           Asta smiled despite herself. “Asta zeDamar, still working at the College of Sorcery’s admin office.”
           “Ah, the College? You’d know Inkfoot, then.”
           “Oh, yes, we often work together to sort out one thing or another.”
           Redbolt gave a little sigh and looked up at a small, wispy white cloud high above. “Had quite a crush on her when we were both younger, but she was never interested. Wanted to focus on looking after the little wizards.”
           “They do take a lot of looking after.”
           “Talking of schools,” said Redbolt, “here’s something I’ve wondered for a while. I know how we remember the Darkwald War. How’s it taught in Kiraan?”
           “Well, there’s a certain degree of embarrassment there,” admitted Asta. “As if a lot of the people writing textbooks aren’t really sure how the army of a nation as small as Stormhaven faced down the Legions and won.”
           “I’m not sure ‘won’ is the right word. Felt more like everyone just got tired and stopped.”
           Asta nodded acknowledgement of the point. “But otherwise it’s a lot more honest and even-handed than you might expect, both about how it started and ended and everything in between. The main focus from a tactical standpoint tends to be on the wizards and the gryphons – though you can tell in some of the older books that they hadn’t quite wrapped their heads around you being people rather than just well-trained animals.”
           “In the end, are we not all just well-trained animals?” said Redbolt with such exaggerated soulfulness that Asta snorted with laughter. “You know, the books – ours and yours – always gloss over how boring it was most of the time. Lots of long stretches of just sitting around waiting for something to happen, with the odd quick burst of-” he paused for an instant, glanced at her, and obviously changed what he had been about to say, “-heart-stopping terror.”  
           “The Voynazhi priesthood don’t really like to focus on that part for some reason,” said Asta drily.
           Redbolt chuckled. “Me, I always wonder how many priests of Voynazh have actually seen battle.”
           “And how many would find another vocation if they did.” Asta looked down at her hands for a moment and asked, more quietly and with some hesitation, “Have you ever met a berserker?”
           “One or two over the years. One or two.” Redbolt opened his beak in a gaping yawn and scratched under his jaw with a talon. “Deadly fighters, but they don’t make good soldiers. Don’t work well in a team; can’t hold a formation. What makes you ask?”
           “I… used to be a slave,” said Asta. Redbolt cocked his head slightly but offered no comment. “Up in the Sea Lochs. I escaped, but before I made it down to Stormhaven I… I lived with this woman for a few weeks. Roan.” Absently, Asta brushed her fingers against her lips. “She lived alone, a long way out on the coast miles from anywhere. And she was a berserker. I suppose I wondered… I’m not sure. If berserkers were usually loners like that, or if that was just how she was.”
           “Didn’t spend enough time with them to know,” said Redbolt. “Yours, well… Clearly not so much a loner that she wouldn’t let you stay with her.”
           “No, I suppose not.” Asta fell silent and gazed out at the horizon. “I hope she’s all right by herself up there.”
           Redbolt looked from Asta to the sea and back again, quietly scraping his talons through the sand, then got to his feet and stretched out his wings to their full extent, his feathers reaching thirty feet from end to end. Despite his buzzardish markings, his wing conformation was more eagle than hawk – long, broad, and almost rectangular – and he was the biggest gryphon Asta had met so far, taller than Inkfoot and more heavily built. “Tell you what,” he said. “They’ll be starting the ring toss in a few minutes. I can give you a lift up there if you want a better view.” He pointed up to the statue’s head high above them.
           “Ring toss?”
           He laughed. “Not the kind you’d see at a funfair.” Asta bit her lip, looking with some apprehension at the statue towering above. Redbolt cocked his head, lifting his crest a little, and went on more soberly. “By the sun’s egg and the sky’s breath,” he said, “you are safe with me.”
           Asta had spent enough time with Inkfoot to know how serious an oath that was to a gryphon. Some did follow human religions – she had once seen one making an offering at a shrine to Kura – but most kept to their own nameless sky-gods. She nodded, stowed what was left of her picnic back in the saddlebags, and stood up.
           “Ever flown before? Nah? I’ll give you the – ah – crash course now, then.” He took a belt made from the same canvas as his harness from one of his satchels and passed it over. “First, you can’t sit up like you can on a horse or a construct, or even a gryphon walking; the balance and the wind resistance’ll be all off. So…” He bent his forelegs and nodded for her to climb onto his back. “You’ll want to get your knees on the back of my wing joints first, just where they meet my shoulders – gods, do you have bird bones yourself? You hardly weigh a thing – and belt yourself to that back strap, then lie flat on your belly and put your arms forward over my wings. You see those loops on the harness collar? Put your wrists through them and hold on where they join the main strap, like you’d hold one of those handles that stop you falling over on a tram. There you go.”
           “You’ve done this before?” asked Asta.
           He nodded and walked away from the statue. “Every military gryph big enough to carry a human gets the training. Never know when you’ll need to pull one of your mates out of a sticky situation. Ready?”
           “I think so.”
           Redbolt rocked back onto his hind legs and leapt into the air with one massive downward stroke of his wings. Asta’s knuckles turned pure white, but the straps held; within seconds, they were soaring in a wide circle above the sea faster than Pardus could run. Asta looked down over Redbolt’s shoulder, watching his shadow skim over the waves. The sun-warmed water was a beautiful clear turquoise over the white sand beneath; more than a few festival-goers were taking a swim and throwing a ball around. As Asta watched, one of the gryphons flying above folded their wings and dropped in a breakneck stoop right into the water with an enormous splash, only to resurface to enthusiastic cheers with a silver fish clutched in their talons.
           Another, lazier beat of Redbolt’s wings carried them higher, before his outstretched feathers found a thermal that bore them upwards until they were above the statue’s head. Asta lifted her own to catch the wind on her face.
           “Make some room down there!” roared Redbolt. Half a dozen gryphons looked up from their perches around the statue’s ears and promptly scattered, leaving Redbolt free to glide in for a landing. He flared out his wings and the fan of feathers at the base of his tail to slow himself, lowered his hind claws to the carved stone, and dropped to all fours. “There we go,” he said as the other gryphons reclaimed their space. Asta unbuckled the safety belt, slid down from his back, and peered over the edge of the statue’s head. Pardus still lay on the sand where she had left it, some fifty feet below. “I’ll say this for you,” said Redbolt, hooking a precautionary talon into the half-belt at the back of her coat. “You’ve no fear of heights. Last rider I carried screamed his head off the whole time.”
           “No, I’d say heights are one of the few things that don’t scare me,” said Asta, sitting down cross-legged at the edge.
           “Evidently,” said one of the other gryphons, this one a younger female with grey-and-white plumage and long pointed wings. “When was the last time you gave a human a ride?”
           Redbolt shrugged. “Four, five years ago? I’ve kept up with the weight training in the meantime, though. Oh – Asta, this is my niece Gull. Gull, Asta. Thought she’d get a better view of the ring toss from up here.”
           “Ooh, yeah, you get the best view of the game from up here!” said Gull, her tail-tip drumming on the stone behind her. “Tunnel Fifteen’s put together a really strong team this year, but I was just talking to Stoat here and he thinks the Windstone Wing are the ones to watch.”
           “They’ve got a very good defence this year,” said Stoat, whose feathers did indeed give him a resemblance to the animal: mostly a reddish-brown, but with a white bib down the front of his neck and a black tail-tuft. “But it’s true, Tunnel Fifteen has some very quick players. Slate is one of the best flyers out there; the Wing’ll have to account for her if they end up against the Fifteens in the tournament. Who do you think’s in with the best chance?” he asked Asta.
           This was met with a blank stare.
           “You don’t… actually know how it works, do you?” said Gull. “Oh, well, it’s pretty simple. Each team has five players; they have to try and get the ring onto their team’s goalpost, but they have to throw it; if anyone’s touching the ring when it goes over the post, the point doesn’t count. A game lasts either an hour or seven rings’ worth of play, whichever’s shorter. If there’s a draw after an hour, they have a tiebreaker round.”
           “And no biting or clawing the other team,” added Stoat. “You draw blood, you’re out of the game.”
           “It’s not as interesting since they added that rule,” said Redbolt, his tone so bland that Asta couldn’t tell if he was joking or not. Gull cuffed him on the back of his head with one wingtip as the first two teams took flight above the game field, marked out from each other by different colours on their harnesses. Another gryphon with a blue-and-white harness – presumably a referee – flew overhead and dropped a foot-wide wooden ring from their talons, and both teams launched into play.
           Asta had very little idea what was going on despite the running commentary Gull and Stoat provided for her, but it was surprisingly engrossing nonetheless. Ring toss, it turned out, was a fast-paced game of skill and agility where the airborne players flung the ring to their teammates or intercepted it from their opponents so quickly that it was difficult to keep track of where it was until it landed on the goalpost and slid down to a hook a couple of feet below the top. None of the games lasted the full allotted hour, and a few of the more uneven ones barely went a minute between the referee dropping the ring and a point being scored.
           The tournament final had just started – as it turned out, neither Tunnel Fifteen nor the Windstone Wing had made it there – in the late afternoon when Stoat pricked up his ears. “Asta, you said your name was?”
           “Someone’s yelling for you.”
           Asta leant forwards over the edge of the statue – Redbolt held on to her coat again – to see Fayn, Wygar, Inkfoot and a handful of blue-clad apprentices from the College gathered around Pardus and looking in all directions except up. Fayn cupped both hands around her mouth and shouted again, then shrugged and said something to Wygar that Asta couldn’t make out.
           “Up here!” called Asta, waving one arm. They looked up at that; Inkfoot half-spread her wings, but folded them again at some comment from Fayn. Wygar nodded, stepped back, took a quick run-up, and clambered up the side of the statue as quick as a squirrel. He had abandoned his usual long blue coat in favour of a sleeveless shirt, baring his wiry, well-toned arms and the flowing blue tattoos on his shoulders. A couple of the apprentices giggled and nudged each other at the sight.
           “I hope you’re wearing plenty of sun cream,” was Asta’s only response when he reached the top.
           “Thought you were afraid of heights?” said Redbolt, his tail twitching.
           “Yes, Fayn and I are both well-protected,” Wygar assured her. “And I’m afraid of flying,” he added to Redbolt. “I like heights just fine. You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?” Redbolt shook his head to muffled laughter from the other gryphons. Wygar turned back to Asta. “Fayn and Inkfoot spotted your construct down there and were worried when they couldn’t see you anywhere.”
           “Oh. Well, it’s very kind of them to be concerned, but I’m quite all right. Redbolt here carried me up so I’d have a better view of the ring toss.”
           Redbolt rubbed the back of one talon against the scar on his face. “Thought she looked like she needed cheering up,” he mumbled.
           “Inkfoot was right,” said Wygar, grinning. “You are an old softy.”
           “Oh-ho-ho, you want to have that conversation again, boyo?”
           “…You two clearly have some history together,” said Asta as Gull, Stoat and the rest of the gryphons quietly backed away.
           “All journeyman warmages are put through a course of gryphon-riding practice,” said Wygar in an extremely neutral voice.
           “You make it sound like some horrible torture,” said Redbolt. “‘Warmage’.”
           “The good Flight Captain here is of the opinion that no mage who hasn’t actually been to war should be permitted call themself that,” said Wygar.
           “I can see where he’s coming from,” said Asta slowly.
           “Thank you!” said Redbolt.
           “But if Stormhaven hasn’t seen an actual war in twenty years, surely there can’t be that many people in active service today who do fit that criteria.”
           “Which is my point,” said Wygar. “But the way he goes on, you’d think I’d never even been in a playground fight!”
           “Reckon you’re just going to have to agree to disagree on this one, lads,” Gull interrupted. “Look, the ref’s just dropping the last ring now.”
           The referee hovered above the pitch at the exact midpoint between the two goalposts and released the ring from their talons. Immediately both teams lunged into action. One big pale-feathered gryphon with crest-feathers long enough to mark him as male even from that distance grabbed the ring in his beak and hurled it halfway across the pitch with a flick of his head. One of his teammates stretched out their talons to catch it, but before it even reached them a smaller, quicker player from the other team intercepted it and threw it in a high arc to one of their own teammates, who batted it further up with their tail. One player with pointed falcon-like wings, hovering above the fray like a kestrel, hooked their talons through the ring and beat their wings, flying for the goalpost, but the pale gryphon half-folded his wings and barged into them with his shoulder.
           “Is that allowed?” asked Asta as the crowd gasped.
           “Didn’t draw blood,” said Redbolt with a shrug.
           The ring fell, but the pale gryphon’s teammate reclaimed it before it hit the ground and threw it to a player circling above the other goalpost. They caught it in their beak, passed it into their talons, and dropped it. The ring fell neatly over the post, the referee rang a bell to signal the end of the match, and the air exploded with gryphons cheering themselves hoarse.
           “What was that team calling itself again?” asked Wygar over the uproar.
           “They’re the Crag Shadows,” said Gull. “New team, they’ve never entered the Feather Fest tournament before, nobody thought they’d get this far – but look at them!”
           The captain of the losing team touched beaks with the leader of the Crag Shadows – Asta presumed that was the equivalent of shaking hands – and led their team off the pitch as the victors lined up between the goalposts and looked up at the sky. Asta hadn’t noticed in the excitement, but everyone who had been flying overhead had landed, leaving just one imposing figure in the air.
           Lady Starfeather, the chieftain of all the gryphons of Stormhaven, glided above the crowd and landed neatly on the pitch, settling on her haunches. The white tips on her otherwise jet-black feathers seemed to glitter in the sun, which had not yet begun turning red but was well past its zenith. The Crag Shadows bowed low, their beaks almost scraping the sand, before their captain straightened up and accepted the trophy – just a ring painted gold – from Starfeather’s talons. They touched beaks for the briefest of moments before Starfeather drew back and the team captain reared back on their hind legs, holding the ring above their head in both front claws.
           The cheers that followed almost totally drowned out the sound of another gryphon landing on the statue’s head. “You all need to clear the summit,” she announced. Like Redbolt, she wore a tough canvas harness, but it was dyed a vivid shade of red with a strip of gold braid down one side of her collar and she wore a sort of ornamental diadem-helmet, its bands of polished steel framing her face. The brass chestpiece of her harness, almost big enough to count as a breastplate, was engraved with a five-pointed star framed by raised wings.
           Redbolt stood up. “Time for the fledgling parade?” he asked. The newcomer nodded. “All right. Well, you all heard the Wing Guard – clear off, the lot of you!” Gull, Stoat and their friends took flight, leaving only Redbolt, Asta and Wygar on the statue’s head.
           “Need a lift back down?” asked Redbolt wickedly. Wygar just scowled at him, nodded to Asta, and clambered down the side of the statue. “Ah, he knows I don’t really mean anything by it,” Redbolt added when he caught the disapproving look on Asta’s face.
           “Does he, though?”
           “Well… Hm. Hop back aboard and I’ll take you back to the ground, eh? Truth be told,” he added as they glided down from the statue, “if it came to a real fight between him and me, unless I caught him off-guard, I’d be ash. No illusions there.”
           “Who, Wygar?” They reached the ground not far from where they had first taken off; Asta unbelted herself from Redbolt’s harness and dismounted. “I know he’s technically a warmage, but I see him around the College a lot; he’s really more of one of those harmless, slightly scatterbrained academic types.”
           “Oh, really? Ask that harmless academic about his body count some time.”
           “…You can’t be serious.”
           “I watched his Master’s exam,” said Redbolt. “He turned a bladehound into a puddle of molten steel.”
           “Wait, really? But those are-” Asta ran one hand back through her hair, attempting to reconcile that image with Wygar currently standing stoically as Inkfoot attempted to clean a smudge from his face with a handkerchief, much to the undisguised amusement of both Fayn and the apprentices. “That is… an odd idea to think about.” She shook her head as if to chivvy the thought away. “You said something to that guard about a ‘fledgling parade’?”
           “Oh, yeah, that’s an old gryphon custom,” said Redbolt as they walked back over to Pardus and the others. Asta unbuckled the saddlebags from Pardus’s harness and dismissed the construct into its summoning stone. “Though ‘parade’ is putting it a bit strongly. Every Feather Fest, all the youngsters who’ve just finished growing their first lot of flight feathers gets presented to her Ladyship up on top of the statue.”
           “It’s not mandatory,” said Inkfoot, tucking her handkerchief into one of her bags. “But a lot of families like to mark the occasion in some way – your first flight under your own power is a big milestone.”
           Lady Starfeather took off from the game pitch and flew up to the statue’s head where she landed on top of the beak, in easy view of everyone watching from the beach below. Young fledgling gryphons – not much bigger than the chicks, but with proper structure to their wing feathers and the beginnings of their adult markings instead of fluffy grey down – fluttered up out of the crowd towards her. Each one was accompanied by an adult, perhaps a parent or an older sibling. Complete silence fell on the beach, even among the humans, as one by one the adults escorted the fledglings up to sit in front of their chieftain for a moment. With each one, Starfeather lowered her head to inspect them, made some statement that none of the watchers below could hear, and lightly touched her beak to theirs before they and their escort glided back down. A hint of orange had come into the sun by the end.
           “I remember my presentation, years and years ago,” said Inkfoot once the last fledgling was back on the sand. Starfeather remained on the statue’s beak, lying down with her front claws folded over each other. “That wasn’t with Starfeather, of course – her uncle Lord Eclipse was in charge back then.”
           Redbolt chuckled. “I remember old Eclipse! Now, there was a gryph with a sense of humour.”
           “Wait,” said Wygar, rubbing the back of one hand against his face. “Lord Eclipse died in – Inkfoot, how old are you?”
           “Ninety-seven,” said Inkfoot brightly.
           “Have you told me that before?” said Fayn, wide-eyed. “I don’t think I knew that.”
           “Neither did I, and you practically raised me from age twelve!” said Wygar.
           “That’s a slight exaggeration,” said Inkfoot. “You did go back to your parents’ house every weekend.”
           “Hundred and three over here,” put in Redbolt.
           “…Huh.” Asta ran one hand through her hair. “You do give off a certain aura of ‘old soldier’,” she said to Redbolt, whose crest lifted slightly. “But I had no idea you were that old!”
           “Well, you haven’t known me very long,” said Redbolt, waving his tail. “Should have another fiftyish in me, all going well.”
           “Fayn, you’ve been in Stormhaven longer than I have,” said Asta. “Did you know gryphons could live to be that old?” Fayn shook her head.
           “I knew that they could,” said Wygar. “I just didn’t know Inkfoot, specifically, was that old!”
           Inkfoot just shrugged.
           “If it makes you feel any less out of place,” said Fayn quietly as her husband quizzed Inkfoot for further details on the ages of the various gryphons he knew, “this is my first time at the festival too. Wygar talked me into it – I’m not fond of crowds, but I get on well with Inkfoot.”
           “Doesn’t everyone?” asked Asta.
           Fayn laughed, nodding. “She’s a likeable person. Besides, Wygar’s actually got more of a role to play this year than just attending.” She cleared her throat and stood forwards, laying a hand on his shoulder. “Shouldn’t you be getting ready for the bonfires?” she asked.
           Wygar swore, prompting a chorus of “Ooooooh!” from the apprentices, and ran off.
           “He’s quite a fast runner,” commented Asta.
           “He is, isn’t he?” said Fayn with a fond smile as Inkfoot led the apprentices off to one of the food stalls. “Sometimes I think he doesn’t really have speeds between ‘stroll’ and ‘sprint’.”
           “What was that about bonfires?” said Asta.
           “That’s a human thing,” said Redbolt. “Before the first humans came to our land, we gryphons didn’t make much use of fire. But they have their own traditions for this time of year, so a bit got added into the festival. They light those big ones you can see along the beach at sunset,” now that he pointed them out, Asta could indeed see the wood and brush piled in heaps along the tideline, “and the littler ones in between. Folk line up to jump over the small ones for some reason.”
           “Oh, Beltane!” said Asta. “Yes, I’ve read about that. It’s sort of a fertility-luck ritual thing. The fire-jumping, that is.”
           “How is jumping over a fire going to help with fertility?” asked Redbolt.
           “That’s… a good question,” said Fayn, frowning.
           “I’m sure there’s some reasoning behind it,” said Asta. “It’s not really a Kiraani tradition – I’ll have to read up on it.”
           People returned to their little camps along the beach, chatting amongst themselves, until finally the sun touched the horizon and Lady Starfeather got back to her feet, flanked by the Wing Guards in their red-and-gold uniforms. She spread her wings, took a deep breath, and roared out over the sea. The roar of a gryphon was a higher, shriller sound than that of a lion, but still deeper and more resonant than the cry of a hawk and far more impressive than the chirping of an eagle. Standing at the edge of the water, Wygar stretched up one arm at her call and clicked his fingers. A brilliant spark flared around his upraised hand and every one of the bonfires erupted with flame, instantly burning as hot and as bright as if they had already had hours to build up.
           “He didn’t really need to do that,” said Fayn, clicking her own fingers. “That was just for show. He could’ve woken those fires with a thought.” Her voice was exasperated, but there was no disguising the pride in her smile.
           “See what I meant?” said Redbolt to Asta, quietly enough that Fayn wouldn’t overhear. “Ash.” Asta nodded.
           Wygar ran back over to them, and had just been dissuaded from explaining the precise technique he had used when Starfeather raised her wings for silence again and, once she had it, began to sing.  
           After more than a year in Stormhaven, Asta had heard many different sounds a gryphon’s voice could produce. She had heard them speak, roar, laugh and screech. She had never heard them sing. Starfeather’s voice was nothing like the high piping of birdsong; like her roar, it was a more resonant sound that reminded Asta curiously of drumming. Other gryphons took up the song, even Redbolt; humans, their voices incapable of the Gryphic words, had to settle for humming the melody. Soon it felt like almost everyone on the beach had joined in. Wygar had closed his eyes to listen; Fayn leant against his side and held his hand tightly.  
           Asta sat down on the sand, folding her arms around her shins as she listened. The lyrics meant nothing to her – she would have to ask someone for a translation – but the tune somehow conveyed a deep sense of renewal and belonging. Life goes on, the gryphons sang. We are a family, and we’re exactly where we’re meant to be.
           “Are you all right?” asked Redbolt once the song was over and Wygar and Fayn had gone to join the line of couples waiting to jump the fire.
           Asta sat up, blinking. She hadn’t even realised she was crying until she lifted one hand and felt the tear-tracks down her face. A few different explanations came to mind, but somehow the only one that made it past her lips was the truth. “I want to go home,” she said quietly.
           “Ah-hm.” Redbolt looked around. “Well… I can give you an escort, if you don’t want to go by yourself in the dark. Or you can maybe tag along with Inkfoot if she hasn’t already taken the apprentices back to the College. Where’s home?”
           Asta thought. Her flat near Stormhaven’s northern wall didn’t even register; instead her mind went to the house where she had grown up back in Kiraan, then considered Lady MacArra’s fine manor overlooking the water in Duncraig, and finally settled on an old stone tower by the sea, where hens pecked through a little vegetable garden in the shelter of an outer wall and water horses rested on the rocks after dark. “A very long way from here,” she said, watching the fires.
           “Ah. That kind of home.” Redbolt sighed and lay down on his front beside her. He laid Pardus’s saddlebags across his shoulders and took out Asta’s tea flask. It had held its temperature throughout the day and the tea was still hot. He handed it to Asta; she unscrewed the cap and poured herself a cup. “Tell me a bit more about your berserker.”
           Asta sipped her tea. “She’s… Have you seen the portrait the museum has of Lady Meredith?” Redbolt nodded. “It reminds me of her. She’s tall, very tall, with long red hair she usually keeps in a braid and fair skin with hundreds of little freckles. Lots of tattoos on her face and her arms, and maybe more under her clothes.” She smiled. “And strong, too. Very nice arms. I expect she could pick me up like a kitten if the mood took her, but she was always gentle with me while I was staying with her. Her eyes are… Do you know Captain Steel, from the Curlew? They’re grey like hers, like… well, like steel. Piercing, is the word. Like they see right to the heart of you.
           “She’s not always talkative – there’s a shyness there – but she always answered whatever questions I had and if I needed to talk, she listened. Really listened, not just sat in the same room while I spoke. I don’t think I’ve known anyone who listened to me like she did.” Asta took another sip. “The man I escaped from recaptured me after a month in her home and tried to take me back to his family’s castle near Duncraig.” Redbolt’s wings came up in a protective stance Asta recognised from Steel, though he didn’t seem aware he had reacted. “She killed him and his guards and put me on the next ship south – Curlew – to here, where I’d cross the border to freedom and be well out of reach if his family came looking for revenge. That – fighting the guards – was the only time I ever saw her go berserk. Maybe it should have scared me, but…”
           “But you felt safe with her,” finished Redbolt.
           Asta nodded. “I thought a lot about it on the journey south, and after I’d got settled here. Whether what I felt for her was real or if I’d just fixated on the first person to show me some kindness after… after a very trying period in my life.”
           “And… a lot of people have been kind to me since I got to Stormhaven. Surely those feelings would have faded by now if that was all there was to it.” She sighed and wrapped both hands more snugly around her cup. “What about you? Any romance in your life?”
           “Nah, not for a long time.” Redbolt stretched out his front claws, curling his tail as far around one hind leg as it could go. “Even among gryphons, the ladies prefer a fellow with both eyes and all his toes.”
           “Well, you’ve been very gallant with me today. I’m sure any lady would be lucky to have you.”
           “Ah, well.” Redbolt scratched his remaining ear. “You looked like you could use an outrider for the day.”  
           “It was very kind of you.”
           Redbolt folded his wings again. “I flew north once, a long, long time ago,” he said, watching the silhouettes around the fires. “Followed the coast all the way up to the great ice. Kept away from humans mostly – they’re not so used to us up there, or at least they weren’t back then – but I ran into the odd hunting party or trade caravan in the Sea Lochs, up in the hills or out on the water. Seemed a nice place to live – peaceful, even in the towns.” He sighed. “I’m no seer to go telling the future, but… I have a feeling you’ll find your way back one day.”
           “I certainly hope so. I’m just… Not entirely sure when.”
           “Give it time, and keep your eyes open,” advised Redbolt. “You never know when you’ll get your chance.”
           Asta finished her tea and packed the flask back in the saddlebag. “Thank you,” she said. “For everything you’ve done today.”
           Redbolt nodded. “Do you want an escort back to wherever you’re staying?” he asked. “A lot of folk just sleep on the beach – Wygar and Fayn would probably let you share their camp if you want to stay until morning.”
           “I’m sure they would,” said Asta, “but I wouldn’t like to impose. I think I’d rather go back to my flat, if you really wouldn’t mind.”
           “It’s no trouble.” Redbolt stood, stretched, and looked back at his wings. “Though I don’t think I have it in me to fly you all the way there. You ride your construct and I’ll follow.”
           The road back to the city was well-lit with lampposts every fifty feet, but it was still reassuring to have Redbolt prowling alongside Pardus while Asta rode at a walk or soaring above when she spurred the construct into a run. The sky was fully dark by the time Asta reined Pardus in outside 103 North Wall Street and climbed down from the saddle.
           “Where do you stay, out of interest?” she asked as she removed the saddlebags and dismissed Pardus.
           “Got a nice cosy eyrie up in Gryphonroost,” said Redbolt, flicking his beak in the general direction of the gryphons’ traditional home beneath the Crag. “Reward for my long service – don’t you worry about me.” He gave another little salute, tapping one talon against his scar. “Could show you around some time, if you haven’t been up to the tunnels yet.”
           Asta smiled, lifting the saddlebags onto one shoulder. “I’d like that, actually. Maybe next Starsday?”
           “Sounds good. I’ll meet you at the west ramp around noon?”
           “I’ll see you there.”
           “Sleep well, then.” With a last nod, he took flight and vanished into the dark. Asta let herself into the stairwell and climbed to her flat on the third floor. All things considered, it had been a rather interesting day.  
Asta gets on rather well with gryphons - once she’s used to them she finds them less intimidating than other humans - and in return they’re quite protective of her. Gryphons in general have a tendency to go ‘is anyone gonna adopt that’ and then not wait for an answer, even if the object of their interest is a grown adult in their late twenties. Redbolt made a passing comment once about how easy it had been to fly carrying her (she’s 5′5″, a fairly average height for a woman, but she is quite slim; Roan could indeed pick her up like a kitten) and the others got very concerned she wasn’t eating enough and started offering her snacks.
Further gryphon trivia:
The corners of a gryphon’s beak can curve up enough to mimic a human-style smile, but it isn’t a natural expression for them. They generally only do it if they’re trying to put a human at ease (or freak them out, whichever). A natural ‘smile’ for a gryphon is lightly flicking the tip of their tail from side to side, while waving their entire tail from side to side is a more effusive ‘grin’. Redbolt missing half of his tail means that other gryphons sometimes view him as much more stern than he really is.
Leadership among the gryphons is hereditary up to a point. That point is when the others decide that the current chief isn’t doing a good enough job and they elect someone new. Lady Starfeather’s family line have been in charge since her grandmother (Eclipse’s mother).
Although gryphons are longer-lived than humans - a hundred and fifty years is a fairly average lifespan - they mature more quickly; a ten-year-old gryphon is physically and emotionally an adult, roughly equivalent to a twenty-year-old human.
Redbolt was originally called Goshawk from his wing markings. ‘Redbolt’ is essentially a nom de guerre that people started using consistently enough that it just became his nom de paix as well. Lord Eclipse was named such not for any markings but because he was such a huge gryphon that people used to joke he blocked out the sun whenever he took flight.
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love-takes-work · 5 years ago
Who wants a rare merch post
I just want to randomly show you some of my merch that’s anywhere from somewhat rare to rare af
For two reasons: One, if you’re a collector and you didn’t know this stuff was out there to get, now you know! and two, if you happen to have some of these things but aren’t too attached to them, chances are you could sell them for a good chunk of money. A few of these items I’ve seen for sale for over a thousand dollars since I’ve gotten them. (I have never paid that much for an item.) Some of them could be worth hundreds. So surprised at what some of them are selling for on eBay! And that I was lucky enough to get most when they were cheap!
First, let’s do TOYS:
SuperCute Plushies Peridot and Lapis
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Complete set of Pint Size Heroes, including the rare water Gems
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Complete set of Backpack Hangers, including rare Tiger Millionaire
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Complete set of Figural Keychains, including rare Wedding Ruby and Sapphire
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A Tiger Millionaire 2016 SDCC-exclusive mini-plushie
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All of the 2017 SDCC Exclusives
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All of the 2018 SDCC Exclusives
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LootPets Squeaky Cookie Cat dog toy??
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2016 SDCC Big Donut original minis
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I have many other toys but I don’t think they’re rare?
Kitchen Stuff
One of these lunchboxes is rare but I forgot which
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Color-changing Mug (featuring Connie, Steven, and Jasper)--I think this is pretty rare?
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I’ve got water bottles, glasses, coffee mugs, and other accessories but I think these are the only rarely found ones.
Art Stuff
Missy Peña’s limited edition art print sold through Cartoon Network Collective
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A set of posters that come in mini tubes--
18 different designs (13 mini-posters, 5 locker posters)
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(some of them on my wall)
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Six years of SDCC signing sheets (2014 to 2019)
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Gallery Nucleus 2014 flier
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I also have several more easily found posters, but they are readily available and not rare.
Pretty rare I think, vinyl set of Soundtrack Volume 1
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Vinyl Single, “Stronger Than You” / “Love Like You”
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Of course I’ve got the cool DVD sets and digital soundtracks but they aren’t rare.
I have some rare variant covers in my various collections. Probably can’t put them all here.
Original comix
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Ongoing comix
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Steven Universe and the Crystal Gems covers
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Harmony Covers
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Special Issues Covers
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Zines, related materials, and compilations
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SDCC Zuke/Tang Zines with all 3 covers
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(Some non-rare comics not pictured. No books included; I believe none of the books that have been released are rare.)
Trading Cards
I’ve got the trading card binder and complete base sets and a lot of pink foils and some sketch cards but what people will be interested in is these:
All the Totally Fabricated Bubbled Gems Cards
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A bunch of autographed cards
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This is Dee Bradley Baker as Lion, Ashly Burch as the Rutile Twins, Zach Callison as Steven Universe, Michaela Dietz as Amethyst and as Purple Puma, Estelle as Spoon, Kate Flannery as Barb, Erica Luttrell as Padparadscha, Aimee Mann as opal, Kate Micucci as Sadie Killer and as Sadie Miller, Jinkx Monsoon as Emerald, Matthew Moy as Lars Barriga, Grace Rolek as Cloud Connie, Charlyne Yi as Navy and as Ruby, and the promo card of Estelle as Garnet from SDCC.
Spinel Heart Enamel Pin
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Crystal Gem Quartet large buttons, con exclusive
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Rose Quartz Flag patch
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Gem Scarf and Rose Quartz Pin from LootForHer:
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Complete set of dog tags, including two rare ones
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The Answer temp tattoo from book event
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I also have a ton of stuff like earrings, necklaces, rubber bracelets, hair bows, gloves, socks, caps, lanyards, patches, and keychains, but I think they’re all easy to find.
I have a crapton of shirts, six dresses, some underclothes, shoes, costumes, and some sweaters and hoodies, but I don’t think any of them are rare enough to make this list either.
And I have board games, cards, puzzles, and video games; none are rare as far as I know. Up in my house there are some things like magnets, air fresheners, the Rose Quartz flag, the Lion coin bank, stickers, and various bags like the Cheeseburger and Hot Dog, towels, pillowcases, wallets, calendars, and journals . . . but again, far as I know they are not rare.
And I don’t know what category I’d put these in but
CN Steven Penny???
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Official Karaoke Microphone???
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Let me know if you’re wondering about whether an item is in my collection that I just may not have or may not have known was rare? (Yikes this post got long.)
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sherrybaby14 · 6 years ago
Just a Touch
Prompt:  A short fic where Steve Rogers gropes the reader repeatedly and at first she starts to ignore it but then one time she confronts him and asks him to stop and then he gets angry and it turns into non con.
A/N:  I took some liberties and changed it a little.
Warnings:  NONCON/RAPE.  Please do not read if this offends you.  (But it turns into Dubcon)
Pairing:  Steve x female reader
Words: 3k (longest drabble ever, but not edited so probably has errors). 
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You never thought you’d wear an evening gown after your prom, but here you were in a red and white show stopper at the Stark Christmas gala.  It was like a dream come true.  
“Y/N.”  Pepper grabbed your arms. “I’m so glad you made it you look great.”
“Thank you for inviting me Ms. Potts.”  You leaned in and greeted your boss with a quick kiss on the cheek. “This is amazing.”  
“For the millionth time, it’s Pepper now.  You don’t work for me anymore.”  She backed up and held your hands.  “You deserved that promotion, but I hope we still keep in touch.  As friends.”
“Only if it means you keep inviting me to fancy balls.”  You both broke out laughing. “But really, I respect you so much.  You were the best boss I ever had.  I owe you my career.”  
“Well stick with me tonight and I’ll make sure your star keeps rising.”  Pepper tucked your arm under hers and led you into the party.
The night was a whirlwind.  You’d met Avengers, politicians, philanthropists, even movie stars.  You felt like you were drunk, but hadn’t gotten the chance to touch any alcohol.  
“It’s overwhelming isn’t it?”  Pepper flagged down a waiter and took two glasses of champagne, handing you one.  “You seem to be handling it well though.  I’m not surprised.”
“Hey Pepper, come on.”  Tony appeared out of nowhere and grabbed his girlfriend’s hand. “I need you for a second.”  
“I promised I wouldn’t leave Y/N alone.”  Pepper reached out with her free hand and grabbed yours.  
“I’ll keep her company.”  Steve’s voice startled you.  
You smiled up at the blond and turned back towards your friend/former boss.
“It’s fine.  Go.”  You’d met Captain Rogers a few times and even though you’d never exchanged more than pleasantries the awkwardness of being around the famous man had long faded.
“Five, ten minutes tops.”  Pepper smiled and disappeared into the crowd with Tony.
“Having fun?”  Steve took a sip of his beer.
“It’s amazing.”  You put the champagne to your lips.  “You don’t have to babysit me.  I can survive on my own.”  
“I like watching over you.”  Steve lowered his drink. “Cheers.”
He clanked his glass to yours, but with too much force.  Your champagne went down the front of your dress along with some of his beer.  
“Shoot.”  You grabbed at the fabric.  
“Sorry.”  Steve reached behind you and grabbed a napkin. “What a klutz.”  
He pressed the cloth to your chest, but instead of dabbing at the wetness he squeezed your entire breast in his hand.  No bra would go with the dress and you felt everything.  
“Uh.”  You tried to back away, but you were against a post.  
His hand loosened, but then squeezed down harder again, groping you through the fabric.  
Your reaction was to twist away.  
“Almost got it.”  His hand relaxed, but then went to the tip of your breast and squeezed down hard on your nipple.  “There.”  
You squealed and jerked away.   Your hand covered your top and you bit back the urge to slap him.  But he looked down at you with a lazy grin and took another sip of his beer.  
“Mmmm.” He winked at you.
“Excuse me. I should head to the restroom and wash up.”  You darted your gaze.
Was that intentional?  No way.  Captain America was the definition of a gentlemen.  He would never.
“These hands.”  He held up a huge palm. “Sometimes I’m all thumbs.”
His fingers rolled and you nodded and brushed past him.  You would clean yourself up and enjoy the rest of your evening.  This wouldn’t get to you.  It was a mistake. That was all.  Steve meant spilling the beer, not grabbing you.  Either way the exchange had left you with a rock hard pebble and a decision to steer clear of Captain America.
“Pepper!”  You saw your friend in the lobby of Stark Tower.  
“Y/N.”  She ran up and gave you a hug.  “Are you just getting in?”
“Nope.  I forgot my phone in the car.”  The lobby was packed.
You always got to work at least thirty minutes early to avoid the massive crowds.  A trick you picked up from your former boss.  
“I’m on my way to a meeting, but we have to get together for drinks soon.”  Pepper squeezed your arm. “I haven’t seen you in a month!”
“It’s been two weeks.” You laughed.  “I’ll call your assistant.  Get something on your calendar.”  
“Promise?”  Pepper let go.  
You nodded.
“Go!”  You shooed her off and headed toward the elevator banks.  
She waved as she walked through the lobby.  You loved how she was the most powerful person in the building but people treated her like she was normal.  That was the sort of leader she was.  Even though everyone was below her, she acted like an equal.  It was inspirational.  
An elevator opened up and you slid your way inside the mass of people reporting for work.  You didn’t pay much attention as you took out your phone and started scrolling through the e-mails.  
At least Spring finally hit New York and you were able to wear a skirt and blouse instead of a jacket, since you knew the crowd was going to make it hot.  
Once as many people squeezed in as possible the door shut and the slow climb of constant stops began.  At the first stop you felt something brush against your ass.  
You couldn’t wait until more people got off and you wouldn’t be so cramped.  The following three you felt the same brush.  When the elevator stopped a fourth time you started to think it was intentional.  
You glanced behind you ready to give a nasty look when you saw the blond super soldier grinning down at you.
“Hi Y/N.  Haven’t seen you in awhile.  How are things?”  Steve licked his lips.  “I think the las time was the Christmas party right?”  
All looks from your face faded.  You didn’t know how to respond.  
“Yeah.”  You nodded and turned back around, wanting the conversation to end.  
The elevator continued to climb and when the fifth stop came your ass was met with a hard pinch, making you jump.  
“Woah.”  Steve reached forward and steadied you, dragging his left hand over your ass while his right one stood you up again.  “Don’t fall now.”  
He didn’t let go.  His fingers were on your ribs to the side of your breast while his other hand was cupping your ass.
You didn’t know what to do.  If you smacked him you were going to draw attention in the still very crowded car.  There wasn’t room to step away.  
“I’ll keep you upright.”  He put his mouth right next to your ear.  “Go back to looking at your phone.”  
Did he think he was being nice?  He was from the past and you did almost fall.  Still the touching made you uncomfortable.  It was so uncomfortable and you didn’t know what to do, so you listened and acted like nothing was wrong as you went back to your e-mail.  
“Good girl,” Steve whispered before standing up straight behind you.  
The word made you cringe.  Who the hell did he think he was?  But telling off a superhero in front of all these people wouldn’t earn you any brownie points at work.  
His fingers would randomly move lightly.  You felt like he was getting closer to you as well and swore you randomly felt an erection brush against your back.  It was tempting to twist away as the elevator began to empty, but nobody was paying you any attention.  
“This is my stop.”  Both of Steve’s hands slid.  
He grabbed your breast and your ass fully at the same time and squeezed.  You dropped your phone, but before you could push him away he was gone.  
You stood bug-eyed as he stepped off of the elevator, giving you a wave and a wink as the doors shut.  
There was no misinterpreting that.  It was intentional.  He was messing with you.  Why?  You didn’t want to know.  It gave you the creeps, but not as much as the small wetness you felt between your legs.  Shame washed over you as you picked up your phone.  Why did that turn you on?
You didn’t want the answer and hoped you never ran into Captain America again.  
~~ “Hi.”  You adjusted the straps on your summer dress.  “I’m meeting a friend for dinner.  I think she’s here already?”
“Y/N!”  Tony stood up from a booth in the back.  
“Oh. I guess a few friends?”  You smiled at the hostess before walking back to the table.  
You thought it was a ladies night, but maybe Tony wanted to tag along too.  You almost stopped dead in your tracks when a third person stood up from the booth.  Steve Rogers turned around, giving you that million dollar smile, with wicked eyes focused on you.
“Y/N.”  Pepper stood up and came to give you a kiss on the cheek.  She whispered in your ear.  “This is not a set-up I swear.  Tony ambushed me.”  
“You know Steve right?”  Tony greeted you with the same kiss on the cheek.
“We’ve met.”  You cringed, regretting your decision to never mention Steve’s hands to anyone.
He stepped out of the way and signaled for you to slide into the booth.  All you saw was the wall though and as you sat down realized you were trapping yourself.  
“Pepper said you were going out for dinner and I thought we would tag along since the baseball game got rained out.”  Tony stood for Pepper to slide back inside before joining her.
“It’s not raining.”  It was one of the driest Julys on record.  
“It is in Chicago.”  Steve grinned at you.  “We were going to watch it on TV. Do you like baseball?”  
“Not really.” You smiled, trying to divert the danger flashing in your brain.  
“I love it.”  Steve cracked his knuckles. “Especially the thrill of getting off first base.  My favorite is stopping at second and then getting a double and going straight for a home.”
“I don’t know what any of that means.”  You took a sip of the water on the table.  
“I’ll show you sometime.” Steve winked. “You’ll love it.”  
You gave a half smile.
“So, did you hear about Lenny in HR?”  Pepper ended the awkward exchange.  
To your surprise dinner wasn’t going bad.  The four of you were having a decent conversation.  But then you felt it: a hand on your knee.  
You tried to jerk your leg away, but the booth was too tight and you didn’t want Pepper to notice.  So instead you squeezed your legs shut and put your hands in your lap to block him.  
“Have you seen Tony’s car collection?”  Steve ran his hand up your thigh.
“You can’t see it in person.”  Pepper topped off your glass of wine.  “Only digital since they’re scattered all over the country.”  
“It is impressive.”  Tony reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, holding it in front of your face.  “Give it a glance.”
You wanted to slap Steve’s hand away, but didn’t know how without ruining the night, so you took Tony’s phone.  Mistake.  
He was strong and went straight for your apex, sliding his fingers over your panties as he leaned closer under the guise of looking at the cars as well.  
“Wow.”  You tried to give the phone back, needing your hands free.
“Scroll through.”  Tony took another sip of his wine.  
“Scroll.”  Steve dragged out the llll, as his fingers started rubbing you.  “Some of those babies really purr.”  
You gulped as his fingers found your clit and started pressing down.  You looked up at Tony and Pepper, neither of them noticed.  Then you looked over at Steve who grinned down at you as he pushed harder.  
You tried to cross your legs, but that only gave him a moment to get better access as he cupped your entire pussy, pressing his palm into your clit.  
Shit. It felt good.  You dropped the phone and turned to shove his shoulders.  
“Woah!” Steve lifted his hands.
“Y/N is everything okay?” Pepper looked at you like you were the one being inappropriate.  
“Sorry.”  You dropped your hands.  “I have to use the restroom.”  
“You could’ve just asked.”  Steve laughed and looked at Pepper and Tony with a shrug.  
He stood up from the booth and you practically crawled out.  
“What was that about?” Tony asked. “I thought you two were getting along?”
You walked fast, not wanting to hear the rest of the table’s conversation.  When you got to the bathroom you went straight to the sink.  
What the hell was going on?  Why did he keep touching you?  Why did he think that was OKAY?  You had to tell Pepper.  Clear this all up.  Let her know she was trying to hook you up with a creep since this was obviously a set up.  
If you had your phone you would text her to join you in the bathroom.  But you took a breath and decided if you hung out here long enough she would join you.  It was girl code. No way were you going back to that table.  
The bathroom door opened and your heart jumped, hoping it was Pepper.  Instead a tall blond man came inside and slammed the door behind him.  
“What are you doing in here?”  You started for the door, but he locked it.  
“You’re such a tease Y/N.”  Steve darted forward and cupped your cheek, pressing his lips to yours while his hand groped at your breast.
“Mmmff!”  You tried to push away.
His hands went to your hips and he spun you around.  
“Stop!”  You grabbed onto the sink to stop yourself from falling.  
“I know you’re soaked.  You got wet as soon as you saw me didn’t you?”  His hand went under your dress.  
“What?”  You tried to stop him, but your panties were pushed down.  “NO!”
His hand reached back up and found your hole.  To your shock his finger slipped right inside.  
“I knew it.”  He stood behind you. “So ready for me baby.  Have you been thinking about this since Christmas?”  
“I..stop.”  This was happening too fast.  
You didn’t know what to do, how to respond.  Zippppp.  The sound of his fly coming down made your eyes go wide.  
“I knew you were kinky, but sex in a bathroom?  With Tony and Pepper out there?”  Steve stood right behind you.  “I love it.”  
It finally dawned on you what was about to happen and you tried to move away, but Steve had you by the hips.
“Here we go.”  He pushed inside of you and you gasped.  “Look how beautiful you are.”  
Your eyes went straight ahead to the mirror and you got the view.  You were bent over the sink with Steve behind you, stretching you with his cock.  
“Oh you take me so well.”  He pushed in further.  “Most woman can’t handle it.”  
How were you this turned on?  Memories of your hard nipple at Christmas and the wetness from the elevator seemed to excite you at the moment.  Was he right?  Were you a tease?  Were you into this?  
“That’s it baby.”  Steve’s pelvis pushed against your ass.  “Enjoy it.”  
He must have sensed you relax and his hands left your hips.  One went under your skirt and found your clit while the other played with your breast over your dress.  
“This is just a taste.”  He started thrusting.  “You’re coming home with me tonight.”  
It wasn’t a question, but a big part of you wanted to say yes.  You found yourself arching your back to give him easier access.  
“Quick and dirty.”  He snarled. “I don’t want anyone to come looking for us. Brace yourself.”
Again, you did as you were told and gripped the sink.  He started plowing into you, rubbing your clit and using you breast to hold you steady as you bounced into him.  
You spiraled, tightening up and contracting around him as waves of pleasure left your body.  Your eyes rolled back in your head as you shook from the most intense orgasm of your life.  
Steve pulled out and you almost collapsed as he finished in his hand.  
“Guess you don’t need these anymore.”  He leaned on the sink next to you and held up your panties, now covered in his jizz. “Take a minute and meet me at the table.”  
He slapped your ass before letting your dress fall back over you, unlocked the door and left.  You looked up in the mirror at yourself wide-eyed.  What the fuck just happened?  
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